UNIVERSITY In loving memory I rieiuls ami tamih nt Susan W inn, a Idnversit) student killed Iasi month m a ian wreck ini mutn to a \r\ail,i ICst Sito pnitrsl. gathered outsiile ( aseade \nht‘\ oil ii ednesdav In dediiit a tree to her mentori Imm lett are student liahln lluhhard who was m/iired in the ariident; Winn's mother hinilie l.unes tUlerenshaw and W inn's hither, lain aid Photo In 1.1111' li.illm MORALES Continued from Page 1 ' To study here was .1 die,mi. because school uas very expensive. and I didn't have an\ access to anvlhing. so I thought my life uas going to be like a handy man " Morales said In 1'IHH he earned a h.ii helm s degree 111 Span ish literature and anthropology He decided to go on to graduate si bool to earn a master s in Span ish literature and to obtain a teat lung 1 ertifii ate lie couldn't have done it he said, without the support of his friends Ins prolessors and espe 1 ialiv ()'(.’minor, whom he married two y ears ago Cist month, she gave birth to then first 1 hild. \ u tor 1.1 Morales is committed to giving others the same kind of support others provided to him [ lie Hispanic population is inc reasing 111 the state ol Oregon and there aren't enough pro grams to support our community.' he said "This is my struggle to find programs to find wavs to solve some of the problems in our com m unity Morales 1 omnutment also goes to migrant farm workers I11 he helped form Teatru Niuestro u illi the members ol Sandunga i vnrv summer sine e lutt'c tbev have traveled to i limps throughout the north and southwest pet forming plays that focus on edtn ation aiul thr dangers ut pestii nlt-s "We tell people how to organize how to pro tei t from pestii ides how to i when the\ don't rei eive enough s,\ he s.od It s ,, message that tlnw haw* rights Morale’, win ha taught Spanish la ■ mi i arnpus lor the last three wars as a graduati teat lung teliow siivs he iiuorpoiales into his teaching two things that are important to him » om ey mg a sense ol Latin \merli an i ultnre and promoting understanding fie intends to early that philosophy with him as he seeks a teat lung |ob idler graduation Most people think let s take a {foreign Ian guage) ( lass l»ei anse it s a requirement hill it s more than that Morales said The I lisp,nut (omimimty Is ini Teasing more and more in the l' lilted Slates II you don I know how to deal them yon re going to have all the time t unffontations he sail! "The lies! way to learn is to learn the Ian guage 'toll give to us your knowledge, and you get from iis out knowledge then we share tugeth er NOTES Continued from Page 1 memlrers I he order. dated Slav 2d, was made at the request of ('onuiuuitdlnr stall members Si nit Dewing and Howdy Stout, who submitted a petition to the attorney general's office after Hailey declined to discuss the nature of deletions in inves tigation notes Hailev also withheld tape re i ordings and other materials re lated to the investigation for mally requested h\ the (am mvntutor in April The material the attorney general’s office ordered the ASl'O to release consists of names addresses, phone num bers and 1KC members' opin ions and comments about Other student offii ers including "de rogatory comments" about li t ( hairman Mike (,'olson Hailev and withheld such information when they nrigi nally released investigation documents hei ause tiles prom ised confidentiality to lit members and others inter viewed As a result of Hailey and Lee's investigation Colson was found responsii)ie in April for altering a computer file with minutes from an li t. meeting Bailev who offic nilly left of fil e last week, said Wednesday that tie and Lxet utive stall members were compiling infor mation and transi rihing inter \ levs tapes lh' said most mate rial should be ready tor release Fridav and that tape Ir.insi ripts should he ready early next week The "highly inflammatory comments that the attorney general s office said do not need to tie released are in hand written notes taken In Bailev and Lee during interviews with several ltd members, including Armando Morales, Bailev said lie said the newly released information would not have any hearing on investigation findings Although the I nmnifnt.itot has published its last issue of the school year stall members said they pressed for the release of the information on print iple "Regardless of what level of government, it is just the prill t iple of every citizen or student hliving at:tcss to information Ih v'hi t.»vl . 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