Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 30, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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I'KiiUi tu \mlrr K«mnt
Orviinn s Huh (»ra\ .#«/% ant tvl In ■* semifinals in the 4 INI meter hur
Continued from Page 8
lv k ii k over the last 1">() meters to squeeze into
thinl (il.ii i' .it H 41) in |ust behind Ohio Stales
Mark f.roghan (H 4(1 07| amt Texas Niivi's Fix
mgston (H III til Mestler held on for fourth in
8 4(1 liH Holh 11 mi's were personal rec oriis for tin’
I v\ o I hit ks
Van Si lioi.ii k qualified for the N( AA meet liv
running an 8 4J 9ft I’K at last week's Les
Steers Uist (bailee Open at Hayward Field Van
Schoiai k said lie's hoping to follow a precedent
set In former Dink Harold kuphaldt who fin
ishetl sivth at the 1 ‘lit4 \< AA meet at Hayward
"Harold kuphaldt I’Reri at a last chance meet.
I’Red in the |N( AA) prelims and then I’Red in
the finals he said "It wouldn't bother me to
follow that Oregon pre< orient
"The pat e was fast and with 200 to go. I kind
of dropped back and then realized, you can
get those guys I was in sixth, so 1 knew I had to
get two." to finish in the top four to automate al
l\ ariyant e to the finals
Skipper, who hasn't had the best of seasons he
cause of a hadh sprained left ankle, was able to
make tfie javelin finals with a best of 21B11.
making the finals as the eighth (rest qualifier
Skipper said afterward lh.it his ankle is even
worse now than earlier in the season
I he secondare, tendon is so inflamed, when I
plant it pine hex the nerves in there and some
times it starts bleeding Skipper said Its
something that takes six months to heal
File plant is lli percent of the lavelin throw
Sk ip per said and that s why he hasn't come am
where c lose to Ills 4(> r> PR of last season
Ibis seasons been real frustrating Skipper
said "The ankle it's really messed up I'll |us|
get some deadlier or pain killers on I ridax I |uxt
w .nit to sc ore
One javelin thrower who won t have any prob
leiti sc cuing is Texas' I’atrik linden the defending
\( AA i tiamp
linden took on!\ one of his allotted three
throws tossing 2bl Hi to break the Hayw'ard
Field record of 2til o set b\ Brian Crouser in
linden does know something about injuries
having (nine bank from righ shoulder and right
ankle surgerv in I)ei ember
Boden's first eompetition was Slav 7 when he
threw 28710 .it Shi/ukoa |apan. the same coni
petition Finland's Seppo Kat\ set the current
world roc ord of to 1 -ft
The N't '.AA meet is onl\ Boden's third of the
year He said he does feel a bit behind in his
"I'm about a month or two behind in my tec h
nique ” he said "(But) from a strength stand
point 1 feel even stronger than a vear ago
Although Wright, an all American in the 400
hurdles a year .ego, wasn't able to finish his race
Wednesday. Gray came through with the" ninth
lastesl time of the dav in rc 1 2.1
Gray finished fourth in Ins heat and said a big
reason for that was that he went out faster than
planned l>e< ause his steps wore off
"\H steps, actually I had i:t through three*
(hurdlesl before I got messed up.1' he said
The gusting winds at the* end of the rac e didn't
help either
I came around the corner and the* last 150
(meters), it was pretty ugly." (I ray said "I was
(list hoping I i ould finish the rac e
Gray will come bai k today in the 110-meter
high hurdle preliminaries
The top time in the 400 hurdles was turned in
In Auburn's Samuel Matete. a junior college
transfer from Blum Community College in Bren
ham, lexus
Matete a member of the 1088 Zambian Oh m
pic team, clocked 4*i 11, the best In a collegian
this season but below his PR of 47 01
"I wanted to run fast.” said Matete who didn’t
consider the rain a fac tor "I |ust wanted to see
what I c ould do
Not onlv did the time mine in bad c unditions.
but Matete wasn't even c hallenged in his heat
"In good conditions I can 48 anything." he*
said Anything in the 48s would be line I know
1 i all do it
Chicken pox couldn’t stop Arkansas sprinter
By Lyle Crouse
t meiaki Conlnbuto'
After .1 season hindered bv a
I ion I \\ itli tin- i liu hen pox i(
seemed appropriate for Arhan
Siis sprinter |imm\ I rein h to be
umler tin- weathei tor the open
mg iLi\ ot tile \t AA I mi k iS
I ielrl l h.impioiislnps
1 rein h turneil m .1 -!ll H I per
torm.mi e III the -Mill meter ilash
to .idviim e to I 1 idas misfit '
semifinals despite battles with
sinus and allergl problems
I rein h linisheii just behind
North ( arolma State's Kevin
Hraunskill in the set oild heat
and he 1 laimeil the tilth best
I i m i' ut the <1.1 \ he li i n it
Itraunskill Texas ( tins!leu s
II u i .i l i n I’ii i I i ■ i I r ■) n k
I ri ilrrii ks ul Hi igli.im ^ imnu
.uni West \ numiii s lanii-s |ftt
NCAA Notebook
Hut Mil h sui i i“ss limkril
doubtful lur thi' Ka/nrbui k
sophomore milt a short time
Hr hail thi' chicken pox at
ler thi' si'tiunl in11111>iir meet
ami it put tii111 i|tliti' a lilt lie
Ii■ mI in prill tii i' \i kansas
( uai h liiliu \li Domii'll said ut
I- ranch
lust think vou miss
si houl one week v ■ > 11 miss
pr.it tiff two wffks ! rent ii
said (it his experiem c with the
( hii ken po\
I rf iu Ii v\ .is tun fd to dfv iiti*
.ill nl ins time to regaining
ground on the trai k and in I hi*
i l.issronm whilf trvtng to find
time lor Ills wife I risha and
thnr throe i hildren Man us 1
Rohm J . and Ashlev 1
The times when Trench was
unable to he with his tamik
were liie worst part of his or
I low do VOU tidl a little ho\
I t an t take vou to the paik I
have to studV he said
Hut .ill ut I rent h's Iniril work
paid oil wlii'ii hi' raptured the
Southwestern ( onlerence title
m the JOO. and he entered this
week's i hampiuuships w ith the
lop qualifying time ol 20 20
\nd lie's earned the respect of
his i ourli
If there was an Outstand
mg Young Man award, he'd
gel it VlrDonnell said lie's
got his head right on Ins shoul
ders anil I hope he keeps it
Mi Donnell is also proud of
I renih's composure on the
Irai k
"He's got a great tempera
ment in his rai es." he said
‘'He just does hi", jot)
I ii'ik li li.1 > oven min' ,i lot ot
adversitv on Ins journe\ to the
( ollegiate tnu k i hampionships
lint In- doesn't iii i ept .ill the
t redil for tus ill i omplishinenls
lie credits the support ol his
famih especially his wife Tri
And <i nre.il performance in
the \< AA ('hampionships this
week would make a Hood h * ft
for lunim and I'risha's June 1 t
"She play s a lug part in im
life." he said "If it wasn't lor
her there wouldn't lie a jimmy
I rein li
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