SPORTS Weather doesn’t stop Ducks at NCAA meet By Ashley Conklin Emerald Spoils f dtloi II didn I rain on (tregon s parade .it tlit \i AA I'rat k s I held ( hanipionships Wednesday .d llavward I leld I'lii* host lltii ks advniH ed three people to Fridas s Im.ils .mtl .1 fourth Huh ( Iras . made it to tin- s«* 111 ifiiiiiIs id I ri day 's tllO-moter hurdles Most ol the lust das was 1 untested tin der rainy .mil t old < oiiditionx. hut even though the Diufs ,1 re used to sut h ion ditions they didn't hate anv extra ad vantage ( oarti Hill I)el linger said I wished tin1 weather was better Dellinger said "It got to he pretty had I 'hat doesn't help anybody Hut Oregon adjusted and advaru eii Iyr \ ill! Si hoiai l .Hid KII W Mrstlrr lii tin- 1.000 mrtn strrpln hasr finals on 1 ridav. \r! Sk»|»i>it to Irnlav s javrlm fi mil .uni (Inn In Friday h srntifinals in iIih ton nirtrr hurdlrs Nut .idvani mu with Shimnon f.rmora in tin’ moo .uni Hri.m Wright who non |unrd Ins li'ft hamstring .it I In - of tin ■100 hurdlrs ' I ft-It had for Brian l»-i ause hr ni.uli a y;ood < 1111 ti 11 >1 Drlliny r said I n.r Imjii'fiil Shannon might makr ii Still I In- I tin k s an- in tin' I tin I ol iIih Irani lai i I don't think wr lost am points on Shannon and Brian.'' Drllutgrr said Irnnrssrr tin- prr mrrl favoritr got right points out of thr ilav's only final rvrnt as Todd Willi,mis was sri mid in tIn* 10.000 meters (locking 28:20 02 Louisiana Main's Ferry Thornton won till* event in 28 2a '12 Tennessee ( ji.ii h Doug Brown i ailed it a so-so day for the Volunteers who .id vanned most of their athletes to Friday s rounds but did lose Harlan Davis and Tommy Walker • it the 200 meters and then )\ 10(1 meter relay team I think we have enough (potential! points to win Brown said "We still have eight points on the hoard and that bodes well for us Brown added that it would he hard to see how the team raie shapes up until more finals are held Friday \llhough the Volunteers didn't lose any major points on Wednesday. Brown wasn’t happy yyiih how some of his alh letes performed I don't think they were prepared to rnn in tin* i old. ’ hi; said "Tin1 weather was awful, hut von have to hr mrnt.dh prepared to rnn because thrrr urn- still Inst sprint liinrs nnd Inst rrl.u tunes out then; V,m Si hoini k nnd Mrstlrr also find l.tsl times for the t)ni ks in the sleepier h.ise doth ran in the second heat nnd nfter wall hum most of the runners in the first heat run twit ween M -KC(M and t!:-hl 80 both knew they w ould have, to run faster to gel into I ndn\ s finals And both did Van Schoiai.k was in sixth plate with about 41M) meters to go but used a dead ' NCAA I FOR BOOKS IT’S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME 1 MAY 30 JUNE 8 MON.-FRI. 7:30 A M. TO 6:00 P.M. SAT. 10:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORE, SECOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (MON THURS 9 5. FRIDAY 9 3) June 37 only INSTANT CASH WE PAY 60% OF THE NEW STU r DENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED FOR SUMMER & FALL TERMS. DAILY PRIZES i NEW!! Buyback Quick Info Counter now In main floor lobby - Check prices FASTI ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY: Phone Answering Mai hine TUESDAY: CD Player WEDNESDAY: Electric Typewriter THURSDAY: Cassette Deck FRIDAY: Sony Walkman GRAND $200 UO BOOKSTORE I PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE I 20% OFF COUPONS RECEIVE A COUPON FOR 20% OFF MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE WHEN YOU COME TO SELL BACK BOOKS. FAST SERVICE WE RE DEDICATED TO GETTING YOU THROUGH THE LINE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! FREE CANDY \N M UO BOOKSTORE 3th & Kincaid 346*4331 M*F 7:30*6 Sal. 10:00*6 Blazers look to square playoff series with L.A. i\ci.kwooi). (..ill! (AP) The Portland Trail Mazers hr licvi' tlu‘\ can l»*c»mi' the tilth team in NBA history to rally from .1 I 1 defit it amt win a playoff serins They're one third of the wa\ there hut now i nines the hard part !n order to sta\ alive in tile Western t onferem e finals the Hla/ers have to beat the Inkers at the forum, an arena where thev’ve heen beaten soundly tw i( e in the series \\ ith our bai ks to the wail, either you have the intensity or you don't said (Hyde llreyler who had to points, seven re bounds and five assists in Port land’s '!:> 84 vn tory in (lame > Tuesday night Hut there’s go ing to he a lot of pressure on the l-akets Drexler was referring to the fat I that if the Hla/ers win (lame o Thursday night, a srv e lit 11 game yy ill he play ed Sat ur day in Portland Its gut a her k t line said Nfagu Johnson yvho had J'l points, eight lebounds and sey en assists in (lame !> If yve re bound, yyc have a good i ham r to y\ in the game I lie Cckers didn't rebound in llame a they lost the battle of the hoards ij t I y\ ith the Bla/ ers grabbing a Jo 0 advantage on the olfensiv e hoards "They attar ked the offensive boards |ohnson said "We didn't hoy them out You can't half body them You'd hotly one guy and here r ante ty\o more The Likers were out rebound ed at JH in Came J. a lO't tlH loss Then, they tame home and held their oyvn on the ho.irds yvhile yy inning Came 1 tun uj and (lame -1 111,T> A significant difference in Came ti from those lyyo games yyill he the physical condition of lames Worthy limited to J4 minutes in (lame :"i het arise of a sprained left ankle Worthy arrived at the I umm earl\ Wednesday to receive treatment on his ankle He sprained Ins ankle in the first quarter and was used sporadi rally after that He finally sat down lot good with ft t-t re maining. having scored 1 if points Lakers trainer\ Vitti is sued a statement Wednesday calling Worthy's injury' "a mild to moderate sprain \ ilti said prec autionary \ rays revealed no fracture in Worthy 's injured ankle "We feel c omfortahle about yvhere he is right now Vitti said A dec ision (on Worthy’s availability Thursday niglitl y\ 111 be made |usl before game tune I le rvlll tec five signitl c.ant treatment before the game two times today lyyo times to morrow We will use a number of electrical stimulants one to c ontrol inflammation one to control pain, and another to promote healing Nature is go mg to t.ike its course, yve're just trying to speed up the healing process "lames is a pretty tough guy If there's any rs ay lie c an play he y\ill play We're not going to put him at risk We ve got our fingers i rossed I'he Blazers showed they could y\ in at the forum during the regular season, winning a pair of overtime- games Now they have to show they can win there in the playoffs "Hopefully you'll see a dif fen*nt team crime out at the Id rum Blazers ('.oai h Kic k Aclelman said "We yverr a lit tie embarrassed. espec nilly by the- second game "We have- nothing to lose We re pist going to try and play .i solid game and see what hap pens COUPON COUPON COUPON 2 5 % Off the meter rate A /aax ^484•0920 THIS CARD GOOD TO OR FROM EUGENE AIRPORT expires 6-30-91 NOdnOO NOdflOO NOdflOD o o c *0 o z I