Oregon w,"w^ . ir' HuLtv M.iv M IWI f tigcne <>f \ olunu* Issue 1 (vi Proposal would improve bicycle rules, policies By Lisa Millegan t rneiald Repohet better pi tic ernent and lighting of bn \ ( lc parking am nisi .1 fev\ .of the possible additions to lilt' I’mversitv d .1 new bike improvements plan is adopted A l'nivitsit\ bitvcle-user committee lias (Irafttsd ,1 pmpns.il offering ret om mendatinns anti guidelines fur ftilorr .id dilions In t .tnipiis bit vi In lat dities According In lilt' proposal's- iitlrnilm lion, llm plan would establish "a frame work id polities circulation roulns parking fat ilities etiut aliQn.il iiitornta lion, and enfqrt ement guidelines tn en 1 on rage use of bit vt les and In make llie t.iinpus as sale as possible lm Ille whole l niversitv community One recommendation (.ills lor the ad dition of more bn vt le parking neat bike paths frank Tepl'er a l'mversity plan max .ismii i,ilf \vhi' helped draft the pi.iii s,ii.i tii.it t>ii v« i«‘ parking m ills mount areas em mirages i \i lists in ig nore nu-liii vi ling signs riii1 hew pi.hi IriVs to In, .it,- parking ill plat-rs » Inn people would lie inline: aiivwav lie s.ml AI lot Her set t h in ol the | ■ i., • • ■. . I ; vide lighting Ini .ill Ini \i le p.ukiug .ire.is Tepler s.nd The user i oinnuttee .Killed tile i'e( iilHllleiid.it loll to help 111 i reuse .-safety.' ol < % < lists I lie prop, sal .dso explains th.it lighting . ould di . mit age thieves \ key ( oinponenl ! I In . ill n the t'iuversl’tv :provide; tnm e sigps that updid 1 le.irlv nlentilv hike mull md dismount ,ire.is ,1-, well ,e- assist riders with dire, lions ,11 id orientation In .id. 11 lion, the plan promotes advisory signs sill ll . 1 s Sldeu.dk Hikes N leld .Old signs including maps .it major i.impus entrain i'n Ollier recommendations mi Imie the i ir.ilnm ol ness hike mutes mi I llh Ase line Itnni kirn .ml til t nisersits streets .Hid mi I'niverstlv Street (ruin t till In litti ase.nues Moreoser. t he i omul it tee i.i like I lie I IHSerslts III III.ike mine Iniu Imres .mil maps available to the i .unpus i muimmitv I'he I ’nlversttv approved a simil.ii tin \i le pi.ill m the earls 1‘tHlls hut it si-.is lies et implemented due le a l.u k ut tmulutK llussever money should not be a problem toi proponents ol the i urteul proposal the tmversits has S-IOO.tHH) from parking lees spei dll ally available lot Ini si le uupros einenls lepter said 1 epfer said the Inis ersils should spend a little less than hall ol the total hinds on covered hu si le parkins; while Smi null would he slated toi umovered parking and S i.IMM) would he used lor t>iki■ paths l.uii's .uni signs III,' rrsl wotllil In- .illiii .Ill'll for illisi rllnnrnus r\ |irlist's., hr Sillit II unplemrutril I hr |>1 .in sillmill i'll li.t in r i v i I is 1 prilrstriun rrliiliiins s.iltl i 11 n 111 1111 t't' inrinlirr k.i\ t suits Shr aihl I’ll till" ( Ullimittl'r spnk r With stlllil'llts !i'|irrsriil.il IV I'S 11 nil l till- Ofllir ul till vrrsitv Planning .111(1 till- ( util r III I'lililu S,ili'H for suggestions mi improvements I lirir iii'ii' ,i lot nt | >■ -i ip 11 ■ hulking .it problems living In imiir up with suhi t ions t i nits Siiitl li the Olfn r of I nivrrsitv Planning hr l ull's In rn tiuiini iiil tin- proposal thr plan will hr Iiirnril ovn to the otfu i iit It,in Williams, v it r prrsiilrnt tor .itlmiii istration Im filial approval t'nivrrsilv Planning will review thr til page iloi u mriil at H tp this morning in I Ml' ( nlai Kmiin \ I hr inerting is open to thr puli In L Go long Oregon sophomore kell\ Muir threw I IJ 8 (hiring Thursday > heptathlon conipeti tinn.it the \V.V\.\ Track k Tiehi Championships Him r took second plate in the javelin and si\th overall in the sexcn-parl. two-day event For lelated stones see pages < Photo li\ M.irk ^ Ion Committee considers disabled student bill I hr l ilnt iitimi ( mimiilli'f m 11 if (Jn^nn I Intis** approved .1 mrssaiir that would urge the l S (auigmss to resist n*dut turn of federal student tui.iu 1 lal aid 10 ns 11 ( \i*i m 1 1 {RUIS \llei reviewing Sen,tlf limit Memorial I nil U <-t t n i ■ si 1.1 \ the House panel passed tin- hums till' sending ll to .ill evenlii.il lull vide in the I louse S|\l I was leqiiesled llV lie Oregon Student l.nhhs in response In proposed 1 ills in lederal sin deni .ml |inigr.nns b\ the Hush \dministr.il uni I'he message. which was II 11.1111 IlHIUslv .lj!|IIIIV Oil 111 lilt' (iregoti Si*n.iIr III .! iimnlli, WOtllll Oppose lilt* pi I I pi)set I ic iiin I mu iii the I’er k ms I-iHill (XI )Sl | filial,llll .Hill (Ilf cllllll nation ut the SI,ilc Slmlciil In I rlltl\c I .Mill I'rngratll When inmlnnecl with the proposed 111 pen I-Ill mi le.iM' III tuition next ve.u (he results (.on111 he devastating for mam (trefoil students said I )SI. I )i iei tin I \ un I’ini.kms The I louse is ex pel ted to vote on the ineastile next week \ state I louse i onillliltee will consider a lull todav that would promote create! .11 I ess tor dis fun. to BRIEFS Page Memorial service to be held I hr Kiimallir Irfilimia^rs ilr partmrnt will In till it mriiuiriiil srrviirtni I’rutrssor Knimamicl 11 a t / a it t <> n I s in (I c r I i n gr r l.uimgr \tond