SPORTS Ismail having fun at NCAA meet By Lyle Crouse t meed lipr'■ ;■ _ . : Qadrv Ismail is exerted about this wcrt X \( A \ .s I k id ( hampionships Hut exr be mcnt is nothing new lor the Syracuse hurdler It has bei ume a wav ui life in the past sis months Ismail doubles as a wide rei eiver for the Syru i use football team and on < hristmas I )av the ()r angemen shut out Arizona in the Aloha Howl gg-O. In I ebruary lie and brother Kaghib. I he Rocket; from Xotre Dame both Avon big s at the same indoor tra< k meet And in April. Kaghib signed a Vo million do I lai contract with the lorontn Argonauts of the (Canadian Football I.eague Could a go \ear old handle mm b more ext ite ment? Qadrv Ismail can handle it lie even looks forward to it Tin inxt so happy to be here I ve heard so much about the tradition in the state ot Oregon he said ol the trai k championships I’he bottom line is. Oregon is tile trai k i a pit a I ot the C S Ismail rail I I 7.i Thursday to qualify lor today's semi finals in the I 10-meter hurdles He was set nnd in the third heat, behind Washington Stale's Tony la lie tied Pittsburgh's F.lbert Fills lor the fourth-best overall time, behind |errv Konev Of lames Madison, l a and I exas AStM's Creg Wil liarns Ismail was glad to finish so i lose to hi the man favored to win the 1 lb hurdles "lie was probably loving with the field lie said "You've got to take your hat ott to la Vou've got to take your hat off to the whole field." lie also takes his hat ott to the S\ racuse < oar h mg statl both Ismail and Coach Itiik Coleman credit his sura ess in the hurdles to the tutelage of assistant coach Andy Koberts Coleman enjovs coaching an athlete with is mail's enthusiasm "It's an attitude you want in all your athletes, and it one has that attitude and spreads it. it's very pleasing." Coleman said "It's just a pleas urt1 to have that young man in the program tbs attitude and work ethic are great Ismail has to have a great altitude and work ethic Without them, he couldn't part it ipate in two sports while pursuing a degree in i omnium cat ions It takes a spe< nil kind ol kid to do that I ole mail said I out ball season keeps ismail from preparing (or the milunr trai k season. ami spring footballprat In e postpones Ins outdoor ton k until ■' *11\ May Hut Ismail believes that his experiences in track < .m hi'lp him in football and vn >■ rsa f ootball gives you extra strength uni I rat k helps vvitll the outright speed, he said \lthough Coleman believes tie hulk gained in football hinders flexibility in trai k he agrees that trai k has helped Ismail's speed m football It s made him .1 better footballer he said (M course speed hasn't.been nint h ol a problem for Qadrv or am Ismail tor that matter Oltlei brother Kaghili emerged first as an explosive re t eivei running bar k and ki< k relurnei at Notre Dame and was diihiied I he Kim ket Qadrv soon tier ame 'The Missile younger brother Sul.iimen File Bomb and their mother I alma even got in on the .11 t bet tuning 1 tie haunt hing Had Kagtnh's suet ess has added 1 new twist to Qadrv's life Comparisons and expei tat ions ire ■often made, and Qadrv must held numerous tpiestions about tns famous'brother tint that doesn't tarnish Qadrv s enthusiasm Ihev re two pretty mature young men, and the\ handle it exi optionally Coleman s.otl It s a good taniilv situation There s no true«i>\ no bitlerness Qadrv credits his family's cohesiveness to the influence ol his mothei who raised her three sons after her husband's death when Qadrv was 'I years old And when Qadrv thinks ol Kaghili s new status as a millionaire in' thinks ol how that moni'S w ill help tlien mum I think the world ol her I really think sin s my role model. he said And to think a mem her of mv family could bin tier a home she wants and help her have a happier tile 1 tie two brothers met for an indoor meet in February and Kagtnh won the Vi meter dash while Qadrv was lust m the Vi meter hurdles Their mother was present and they spoke at a post HH'ft prrss ( mitrrriH <* It was great to see the family then* enjoying the silt a ess ol one anothel ( oleman said Qadrv called Raghtb earirei tins week and Kaghib is now considering 1 visit to Kugene to see tils brother run It’ll In' great to have a rnemliei ol my lamily here auothei nut leal weapon1' the Missile said ol the Koi ket NCAA Continued from Page 6 pulled a mus< It- in nn side I was hoping Ihf technit al slid! would slick with ini' It Hlair was surprised I leinonen v\ as stunned "I was shocked." Heinonen said She was HitIi alter tile first dav and I thought it would he just good to gel eighth Sharon )aklutsky ot team fa voritf !ouisiciiia State won tin; \( A \ heptathlon < ha in p ton - ship vvith ">,7 (J points I was i mnfortable that I had a good i ham e and-1 toil that it everything went well I i ouid u ill she said 1 .SI' (loach 1 ’at I Iron said ho expected |aklofsk\ to plai e high and that the lest ol tils team is also performing as ex We felt like it s h e (Jaklofskvl had a good meet slit*'1'! In- in the 11»j» group Benrs said things .in- going flu* vsas vvi- thought right now .mil .i little belter I SI s Dawn Howies ran the best ipu^lfs mg time in the lilt) hurdles speeding her 11,11 til -I svi mi-aided 1.! H > finish I earn mates Mars I ohb and ( anna moil Sheffield had the second best times both running in I t Oli during the other heats Sheffield's time vsas ssind aid ed U of O Discount Day EVERY SATURDAY take an additional 10% OFF All Purchases At NEWBERRY'S Variety Store Downtown 966 Willamette Must present U of O I D. To Receive Discount '* WUNOEMJWD *1 GNEAT FO« PARTIES ANO B1MTMDAVS '*VIDE0 ALL GAMCS WOA* WITH NICKELS 5 6AMES admission m #5 STM STRICT PVMUC MAMItT IKiH • MS-M44 Student Summer Storage Special See A AH* Slivio^ 1062 Hwy 99 North (next to Gilbert center) 10 min. from campus Engine Service 1000 S BertcKcn Rd 18 tugcnc OR 97*0? One Block Norm of W I UN Ind PU/.I Specs. :>rig 'i Volkswagen Ser\ ce For 4. 3 42-3952 years Student and Faculty Discounts ! 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