UNIVERSITY The Dancing Life By Hop*; Nealson Many tear hers sci‘ their students wurking 111 I •»r |« >1 > - Ini I s Knglish professor saw .1 little mute th.m he bargained lor (Itie night het tear her walked into |ig gi e s one nl 1 ugerie s topless night i Inhs while she vs .is (hini ing I hail to put it past me and remember lie is pis! another i ustomet Samantha said I pist took a deep breath go! up on stage, and did im thing It all started fall term of this seat, when Samantha jlier stage name) sal down to browse through the Hnirrulil An unusual ad 1 aught her eve It •• easier than vnu think to pay tor vutir college education working at |ig gles Although many people pass over this ad, Samantha got an idea She and her roommate spread the word to other girls in her apartment rumples U In not darn e a! Jiggles and make some money in the process'* "We were going to get a whole hum h ol people togethei tor amateur night Samantha said t hey dei ided to do it III I Iirope tllev walk around with no tops on all the lime, it s just an American taboo Samantha said I he week before our amateur night we put up signs around our a|iartinent that said I hud l.urope an foi Samantha a l-ake Oswego native who attended a private < 'atholn school, and tier roommate the night was all ev hilarating stir i ess "There was a lot ol support from the crowd she said It was a real rush Samantha plai ed third and her room mate finished sei ond they pooled the prize money and tips and figured that would lie the end ot their ( erect at |ig gles Hut aftei a month went hv Samantha Photo bv Mar Is ^ Irn S.un.mthj firi’fidniiki tor .1 fwrlornituu r .1/ liiwlt** h*il*nu i's lidtu in# «if onr of kutivni* •» Uiplt'ss m^htt lubs with thr ildstimv Htv nt hnnu ** / n*‘ \rrsit 1 stmlrnt Simirtunrs shrs.i\> thr two ralrs u\9*rl*p ran into some Iiimiii ml ilitlu ulties Her parents went through .1 court I1.1t Ilf ovit 1 hthl support w Itii h fort ed S.i m.mth,1 to usf hut m (tool motifs for i ourt 1 osts I neede <1 .1 lot ol mo mo. 1 i'.i 11 \ (pin k she s.mi S.miuntlm talked it over with lift ln»\ frit-ncl .mi) (lost! Irifinls .uni (ifi ided to do another .1111.1 tcur night .is ,i |oh audition Shf has hffti working .it hgglfs ever situ e I In- lust two or three times were if.ilk tliffiinit " she said I wasn't sure of all the rules It was really hard just to get enough guts up Samantha said she made it through the toughel times with the support ot friends ■uni Iter boyfriend In fail her iKiyfriend wale lies her hist sel every nielli before taking her home, she said She also said she feels i ompleteU safe while darning .1 far 1 ry from the seed\ atmosphere most people assm iate w ill) topless dam mg establishments I In- whole slatl is always watching out foi you to make sure you're ()h es pei lalls the 1I.1111 ers " Samantha said Most of the rules make sure you're safe and not violated in am way Samantha said the closest she 1 omes to am problems is when guys ask her out I tell them that I applet iate the offer, but I'm not interested and I have a bo\ friend.'' sin- said Soft spoken and somewhat sin . Sa mantha said one of her best nights was when a customer who had been playing pool all night put a $50 dollar hill on the stage I said, Are von sure this is the right hill vou took out ot your wallet'' Customers whose seats encircle the st.iges usualh place $1 bills on the stage during a performance The dancer then pays more attention to these i ustomers Although dam iug lor her English pro lessor in liggles was diffii ult, Samantha said the most embarrassing night she winked was when a friend from her Turn to TOPLESS Page 16 nrr ALL LGllLWLlOL AlvlD LllLLLhllAllOh! CALLS Now is the time to get your act together with quality portfolios and professional presentation cases. Show your professionalism with a great look - no one will know how little you paid! OFFER EFFECTIVE THROUGH JUNE 8, 1991 UO BOOKSTORE BH THMTIENIM AND HNCMO MONDAY - HOMY YJO-fcOQ, WtMO UO IRMMH1 Bill would suspend licenses SAI .1 M IA I1) I'he (fregon Si'ii.itr approved .1 hill VYednes il.i\ to suspend the driver’s li lenses of drivers under 2 1 v e.irs old caught is it h an\ amount id all uhtil m their bloodstream The measure would subjet t Hi to 20 year olds to the same /ern tolerant e' standard that the Legislature imposed oil drivers younger than Hi two years ago Hat kers ol the measure. SH 11)r>4 said it will help reduce traffii ai i idents and fatalities among drivers under 2 1 b\ ills i uuraging them from drinking and driving The measure was approved on a 2‘t 1 vote despite < uni plaints from some senators who said the\ didn't think it ssas lair to impose a tougher Di ll standard on younger diners Itelore sending the bill In the House tlie Semite ri*je( ted ,i substitute version that would have toughened Oregon's drunken driving laws for adults That proposal would have lowered the allowed blond al i ohol level for all drivers from the ( urrent .08 percent to 04 percent Sen. Jim Hunn. K-McMinn ville submitted the substitute \ersion of the bill lie argued that lowering the legal standard tor intoxication to 04 percent blood alcohol content for drivers of am age is .i better approach to solving the problem of drunken driving The current .08 percent stan dard is too high, he said Musique Gourmet Catering to the Dtscrimlnating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CD s FROM S5.95 TAPES FROM S2 95 In the Fifthpearl Building 207 E 5th Avenue • • 343-9000