Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 30, 1991, Page 16, Image 16

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    Continued from Page 4
Spanish < lass < amt' in for his
2 1 st birthday
"One of the other guys in the
group asked me to do a table
dame amt I told him Sure I'll
do ,i table dam e, but he doesn’t
know 1 wotk here she said
Samantha said the friend told
her t lassmate he luid a surprise
(or him
I walked up to the table and
said I tola i iimn estas'
Samantha said he Was e\
tremelv surprised
I le kind of turned around
and went '()h ms (tori!- she
Although Samantha is not
embarrassed about working .it
Jiggles. she tells only her i lose
friends alaitil her job Iks a use of
the seedy stereotypes .issih lat
ed with being .1 topless darn er
Samantha said when she first
started .it Jiggles. she held tin
same seedy Inti In stereo
types as many people hill after
working there for a while she
said she realized the dam ers
w ere e\ ervday people
I tie darn ers were very yery
k ind 111 showing me the ropes
vs fi.it works to make money
what works on stage Satnan
tha said
She tells other ..pie that
she y\ 01 k ■ as a t oi ktad waitress
in a bar Hilt she mentioned she
Won't hesitate to let people
know llw truth
If people ask I'll usualh
tell tfielli site s.iul I hate IV
However that does not in
( lude her parents She said her
mom is old fashioned and
would probably !>e upset d she
knew about her daughter s job
She also hasn t told tier boss
es at her two other part tune
jobs She tutors -foreign stu
dents and works for the I nivet
Samantha said it is hard lead
ilig two separate lives bei arise
".they always- overlap some
how Hut she said she will
definite!) tell her grandi till
dren about the experieni e
• • I personally a m n o 1
a s h ami'd of it s h c
said People t ouIII he -nasty
,init tr\ to tag me with it later in
life, fnit it has more Irenefits for
me free ause it shows I'm strong
enough to get up there and do
it 1 pist think it s .1 lot of fun
She said liggles has given her
a lot in life mainh self es
teem Samantha said she has
not always had the confident e
to get up mi stage and da nr e
'When I was grow mg up I
had a pool poor self esteem all
the way til senior year in high
sr hool she said
When she moved to Kugene
Samantha said her sell r.onfi
dein e increased and dei iding
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to do }ihk!»■ s was the topper to
her transformation into a more
i onfident individual
'It was an ejgo boost 1 found
out that ves there .ire people
who think I ni beautiful It real
Iv helps im self < onfidem e but
doesn't make im head 14row
trlK she said
She said the i ustomers prefer
dam ers with person,dit\ over
physic al appearances
file number one t oinment I
get is not vou re beautiful not
I like vour bodv. but 1 love your
Samantha added that 'Kven if
| have a bad might. list )k it I
1 a n make two lusto m ers
Johnny’s back
HI KHAN K Calif (AI ’)
johnm ( arson returned In tin
Tonight Show" Wednesday
infill lor llii' first firm' situ r an
noutii ing he'll leave tin* pro
gram nevt rear Ml’ joked to a
i herring auilit'iit e All right I
won’t quit
( arson delivered ser oral joll\
barbs at Ins network and long
1 line sidek irk Id Mi Mahon
who has said lie will also quit
wtieil (Arson goes
"1 don't know it you read the
fine print of r our c imtrat t.1
Carson told Mi Mahon, "hut
whim I die. You're also going
w ith me
( arson told Nlit network at
filiates m New York last week
that the show on Mu\ 22. 1002
the end ot his itttli season as
regular host, w ill he his hist
|ar l.eno, permanent suhsti
tute host id The Tonight
Show Starring Johnm Carson"
sun e 1 tIH7 is ( arson's likely
replacement but NHt has not
annoum ed any dei tsioti
1 he end ot ttieir Tonight
Show run will not mean the
end ot the T\ careers ot Mi
Million who also hosts "Star
Sean h or ( arson
"It's not really retirement
( 'arson said I'm just stepping
down from the show I here ate
other things to do in ti ler isioti
show business, and I'll he
hanging around As a matter oj
tai t on the 22nd of Mar I fin
ish Tonight Show on Mar
2 ird Till going to he a i oilier
tan! on Slat Sean h
( arson told the studio audi
ence that after doing the show
lor so long he would need to he
rr earn'd oil it
Ihe first week I leave the
show i mild rou all line up in
front ol my house lor a couple
ol hours ’ Then come in I'll sit
at i desk and we can talk
I arson lei appeared lust on
the show as a guest host in
t'Citt He took over on t )i t I
l‘»li. rr hen host |a< k Huai quit
i In' show originated from New
Vork until 1 ‘t72 . rv hen 11
moved to NHt N studios in Bur
We ve got
your tan
when you
want it1
on campus
nsa• •’« * im*
UpClMra ty InM •