Abortion ruling focus of rally today Ml i I l\(.S AND 1A l.\ I S Students for ( hoi< e i " soring .1 r.illv to protest the re (rut Supreme Court decision ri'KiiidinK abortion counseling (it.noon .it the I eder.il Hmldiiiy hi downtown Kiigene The / m rr.ihl ifiuirriM.il) reported tli.il the r.ilk would he held Thins Et als The Ini ident.il I ee ( nmmit tee meet Mond.iv it p in in I All i ed.ir Ron in A to i i inside i Spec nil leipiests troni WI N! .mil Students for the I thi« .11 Treatment ol Animals Also in (eru.il business w ill he ills ( USSI'fi SItiiit-nl pan-iils • . 1 urbanize student p.iri-nl .issoi i ation u ill mi l l fn>11, li i. i l p m in Ihc I Ml ' \\ .limit RiHim ( lnlii < .nr will lx-.provilicit In a r r a n in- child < .i t i i rl 1 111, 1 I HI Sluiiinl lli'.illli Insurantr ( aimniilli'*- iat in p m in 1 Ml i i-nlurv Kuuni 11 hint-raid ( handier Oriheslra spring tuni t-rt, featuring I lie mush ill Haviin \ ivaliii. Mu z.irl .mil Si hiilti'il will 1 m- ,i! Ill p in i n I In- l it ilartan ( Imu h Kith Avi'inii' uni 11.hi aid siri-i-i ( haiIt s I airil gem-tli s department ..! Ih<■ I in versi t y uf VVashiiigltin. w ill spc.) k mi Principles ol (.enonni Imprinting as Ulus (rated h\ the I ratfile \ n (Imme C'liallenges fur (leneti i jsts and I vnlutiomm Uinlii «ists .it t til p m in Room 1 10 \\ illiimetlc Hall llr.ulliiw tnr submitting I t .l/s hi till- hlller.lld fmilt desk I Ml ' Sintr HHi is nniiii tin• tl.i\ hr ton piibliintiiin It ills run tin• il.n nl thr ei ml tinlnss thr el rill (dies pin r huh Ur Hi »(m Xutlirs ill el ruts li ith .1 tin n.itum nr nilmissiun i h.irgr a ill lint hr ,11 i rptril (' I 111 p II s limits ,lllil thnsr si tit'll li Ini nrnrrst llir puhln.itiun 11,Ur w ill hr gi\ rn priority ihr i tu el .1 Id reserves Ihr right In rill! until rs tnr gi.imm.it .uni st\ Ir FOR BOOKS IT S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME MAY 30 JUNE 8 MON.FRI. 7:30 A M. TO 6:00 P.M. SAT. 10:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORE. SECOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (MON THURS 9 5. FRIDAY 9 3) June 3 7 only INSTANT CASH WE PAY 60% OF THE NEW STU DENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED FOR SUMMER & FALL TERMS. DAILY PRIZES NEW!! Buyback Quid Info Counter now In main floor lobby - Check prices FAST! ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY P” >rv- An-,,>,. ■ ; M.t ' TUESDAY: CD Player WEDNESDAY: Ele tri TypeAMtcr THURSDAY: Cassette De K FRIDAY Sony Walkman GRAND S200 UO BOOKSTORE ! PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE I 20% OFF COUPONS RECEIVE A COUPON FOR 20°o OFF MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE WHEN YOU COME TO SELL BACK BOOKS. FAST SERVICE WE RE DEDICATED TO GETTING YOU THROUGH THE LINE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Need a lift? Ireshin.m Matt \U(Jueen gi\ c.s freshman Anne Boger ,i piiplint a! suntn weather. I’lioto li\ Mark YIen Explorer honored as outstanding graduate I' n i vers it \ graduate A n» liani roll an explorer. edm ator and author who in be i ame the onlv woman to rear h the North Pole is the rec ipient of the 1'mversity s Outstanding Young Alumnas Award tor pen Nile will give a publlt talk and slide presentation that is free and open to the puble in t h e A 1 u ill ill l.o u n g e o I (lerlinget I iall ,it 1 p in today As a memlier of the Sieger I stpedition Ham roft served as photographer and i inemalogra pher toi Y.iMu/i«i/ (.eugru/i/i/i Sin- is c urieiitlv working on a hook about the expedition and planning an all women ski trek ai niss \ntari t u a J'.k h \ car. an outstanding voting alumna is honored fol at hlev mg signilit ant distini tion in Ins or her professional or personal endeavors within 1'i \ears ol graduating from the t 'niversitN Ham roll earned her hat he tor's degree in phvsual edut a tion from the I'niversiK in I'll! 1 and immediatelv began a te.it hmg and t oat long t areer in t h e Min II e a poll s p u blit schools She was named \/s maga zine's Woman ol the Year ill l'tur and is also an at live t id /en diplomat working with a number ot United States Soviet ext flange programs DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WITH A BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH? 1 / I iy & If you do, come to the ODE Classified Department and wish them HAPPY BIRTHDAY for only 50C per line!