‘3 Alice You did it! Httnl in Mint ii's in hiki uirc .;tuI u»nr :i/‘ (" (i'll ,\oiLtidltnc'1 love, Mu lu ll' Bye guys Ashley Bob & Pete I'll miss you! K the crosswords, the sports words and those oh so loud words Keep in touch MIC HI LI \ Say Cheese1 Love. Grumpus \Q GRADUATING SENIORS J*nmt*f B Mary f Sh#ct H t.nh* M Nicole M f rt*lin* R Nicole S C**ofyn S Chei»*a S Heather S Ran** f> Grace * Thanh you for all of the lor* & rtetji cation you have contributed lo Chi Om*ga throughout your college y**ik iV« could not have com* thi« l*r without you Good Luc» m alt you You* Sr*t*r* in V Lotus & Candy WAA HOC What a deee groovy year Bat man & Ramen, (hot sex) ants. The Whiplash Ex press. "Tell him I'm not here" (hot sex) I'll miss you guys next tall Love. Jenn Paul M. Po»mg lo* Playboy AGAIN1 >0U sTUC; F vmn though you *>•»# l*t* to ©v*fy thiog n« pinnn«d I'm going to ml** you Ruddi** Fo'»*»i Kntti f* S J*thro Tull it tuch * gi**t guy l *d too'* ODI ADVERTISING STAFF 199 1 Xo 1 Pe>* a itw? vteAjf i OsOcxruscX' 4 I""**; fe>Y ■5upfW'''»^ dCC'i^'iom 'Xirtf-op® lii/il tvrvvvwr^ Arid* ^J.nr ALAWp&f. iua* t>a*^ #* i£. i^f-r^, -O^pBWCKr! MUC* V^C'Jvl TNT I didn't think I'd really have to wnte this You know you are a thinker I will miss those earth shattering mon ey making ideas (although lew others will-kidding). Maybe WH will wanna go si* col1 Remember the dream. Connie, duck buck cottees. sister who. those dam stairs leek what was on them9 you stepped in it), green - the color ol mon ey. my phone number. Re member when your side is hurling. I have something worse let s meet tor cottee seeing you don't have to be at work til 9 See ya. bye MX parting sncrsi Oh, no! They're leaving We dedicate this ad to Alice C. Lotus C. Michael G. Linda K. Anna R. Hon W. well miss you! Happy Trails Send postcards I >>vi- trom vour, oni propo pai s VCR/CAMCORDER HEADCLEANING $19.99 All Makes & Models June 1-8 9:00am-4:00pm Drop-Off/While You Ufcit General Electric 1492 W. 6th, Eugene 342-7285 KC: ■'Uroiti SPRIMT ANDERSON'S Anderson’s carries the sporting goods for your spring athletic needs! Running shoes Warmups Tennis equipment Backpacking equipment Running tights Swim weai Sunglasses .. and much mote! $1000 OFF ANY REGULAR PRICED SHOE (tur S>4() ur more) I SALEM • ALBANY • CORVALLIS • EUGENE l 199 W. 8th, Eugene 484-7344 K\|ih.'n lunr i‘cii (Fugene store only) ON CAMPUS THIS SUMMER? Pick up the Oregon Daily Emerald every Tuesday and Thursday, starting June 18! Oregon J Untnid ll