Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS T i > f’l.i.-o, Cancel or Q A /I Q C rro< ! your .ai .ill O440*440*40 i00 CONNECTIONS NEED CASH 1 »N*n buy e*t'a .*ke’s ' Pl< r..- aU bflfc .--:>**• lo.ur 105 personals" L\ Andrew. Please date pas* out' Party on boat 3' One more round of Depeche Mode* Thank * so much for the great weekend at lake Bitty Chinook' It was most Unbelievable' April ATQ We proudly Introduce our graduating class of Spring '91: Constantine H. John P. Kyle H. Thomas F. Jay J. Richard B. Devereaux P. Joshua O. Lance B. Rob S. Marty K. Dean H. Brian H. Congratulations and Good Luck in the Future •Your Brothers Unplanned pregnancy7 BiUImM" .m! place to thmk things over Someone to talk to Personal confidential 687 8651 Be Kind To Animals CHI OMEGA Congrats to our very much appreciated Senior Class! We will really miss us. Love the Senior Class Clark God not to not be taken lightly and his brain >s not missing The Toast Lady Holly F. Rone*, are red Violets are blue you said you had mono The- : ' -uni ,iut what wjs !' j** Now I m sitting pretty And you id! >k likr- a ike Thanks to you t has a 'ad weekend And you got po*»on oak LOv« SAM P S Sweet dreams baby LISA L. Black Student Union Director CONGRATULATIONS! We love you1 Walton Stall MONEY FOR GRADS' N«mxJ in « as*? of rain tickets Win pay Lon 342 33*5 APARTMtNT HUNTING! let our classifieds be your guide’ 105 PERSONALS Projects mui! ba removed t MU Craft • coin by June 13 To the Cat * favorite Man Ml always love you and l m going to miss you' Don't you dare forget about me’1' love Muffin P YO STfPH W no LOST & FOUND Jacket found LOST sunglasses' Recently find REWARD no TYPING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TYPIN', TERM PAPERS " •*«P*rt#nre . ompeii!',.- rate* 48S 64ri*, TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land Laser Printer 48S 3343 f orffi#fty located 8«|Ou Thratrr Bldg WORD PROCESSING L aser pnnfmg 11 , . 683 2315 aM<*? 2 pm Printed text to computer files fs C A NN E R Sj 7474589 3i?o (wii. »j - j\&. - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCESSING i. f««l *♦*!'V»l 1 rt«l ) „u::ua'Ji: uu Jwatk ‘juSbx i j juuuri Kpp* II (.rtM IBM >*»* ■ ] GtiS E 13th A' J44 0759 ROBIN \ GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED . . * ' H .... . • i ' , .<• ON CAMPUS' DIAL A TYPIST 883 7777 EAGLE EYE TYPING EDITING By 0*1*<<*r ed Af.fr* Pn D rt-'wi'J Eva s Typing &83 356$ Typing $1 25/pag* Laser Printer FASTYPE WORD PROCESSING FLYING FINGERS S’ . . ; 484 9038 Peggy * Typing Service E»p«<'-r-> e<1 lyp.r.1 M«' " J *r . m IBM on-putei system end Cali Peggy a* 342 4868 FOR SALE MISC FOR SALE MISC IT'S HERB-: COMPILATION VOLUME HUDSON VAN CUREN’S infantile machismo OMY ($5/”) FOR ALL HE WWI STRIPS l HOW TO GET A COPY... ^ 1. Pcfc a copy up at U of 0 Bocfcstcye or Emeraid C -ty PP Comes Avajiatte May 24 OR -. 2. Bity one from Mcfaei Rus5«* persona#* OR... 3. Send S5 00 plus $' 00 postage and nantln so 1918 F,teres! Drive Eugene OR 9’403 Before JuV 1. 1991 Book will ae sent to relum address 0* Aug-s! l 'J9’~ormucn. ^ much sooner Be sure to send a efieo ■ ponsorad l»» C>Ml dON VOIC i NOW AVAILABLE IIS TYPING SERVICES »jn^TCT»p*i-K-; ‘ MiJ ii! s. h,*4 l V ! h !’i .mV i 4':r i'linttm-. < -i*phi. • ! 4 ft Jr, K urnif < CAROL VN 130 FOR SALE YEAR-END CLOSEOUT SALE ON TYPEWRITERS! Don't miss our super prices on top-name typewriters. Great gifts for gradsl While they lastl UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO 13th ft Kincaid PH. 346-4331 Alpine 7283 Car pullout stereo $175 Spectrum 2 f #<1 a i $60 Clifford IM\ car alarm w remote $100 All negoha bl« Darren 346 rtrt4 7 Miami new AM ^ M recording Walkman S $190 obo 666 1176 Full mattress & spiiog $30 rer liner $‘>0 night stand $i‘> el«< fan $10 343 6973 e»#» V ull sire fufon It frame $100 Lady % ten speed bike $40 34 3 4473 GARAGE SALf '• S. » $. bed $4. et. Other !wmturm. >-m. .* Hardwood desk S' ••• i ' S^ gie futon $2‘> must s*i! by Ju<* LEATHER SANDALS 75 PR. SIZE 5 12 SWAPMEET FAIRGROUNDS SAT AND SUN $15 $20 Over 200 mowing cartons clean all sires used once Take all for $245 (Less than ' j normal cosh 344 6906 Yakima rack B‘»»- S. 35MM Home a iJOOobo Cfuts U 12912 135 BUY OR TRADE Need i tra , Wanted » ► no PETS Malamute Beautiful1 Gieat 2 y1 Male iNl 'gotta move to l A i $50 345 4657 U5CARS GOVE RNME NT SEIZED . vrl a,MhOO f .i *,42 Honda Civic woo! rebuilt engine $b, 11)80 Dal%un ,*00SX i‘)8fc Honda Pf*lu(lf v 11)45 Ghovy Chevofie ibo MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Honda £ life ISO S‘»00 oho 14. 4i)/T. leave maiidye MUST SELL!! HONDA ELITE 150 { X( f ; l ‘ NT i uN()lTION "♦fts model ve»y low mile*' 1S81 Mo mi i ' M 4«M-f Hi Suiuhi GS S‘»0 81 Yamaha 750 84 Honda £ III# US \bb BICYCLES KHS TRlATMllH »* ■ ' ■ Mountain Rika ! u r) tm '*).• ■ Summer H i» o Top ’ ' > • N . |ii ISttfl 23 Raleigh Technium A • -• s< .>t» 16‘j COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Custom IBM cion* • *■' »< , • 4 MH •• S’ ' '• r . SPf C.IAI SAL l VGA ;ahSK & JA6D* Computer* A Mulli lingua' software Spanish f ianch with sound Intelnational Computer Center * JO Olive 142 64 79 Toshiba laptop * 175 INSTRUMENTS Eprphon* Acoustic ’ I >• , ' ...• d • .• > *hm . S Risk the sky R U staying 4 summer0 - i. • f Ur key 19b OUTDOOR RECREATION SCUBA BICYCLES eugene bicycles 8th & Monroe, al Blair 344-2175 TOTAL CLOSE-OUT 20% - 50% OFF ©v'b ALL PARTS &0 Super Deals on Fuji Bikes zoo TRAVEL t F«vn«t* »IV ->*>/> 6AT 0^5 5 BUDGET TRAVEL Go fu'Ot>« * " i Ml AP A H ri M T > %\h »• ?15 OPPORTUNITIES ■ W v (HI Blk* 14.*' , CASH FOR YOUR USED LEVIS 801 UP TO $8 JEAN JACKETS UPTOSIO ADULT SIZE BLUE ONI Y Old i» .hot not paint Nvi'in i fiE’M HulgKA km1 Apts. ♦ 14 ibas*menl PLANNING. Don I forgot to fit* your iNH NT TO Ml tiiMI H • ARD # I ‘ 4V 4*\ DUCK CALL Hf GIST I R BY RMONI ■ Duck Call ' ... ... . . DID YOU KNOW' s' you n««d lo #•!• *n INK Nl TO Ml GI5TI R CARO 1 • . . MMt H d 'N HI Qf^y-or. MaTI 't Ifte Regntr.j' 1 f 4fn t iO nfr »•" •• 'P4«tf »« ' " "«V * M houf The firm 1 Sind tH» ««*p4riited i|hn» mp^nsrurn!t INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Run-off Elections Come and Vote! (Student I D Required) at International Cofteehour Friday. May 31st EMU Int'l Lounge Starts 5:00 PM Sharp OPPORTUNITIES ?ib OPPORTUNITIES Ooo I kno* » all Qttyon N«nn *i 14.) 37*»S l if ( r 11 IN', ri H)H INTI NT TO Rf GIST I R CARO f OH SUMMf IUIHM' 'ii’nii Supervisor A Amyiimnnl t ditor [)t AOl INI 4 I'M JUNT \ I’pomien 1 Hungry ’ Well Ditiitd MMI R IN • I RNSHIPS IT S N< > I TOO LATf Student Activities HeiOui' e Off»* * invite* Student application* lot VISUAL ARTS COORDINATOR This position plan . 4 supervise* Hie Ail display* fof the I MU (iallory and Aperture i*allery thmuyhout Ihe year Application Suite . I MU Deadline May J1 mi FORGET ANYTHING'5 IT'S NOT TOO LATE The Ama/my Micro Diet M.iNe money or lose weight ( ail Vonda at 1 BOO 47} 40A9 I itm Tuition i iee Information rHjfliiiiint j..>r»»I:■ »nr. a.,in «?'•»» f l«*.t houM) Neiultiv Option to tram no* and staff jMitr !»< I'/hii Training provided l arge tnlmnal. .nat firm V t .>*» starting pay rat* I nt»y !*»«■ 22o HELP WANTED ACTIVISTS' Studant Campaign for Oitarma manl ' a t— . t*" ' ' Ml, nthly Stipend of StM* 00 Jof. ilov tip • » • t api .1* •• ,ii p ►««! • ; " . 1 ,*• .. ' i MU v f» «mpi >y*»' and a** ju'j'.;*’ alt ' for ns! ml students * ipply Deadline ' ’ a*! !4r1 44n in t4‘i