UNIVERSITY Campaign targets discrimination By Peter Cogswell Emerald Asset ate t iPtot In President Mvles Brand s vision for the I niv»*rsit\ the t ampus would In- .1 xnnctuarv fri’i1 Irom disi rimin.ition m oil forms This vision tame one step ( loser to fruition Wetlnesda\ as otfii nils annount ed the start of an all-out i ampnign to reduce prejudii i' on i ampus Brand I'niversiU Provost Norman Wessells and Diane Wong, affirmative action and equal opportunilx director, de i hired the STOP Discrimination Campaign officially underway on Wednesday The campaign is "an impor taut step to i reate a welcoming environment Brand said "The obits live is to t reate ,111 environment w here people t an feel comfortable and go about their business '' The campaign has three stages and is st heduled to con tinne through bill term Pi'll It consists of an initial forum de signed to generate disc ussion, an awareness t ampaign em ploving posters, advertisements and other const iousness rais ing materials, and anti tlist rim illation training The first part ol the campaign will foetus on stopping sexual harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation anti rat e In the tall, the 1 ampaign's fonts will In- broadened to < ombat biases based on sex or disabilities starts toda\ is ,i ( ini solidated effort h\ the I'niversi t\ to w ork together to sto|> w i iiuses oftense to others. Wong said "We are doing-our part at the I inversitv of ()regon .mil taking that part vrr\ srri (Hislv We have hern working on this for a long time, hut now we are working together and in numbers there is vii tors she said Wong said she does not he lieve the problem of disc rinii nation is as had at the I'niversi t\ as it is in other areas ot the I'lilted States, hut ifisi rimina lion and prejudii e or ( urs w ith in evervbodv " she said \o one is free from it Starting a dialogue on the subject of disi rimination is the tirst step toward solving the problem. Wong said In keeping w ith this phlloso |iln a panel discussion about discrimination was also held Wednesday The panel disi ussed sexual harassment i ouflii Is between ,n .idem u freedom . victim’s rights and an accused person's rights the investigation pro less involving complaints the I 'niversit y's res po ns i hi I dies, and the lot al and national ( h mate regarding the issue of sex ual harassment '(503) 726-9176\ 1-800-344-2047 Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe fea turing home baked breads and desserts Mexican, vegetarian and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special Friday & Saturday CHILE RELLENOS CASSEROLE With Refried Beans, ^ Brown Rice, Chips & Salsa.4>4.oU W 5th at Lawrence 7am to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m I’holn bv Nmlrr K