King arrested for trying to run down officer I.OS ANCKLKS (.MM Rod nev kinn. whosi’ videotaped heating liv [in 111 i- uff ii its sparked outrage '•'■I' arrested after Irving to run down .111 underrover oll» it who s.m .1 prostitute K''t into Ins Irin k .mlhurlt ms said Wfdni'sdav I’oln !• ((Itiff I )arv 1 I (.all’s meanwhile said Wednesdav In■ would resign it .in independent i ommissinn i n vest igal i ng King's Mart h I healing found In1 had ( realed .1 < !mi.ili' in the Angeles I’lilice Department that let tin' heating happen In the latest mi ident. King .in was arrested fur invesliga Inin nl assault with a deadly weapon on .ill nfln er late I lies da'V He was released after set eii hours said poll! e spokes man Hill I rio The .dinged prostitute .1 dressed .is .1 woman in king's t.'hovrolet Hla/er but wasn't arrested i rio s.mi 1 kites told .1 r.idio interviewer there msuffii unit evidence to arrest king for investigation o! soli, itiug ,1 prostitute king wasn't liooked on iin\ i !i.irv!• • .ind the 1 .iso re ferret! to the distrnt attorntw s oftii (• to determine whether I here was enough e\ 1 < ii* m e lor i haryes lu l«' fill'd Distrii I .il liinicv > spokeswoman Saudi Gibbons said prosei ulors did not imtni'di.ili'Iy rci five paper work to evaluate the i king s lawyer Steve l.erinan. said. It is obvious that Mi king is a very upset and ion fused person and ( ertainly re go-ts this inr ident i he heat mg ol King. \\ ho is him k In tuur \\ lute I iis \n gelrs Police Department offi ( its was i aptured nn videotape In .in .tmahuir cameraman I hr tape and ils repealed use nn nn tional television led to a l1 S lustier Department review id pnlii e lirutalitv natinuwide King has filed an $81 lnillinn negligence claim against the i its and the pole e department t M "X !-— ~»f—...i. -I VVe ve lost our lease ... MOVING SALE! ALL Oregon merchandise 50% OFF ALL blank sportswear 50% OFF ALL greek novelties 50% OFF All sales final. Limited to stock on hand. Sale May 28 thru [line 7. [| CAMPUS :onni:cti()N 344-3439 720 E. 13th (\c\t to D.tirv Qiicon) VISA' Tsmrrz 'W NEED HELP MOVING HOME? Moil ftajici Ek. Armouncw tv GREAT MOVE OUT! Slip's .)•«/ Packing Tape Supplied Fast Ground or Air Shipping via UPS BRING COMPUTERS • CLOTHES • BOOKS STEREOS • TRUNKS 00 YOUR OWN BOXING OR WE WILL GLADLY PACKAGE ANY OR ALL OE YOUR ITEMS UPS AUTHORIZED SHIPPING OUTLET rj pj your UPS shipping charges II on 51b. package or more With This Coupon 10% off Moving Boxes MAIL BOXES ETC. 2852 Willamette St. • 687-2836 Hours 9 6 M F 10 4 Sal LOOK WHAT YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE CAN DO FOR YOU. With your degree at hand you've proven you can do something good for yourself, how let Toyota do something good for you. No money down. If you !<• a four year t oil*-*}*1 qradt grad student. or .1 senior w ho will g within 120 days you re eligible for ta . special finance program I fie plan lets you apply up to si\ before or up to a year after you ear degree Non don t need a proven 1 r tory to qualify and you ( tin take uj days to begin your payments date 1 aduate I oyo II your edit his Mo 90 VScJLuFxmsd TOYOTA “/ love what you do for me” • TOYOTA TOYOTA Q(JAT IT Y SI KVICI OIL FILTER S CHASSIS LUBE ■ Quarts Oil lOVOl A < j| NUINt Ml U K“ $1 787 ONLY A ■ .——.COUPON. j TOYOTA QUALITY SERVICE ! MINOR TUNE-UP * ONLY I L. COUPON TOYOTA QUAL ITY SERVICE ANTIFREEZE SERVICE SPECIAL • i i • • • »'«■«*/•■• I J.»t«*!«•< tu.'i • tv >0 iJrtjftM's h« I * OMLY $2887 ; TOYOTA FACTORY ^ i MAINTENANCE \ STUDENT & FACULTY DISCOUNT 10% OFF J ALL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS j I Excludes Special Coupon Items I L—————COUPOM ————J