Express yourself Marin D.i\ •mil her rimiuhter Karmen. < enji>\ .1 hit ot rare Oregon sunshine is the wait to i at i h the bus near the l bin ersiti Hook store I'hoto In Mark ^ Irn COUPON— L "Where Your Table Is Our Kitchen" STUDENT SPECIAL hvo C omplete Dinru'rs for ()nl\... ( hoi( O Ol Shrimp \ ( hu ken or \\ str.>ik ( hu km K! (i SJ") • \o Substitutions • t xpires (> fr 41 “Early bird" Menu Now Available I honors iue Sun I mm i no _ _ /-tv 2(>4’> Willamette . ..-I.... [’.irking Ai.iiLiblc In I -COUPON BRIEFS Continued from Page 1 allied students .it the state's < ul leges and universities next si bool year T he II u in an Resources ('orninittee will hear testimony on Senate Dill 974 whii h would establish pin su al at ( ess i onunittees al higher ediu ation institutions and would require the State System of Higher lain i ation to ini lude disabled at i ess in its next legislative budget request The Senate passed the bill earlier tins month. Oregon Disabilities tuminis sum. Oregon Student Lobby and two disabled student or gam/ations requested the bill i barging that the I liglier I du i ation Sy stem has been too slow to respond to the needs of disabled students over the past sev eral y ears Today 's public bearing on SD 974 w ill be at 1 p ill in I {earing Room I) in the ( apitol building in Salem Sl.ilt* Sen Hill heniiemer si nidi'll llii' Senate List week .it ter lawmakers refused .1 lull would tinv e replai ed the legislators health 1 nsui,uii e w I til the kind id he.llth 1 .lie ( )l egon’s pour Will lei five kenneitier s.iul lie proposed SH 1181 to allow state legisla tors to direr tl\ experiem e the kind of health 1 are that the 1 out rover si.11 health i are 1 a tinning measure will provide the poor hennemer pointed to what he i ailed ' the Its pm rts\ id I I eat ing a health i are plan for the poor wliii h the Senate refuses also to give itself The Senate voted last week to send kennemer s hill hai k to eomnnttee w here it is espei ted to die \\ e ha\ e the opportunity to share in the same risks as we are asking the poor to hear In said H\ sending this lull h.n k to 1 ommitlee the Senate is shirking responsibility in share personally in health i .in- tm I In poor l'lii- In-,111 li ciin* rationing plan is good enough for the poor, tint it's not good enough lor us hennemer saul I (fon t know how else one c ould interpret the Senates at tion \tti-ntion geography m.i|ors I hi- lust topographic al map ping projec t ol the entire stale was completed last week tak mg nearly .f c entury to ac c oni plish Idle- l! S l.eological Sur\e\ began the prei|ee t in 1HU I puti lishing .1 one degree- quad map ot Ashland 1 lie series ot maps which show tile shape and elevation ot the landst ape was c omplet ed when a > minute series for (Irc'gon vs as puhl ished I ngineers sc lentists, and even hikers and campers use topographical maps which m dilate a wide range ot natural and man made features ■you |\AVE /■'-acLv Student Ducounh Micrcxomputer Support lob 202 Computing Center 346 4402 M-F 9am 5pm THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fait Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on cimpus ««wm • t ' >** Need Storage for the Summer? SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNT! 3 Months storage on a 5x5 unit for only $70.00 (Regularly S20 (K) per month) Must pay 4 months in advanie AAA Budget Storage 4940 Main St. Springfield, OR Bring in your student II) t-tplrrt «> 10 91 HappyiTrails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD’s Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one s1.50 OFF ANY CD! an a basebai1 U 91 COUPON NEW LOCATION 365 E. 13th 485-5351 Oregon DAILY EMERALD 1*11 B«** 'I'** T utfrm Off|"n ... {>.».! y f i • ’ •• ! M • l.iv Or- ;■;? * !.»»• *• • • • funmj »•«.," ait* .*/'«» v.ii t » Ihr ( • D.-»t Or**y« " l Of«*g< Tf-.t* l ftn?ralcl in ■ jtril "Mh*poM(l«*'''tiy f the Uni.i-rv-*, a -Mi. m ffir* !;, . .» Mif t ft M• *n i r -5 . t " -f tr.«* A • The f mm.iii J i'i pr iv a!*’ i >< (n*i t y T h«* ii'hja *•f ■ .f [f.i; • *. J • ul atite f>y .ia f (litOf A M «n*gmg l dMoi i ditonal f ditor Politick I ditor Graphic* t ditof Supplement* Editor In Touch f dltor - iv.w H()h W.IMt . .• km Mark i ■ l a, ■ t aKwftnh lt ffornboi. ki nrwi t aiio' \ (Jitormi I ditor Sport % I ditor I nter tmnment I ditor Supplement-. A^*.t I d Night I ditor M i • ’ A-.hloy l.« >!m l aynv t ak**fmh Am, f f »h !i' i 11 t> Don Polm*. ASSOCI4I0 t UllOf, Community f’«Student Government/Activilies *" • Higher Cducalion/Adminislration ‘ ■ •• , HepoMct) i • • * C i' , i m»" ; Hr i t ’ ■ • * • i V • , i m . N»- i M ’ • »; i ♦* M. ff vVw «• ■ Photographer & t t * » * '.Hr Advertising k . A . ■ i M u* H lag*- 1 i ■ . hit**! Gray 'ft Knsta N.. *• {eahy Kirsten ■ . as Ste N«-a- r i H ' • . Mary d**r-., • r i" , ,■ " P-MiStf ■ | ■ • ' 1 f Kelly MeM Husm«»l Kail . att>« - , < • ■ !. • > Production i H.i 0a; ••• 4.j*r-h •. ■■■; -t m* ;■ a* Ah .• Cannon tutus Child Sarah Clark Carol Dopp Jim Cinch M( m I jv l«*r H'lry i ••da K »a-• I ad. Jan Mas Mac y Mit< hr O' - ■ - r ■-»* r • if i If Hr) III Ml !•,•'. 11"" i ho Smith A !■ V. - I Ji»r • iftir ! f M ,■ H.,n Wal^r !o«M Williams General Manager Judy Ri*-.J >»• Hawley At tin Dennett K n • >«• Mussed Oaraiyn Kathy f ' ! M Mi , • -• • M < , Ma>' i other h,»f I Janet S« hi-tea fair Heidi Hoem.ii (.orme f r if! So '.an [)f<- M 1 r t A- • Stephenson Steve production Miniyei m- • •- m Newsroom Busmen* OfflC# 346 SSI 1 Production 346 4361 146 in; 146 114 1 Advertising Director Display Advertising Classified Advertising r,m SKIP ■^™cuss DO IICIIATIOM A INTtAMflALI EARLY REGISTRATION $2.00 OFF May 29, 30, 31 June 18 August 8 • (8 weeks) Class FITNESS AtifOblC 'i i Bench Ai* r o t >" •. Aerobic v Bench Aerotm •. Aerobic s Aerobic S Aerobics A t ji 1< ifi nf! .ji • WM Weight Work* ujt Water Aeroh" Water Ae'< r DANCE Ballroom Tap II Tap I Day MW UH UH MW UH MW UH MW UH M W Time 12 30pm 6 30pm b 30 pm 4 10pm 12 JOprn b tOprn 6 10 pm 5 10pm 5 10pm 3 30pm 3 30pm 5 00pm fj 00 pm Location Ger 220 U . . Ger 220 Ger 220 Ger 220 Ger 220 i Sl lb Ger pool Ger pool Ger Ge» June 10 August 8 • (9 weeks) Cost UH $18 $18 $ 18 SIB S1H 118 S?3 S?:i S16 $18 $18 $18