Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 30, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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LSU on track for another NCAA championship
By Jake Berg
Emerald Sports Reporter
\\ hat i iinIti have been a great
da\ fin I ainara limes at the
\t A A l r.ii k \ 1 lelit ( ham
pinnships was wrei k. il by a i ai
i rash
limes, a freshman sprinter fill
( begun was involved in an an
tnmobile at* iilent Wednesday
morning, pist hours in-tore she
would make hoi \( AA t liam
pinnships debut in the 4(1(1 me
lei dash No one was seiioush
injured in the wrei k
"It was pretty traumata
[ones said ot the ai indent. not
the rai e "It just kind ot jolteil
She finished last in a time ot
a a la m hei preliminary heal
hut said tile wrei k probably
hurl her more menially in the
rni e than the sore b.n k she re
i eived from it limes' hriithei
w as killed in a i ai at i ident re
i entlv
"I pist ran a bad rate and
that’s all. she said "Now I
get to wall h the superstars
Oregon (loach Tom lleinonen
found loners' finish under
stundnble bet ause ot the at i i
'' Ismot ioiutllv stii' vvus prolta
b 1 r u n n i n g o n e m p t y .
I leinonen said dnu don't
have a whole lot lett alter .1 1 .11
a< 1 ident
Arizona Stale's Maine! Mn
lone, the defending national
1 hampion in the 4(H). ran the
fastest time in all ol the 401)
meter heats I he Sun Devil
sprinter ran against tile wind
and rain to a 5 1 4.; finish
In the heptathlon 1 ompeti
lion, Oregon sophomore Kells
It la i r was loth sv it h . 1. 1 > ■■
points alter the opening tour
events U ednesdas I he
heptathlon 1,0m ludes todas
with the long jump. javelin and
BOO meter run
"I tell I had ,01 ( >K das eon
Photo h* Mark \ l?n
I s I \ Sharon /.iA/iWsAi ><nK in rr Ihr high lump hat tn lakr Ihr Ihr tin<1 ila\ trail in Ihr hrptathlim
sidering the weather tondi
lions.'' Hlair said "I nisi want
lo finish v\idi tomorrow
Hlair ran a I t fill in the Hill
hurdles jumped ri f>' ; in the
high )iimp put Ihi' shut
tti H)11 and finished the 200
meters in 2ft H !
Tor Kells getting the na
tional < harnpionship experi
eni.e as a sophomore is impor
taut. I lei minen said You
I u s t g i't better in the
Louisiana State's Sharon
luklotsk} is III first pi,11 e ill the
heptathlon uitli i tMi points
,md teammate jovenniu Ml Duf
fie sits m sei unit plai e
Idle 1 igers' 4x 100-meter re
lav team also has the lavoieii
LSI team looking good allot
iho lust dav Despite loss Ilian
idoal conditions for sprinting
tho relay to.llli ran lo a limn of
t I -in in a prolimmarv hoal the
host limo in tho world this voar
and a I lav w ard I told mi ord
It did (surprise us). I-SI
U ion am hot I sther )onos said
id getting iho ioi ord in tho
ram We wore a little skepli
i al because it rained when wo
first got out there
i.Slf is trying to set lire its
tilth \l A \ title in a row and Is
ott to a good start on it LSI
( aim h I’a! I lonrv said
"We've had a good day
1 fours salt) We ve done what
SSI' thought HI' I lltllll ill! toil.IV
l lii' i ondilums lii'it' .in- tough
on tin- multi esflit ntlilftfs
High )iiiu|irr Luiri'l Kotifrts
the only olhi'r (Irttgon i umpeti
toi 1111.111ft• -i 1 fur U filiifsil.iv '■>
events l.iilfil to i If.it tin1 open
ing height of i •)'« Kohtirts
s.ml the wet conditions were
Mimewhiit dislr.icting hut ‘.hi
ss.is thrllleil to he it the \( \,\s
id the first [il.ii e
You look lorvv.iril to h.iving
.i mi e ihn hut l iu re.illy es
i itfii I ill.nle it ill Huberts
Roberts ss.is however, dis.ip
pointed thill the opening height
ot i ‘l ss.in set higher tli.ui she
ss .is re.ids tor
" I'li,- whole mental thing at
> u is kind "l a sIhk k vail
has c In tie iimrc melltalh pre
pan'll Roberts said Ms ap
prnai h .uni everything !*• 11 real
Is good. but I don't think it
ratlli' together real good
l ight i innprtitnrs ipialilird
for thr high pimp finals b\
i tearing i ‘l1 , hut right limn'
on hiding Roberts didn’t
l t I A senior lani'i'iii' Vu k
rh a t ss 11 11 ini' didi' ml i n g
\( \ \ liampinil in tin Hill
hurdles, finished ssilh thr last
rst tmil' iit thr inn luirdli’ limit>
in >7 (11
fhi' iimi h ss anli'd nii to
i mu I'lilrah- on the xi'i tilion ol
tin' tain \ n kins said It
turni'il out ss i'll for tin'
\iuitliri defending titli'hohl
a Sou la (> Sullivan ot \ 11
laimsa i nosed to an rasv ssm
in her l lltin meter pteiimiiiars
( ) Spills an finished the t.tlllll
in a 'I ti 'it' lime
I m in it os erls i out tdeiil
<1 Sullisau said ol her i ham es
al a repeat "I'm just going to
ss all ,tinl .. ss hat happens
Georgia freshman Ingrid Mel/
I hi ess the ilisens I tai 1 and
(in ii ge Mason’s I iiane (iuthne
long pimped .11 t1 i to lead all
athletes III till ise tss o rs ruts
(Jrcgon Ians mas ui't then
best look .it tup ()rfgun athletes
this alter noun whfil )avelrn
throwers Paula Hi-ri\ .mtl him
IIviitt t.iki- ' enter si.mi1 ilutmg
tlif |,iv•• 11n ifualitviiiK throws .it
i It) p m
Iterrs s 11„! I jiivi'lin throw is
tlir longest collegiate toss in
llir nation this season .mil 11\
■ itt has tin' nation's lonrth lies!
i ollegiate throw
Sails I larinon. tin' I kregoti
throws i o.ii h lii'lii'vi's tin' pair
has tin' ability to taka' tin' top
Iw11 pi.u i's at the \l \ \ nii'i't
Shi- also thinks Hit is i mi hi
Turn to TRACK Page 12
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