LETTERS Excuse me Kxcuse me I'm in i barge here you can ! park your bike there I shall have to write you .1 ti< ket I'm m i harge here You don't have a I’niversity registration stir ker another $'> fine Yuti're breaking i ampus rules You re also riding in a \.. Hiding Zone I don't i are d there are ruj pedestn.iris I ni giving sou a tn ket liei .mse I m in charge here l in campus security that’s who I am I overlook stereo thefts and sexist remarks hut by d if you ride your hike through the I Ml ’ Hree/ewav or |»ark vour hike in a building I shall come dow n and smite you y\ ith a sey ere fine (aid forbid if you refuse to show your student III card we ll ship you vs ith another Sr> penalty I'm in charge here Hey wait come tiai k you're breaking serious rules here you can't ignore me 1 m giving you these tu kets liecause I in supposed to In- in i barge here Konandolong k ugene Oddly, I find <)ddl v. I find myself in agree merit with some of Karl Dill's recent i omments about AIDS Humanity does indeed ig nore deny transfer and defer lusts .ind penalties' whenever possible These psyc hological defenses exat crhate the prob lems we f.u e in handling AIDS and "every human on this planet is inc reasinglv at nsk 1 Imvever I must oh)e< t to some "line items" in Dill s glo ha I budget Homophobia is the "aberration;' it is homophobia W hie h is ai ( epted and es tolled Hei ailse of homophobia AIDS funding and research were delayed tor years after the epidemu liegan After all it was primarily gay men v\ ho originally ((instituted the majority of AIDS deaths and who cares it pist a feyy thousand ipieers ku k the bin k et right' Hei ause of homophobia AIDS is still considered a gay disease, only tags get It so y\hy should anyone else ysorry ' Homophobia fortes everyone into a ( Inset .itmmit their sexual practices No one is willing to understand that it is you who .ire .it risk for AIDS 1'his all llir.ins lti.il safer sex edut ation for everyone is slill not a priori t\ in our country It is time for us to stop label mg yroups of people ,|S 'high risk ind low risk euphe misrns for abnormal and nor mall; time to stop r ailing some people with Mils moment and not others, it is time to fat e our alienation and at know! etige our homophobia for we are dealing tsilh two diseases one physical and one psv i hological Until- we cure homophobia we will never find .1 1 lire for AIDS Marina Wolf Russian Last Monday Ust Mondax night on 13th Avenue there xxas .1 fight lie tween two intnxit ated trail stent tv|M' men Two polit e tars promptly arrived at the si ene 1 ausing the men to stop fighting The officers two fe males got out of their < ars and spoke talrnlx to the men as the\ walked over to them In just a few moments the atmos [there calmed down and the 1 row d Ilegatl to disperse All of the sudden a third [mi In e i ar pulled up and skidded to a slop Out jumped a male officer aggressiveh holding Ills night stii k and flexing Ins inns lies Ills powerful presence seemed to send it rush of adrenaline through everybody there If he had Iteen the first of f 11 er to the scene things probably would have ended ver\ differently there ma\ !»■ a number of specifit variables that caused each individual of fleer to .lit as thex did but ill general. I feel their at lions rep resent a kex different e 111 gen tier namely kindness II we are going to lie a kind er gentler nation the kinder ami gentler gentler needs to lie at the forefront of tfie establish men! and implementation of national polit les \nd> Norris Student Panhellenic Prez \s the president of I’anhel ‘ -> C r c “) y r*|[ore the 5rr'c|y 3ill C* ttvtf >1. > T£S WED cKl Vv 1*0'v 0 AffcK the Pfacf/ Bill *r * / f~ ' V WU —* • - leim I would Ilk.*- to say lli.it with approximately 3 (KM) tnernlierx in our greek system vou will find .t variety of opin ions on main issues Steven | Weidtnan fraternity memU-r' t ODE May 17). happens to hold .i pom! of % iew thot I do not agree with 1 believe in fighting rat ism sexism ht-tt-rost-xisni and homophobia obviously not what Weid mail thinks is important for the greek system Wi-idman. in im opinion is a poor representa list* of a Ixidy that is striving to diversify and edut ate its mem Ih-is oil these topu s Oil Mav 15. Jai quie Cibson of the l adversity's Mediation I’ro gram Deliora laindfon e of the Cniversitv Counseling Center and I put together A Creek (.,a\ and lesbian Roundtable Rep resentatives from eat h of the 1 J sororities and 1’ fraternities the Panhellenu Kxe* utive ( ount ll and o[>t-n gays and lesbians met together to break down stereotypes between the greek and gav (onimumty After our meeting people said they ( ame in feeling very uncomfortable but they were leaving with a more positive at titude Tiler*- ysert- even tails to continue educational programs on gays lesbians, hetero sexism homophobia and foster ^5-4 7- 3 -2 lA . . [ S*CE A tTAn* .i more supportive environment within the greek system I want the rest of the campus and tin- members of the greek svstem who are feeling embar rassed by having Weidman rep resenting our system, to know the greek system has many dif ferent people with many differ ing views Hie Panhellenir Council is working to create programs to educate its mem tiers so that they cm form edll rated opinions on current so ( ial situations knowing we have people like Weidman. I better get started on my nest roundtable \nila I Stacey Panhellenii President I thank you I thunk vmi for printing im on Ma\ I Imf was print tng Shaley Howard's [GDI'. May 141 response a mistake/ 1 understand tHat mistakes can happen like when you spelled my name drain Also, then1 was tile not as flattering bold print in the edi tonal cartoon place [OI)h Mat Hi whit h called State Rep. Hob Hu kard a rabid dog. referring to Slav t* instead of May 7, the date his letter was kindly print ed Or possibly you felt How arilS letter was a refreshing shower of trite i In hes in a world so sandy dry with c.rea tivity I don't have only two defini lions of sexuality the confu sion exists fas uuse there are several 1 sought comprehen sion with stating two types of sexuality mainly using one definition This definition ot sexuality is i lose to what How aril describes as "sexual ex pression ” In other words, don't suv I am homosexual" or "I am heterosexual." but say "1 am romantic" or "I am anti sexual I agree whole-hearted ly that labelling fai tinns pro abortion or anti abortion clears up much confusion. That is the means of simplification I em ploy here I do not believe all forms of heterosexual expression are ro mantic but the world is roman tu Kxistence itself is sexual My view is not narrow 1 do not own the guidelines of the world these are what I'm try ing to find And I’m not homophobic it Howard thinks she has the fear market cor nered allow me to offer a sug gestion One should either fear nothing or God. depending on religion Anti-sexuals fe will beg for us to do something, weep ing pathetically Then the heli copters w ill come Todd Bishop Music