QUOTES FROM HAYWARD FIELD • I'm proud of Todd. He ran a brave race We don t have the kind of Amer ican distance runners who are willing to do what Todd did and that’s put his balls on the line to win a race — Tennessee Coach Doug Brown on his own Todd Williams who led much of the 10.000 meter race before be mg outktcked in the end • How do you tell a little boy. I can t take you to the park I have to study0 Arkansas sprinter Jimmy French on the problems of balanc mq parenthood, track and school while also being stricken with chicken pox • It s hutd to ompete with those guys who have been throwing Since they were 2 They came out of the womb throwing Oregon javelin thrower Art Skipper on the advantage European throwers like Sweden's Palrik Boden the top javelin qualifier, have on Americans • We an run faster This is the first time this group h- run together Texas sprinter Carlette Guidry on Texas reshuffled 4* 100 meter relay team that had Wednesday s second best time • it 3 not PR weather Oregon heplathlete Kelly Blair on the day s i r.eny and cold weather conditions TRACK Continued from Page 9 break K.ini> Smith's ( olleguite in mil of 2 1 I r> l liev re |is\ i lu'il and vi lied I l.n mini said hul I'm .is imrvmis as linn arc " Harmon secs a real "dogfight' lor sei.ond plai n betunoil Myall and defend mg national i hainpion \shhn Selman ol I \S< bill sa\ s I Ivatl s i niisislent v and win ovei Selman at the I’ai ifu 10 (am fiTi'iii e ( hijmpinnslnps gives her Ihr edge Siv Oregon athletes 111 < (im(>«'t<• in t'\ *'Ills tod.w .il 1 l.ivw .ml HI.nr will linisli up the -heptathlon' (ompetition Ireguumig .il 1 p in with Hie long jump. Kosie V\ illl.uns will rai e in (he tun meter preliminaries .u 1 Hi. Herrv .uni Hvatl throw hi the javelin starling at > III and l.m \ Nusrala and Nirole Unoduaid vs 111 run in the semi lin.ils of Hie imill meter run at n a") Recycle This Paper ®i; i, . * __at ft.,. *. tih.Jhmg>..AJL /;/m /uli.m .1 mrmhrt ot ()rfifOfl *» /f.»* A tram dors his pari tit thr N( i»r** /<» A <•#'/* //»r I la\ %*artl hrld trat k tlr\ Fhnlu !»\ frfT P^sT.i» \ \ nuwt with a stptrr tr-ii ! .v - ,'.TX-y 20% Sale does not include: courseboon Him processing. tobacco products class rings, academic ragalia. computer hardware, educational soltware. tennis balls, and Hems already priced as sale merchandise as well as some electronic equip men) which is already priced ealremely compel! lively No further discounts, cash register sales only, limited to slock on hand \ ■ ART SUPPLIES ■ SIRS FOR GRADS ■ SPORTSWEAR ■ OFFICE SUPPLIES ■ LUGGAGE ■ COSMETICS ■ BOOKS UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 SIMPI Y SEND I R( XSES. Three. six or .in even dozen Roses lit evervbodv s budget For Graduation Finals Pick me up “See You Later" Eugene's flower Home THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 K. 13th at Patterson 485-3655 PREPARE FOR THE FALL MCAT or LSAT Kaplan’s prep courses have helped more students score their highest than all other courses combined! Classes begin in Eugene in June FREE Introductory Seminar Early Registration and Student Discounts Call Now: 345*7496 f, STANLEY H. KAPLAN £3 lake Kaplan Or lake YourC hances