Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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indoor Storage Units
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IS Insured, custom packing
is#-' Boxes for sale
IS UPS. Emery. Motor Freight
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(comenient parking)
Location Change
The College of Education will
conduct the pre commencement
ceremony and brunch at Con
don School 1787 Agate on June
9, 1991 instead of the- Education
Ducks almost perfect at NCAAs
By Jake Berg
! Hit".i J Spoils Mt-;..
A sore bat k iiiul *> I Inin
dredths nl a sec und kepi Oir
gon from Inning .1 perfect d.n
,il the \( A A I'rai k & I mid
('hampionships Thursday
()l tin- five But k athletes
ro m pet i ng 111 p11-! 1 ill 1 n ,11 v
(■wilts .it Hayward Field only
Nltole Woodward did not ad
vance Despite ti pulled bat k
muscle the Oregon sophomore
was still only t>l hundredths of
.1 second Iron) leaching Natur
day s y IKK) meter run tin.ils
I yyas so unsure of what
would happen \yith my hark
Woodward said I yyas just
happy that I go! here
Oregon javelin throyvers I’.iu
la Herrv and Kmi Hyatt. 100
tneter runner Rosie Williams
and '1,000 runner l.ucy N'usrala
.ill qualified for the next
lieriy hail throws of fill 10
,ui<i ton y to take lirst during
the qualifying throws, .mil ll\
.til's Im'sI nt r'U-i was fourth
iimong the throwers
I w.is real nervous today,’’
Hern said, 'but I feel .1 lot Ix t
ter now
When I stepped on tire run
w.t\ I heard the 1 mud .1 to
tal advantage to us Hyatt
Williams qualified automati
1 a 11 \ for todav s too meter
semifinals h\ finishing fourth
m her he.it I’he Oregon senior,
who had only the 18th best
time of the \( \A field ran to
an ! i no finish.
"I fell like I had nothing to
lose and everything to gain he
cause nobody was expecting
anything of me Williams
said II I'm do 1 ng good
they’ll know I'm doing good II
I 111 doing had they won't < are
bei .lust- I'm not even supposed
to be out there
N'usrala also automatically
qualified, finishing second in
her preliminary with a 11> -I t i i
"I kept telling myself, '(let
through this and there'll be Sat
unlay.' Nusrala said ’’Satur
day '•'ill be nice I don’t like
to run qualifying rat es
She seemed c ompletely un
der control Oregon (loach
Torn Heincmen said "She* c an
run with the big guns ’’
kelly Hleir. tiro only other
Oregon athlete in Thursday's
events surprised herselfTry fin
ishing sixth in the heptathlon
with r>, <77 points Hl.iir "as
tilth aftei the Inst four events
Wednesday but ended strongly
Thursday ini hiding a second
plac e nr the javelin with a per
some! rec ord throw ot 1 H
"I yv.is really surprised he
c ause I was 10th (before) "
Hlair said "I hadn’t thrown
(the javelin) in the t ilts sine e I
Turn to NCAA Page 7
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