Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 30, 1991, Image 1

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rhurvl.n , N1.i\ M). I'MI
1 ugcne Oregon
Volume Ismic I '
University student
Andv ! tan is said lie is
not sure whether his mill
tars servic e during the
Persian Gulf War will at
furl him in the long run
t loyy ever. he said he r«■
turned to Kugene with a
new outlook on Middle
Pastern cultures and a
growing desire to com
plete his military obliga
See slot s . Page :t
With skyrocketing tin
time many t adversity
students find it necessary
to Imlil down a |oh just to
make it through s( hool
and Samantha is no e\
i eplion llimi'vi'i she
doesn't work in the res
tauranl or retail irldus
I l ies Instead, she stii
\ ives lin.tncialK In dam
illg at hggles. one of I' ll
gene s topless night! iuhs
See story , Page -J
Pillri k linden
I lir \( A A 1 ra< k Jv
1 it'lil ( ihampionshtps
kn ked oft Wednesday .it
! lay tvard Field with two
stadium !«■< ords being
broken and a third one
Texas" Patrik Horten
tossed the javelin 2bl ift
tor a new MaytvanJ ret ord
and Louisiana State s
women's 4x1 DO-meter re
lay team set a new stan
third of 4 t 4ti Texas
(dmstian s men's 4x ltilt
meter relay team tied the
stadium record of f‘t.24
set earlier this season bv
Washington State
Oregon's 1 ye Van
Schoiack. Hit.k Mestler.
Hob Cray and Art Skipper
advanced to Friday’s
semifinals and final in
their respective events
Kelly Blair is in 10th
place in the women's
heptathlon and will fin
ish that competition to
See stories. Pages 8-12
Mhulii \ntirr K.inn-i
(.r.idu.ite sIndent Srtn.mdo Morales who has ailxoi ated tin student nnht% stiu e he armed nn < .mifots in I'M < tries to te.i, h his Sfutmsh • hisses .in .«/>
firei tation tor Hisfiarm i uiture .is well .is lanxiiiaue
Morales departure ends campus era
By Daralyn Trappe
t -llf I •• 3 Rf[ ntel
Armando Morales li lt s(u
dent government last week in a
wav that defines what Ilf s .ill
about iifv it afraid 1 if i ontro
\frs\ and never w filing to back
In his si\ years as i member
ul Ihf Incidental I ff Commit
Ini- Morale* earned tin reputa
Inin de|H!iiding on vour v lew
point ul being either a stub
born, opinionated politician or
a tireless advoi ate tot students
( >r mavbe a little bit ol both
One tiling seems ( li ar, how
ever It's doubtful that tile 1 ill
versitv will see anyone else like
him anvlttne soon
Morales spent Ins last vear on
the II t .is part ol a bitterlv di
vided committee t aught in a
storm ot ( iiuflii t
.Xitel ASIA) President kirk
Hades presented investigation
findings implicating Chairman
Mike (Ailsoii tor tampering
\\ 1111 lit i omputer i lies it s\ as
Morales who motioned to siis
pend budget hearings until I ol
son resigned or the matter was
somehow resolved
Although the i onunittee re
i omened alter teal lung a tern
ptirary agreement, three weeks
later, the issue ol Colson s re
uioval resurfai ed
Morales voted w till three nth
er members to oust t ,'olson
When the vote tailed. Morales
again motioned to suspend
hearings until the tunnel ( hair
man stepped dow n
The motion passed Colson
refused to resign And the II I
i ante to a grinding halt
Morales took some heat but
he said he was working in stu
dents' best interests and that In
had a great deal of support
1 need to have ( rrdibilttv
and In (In lh.it von need to keep
hiuifsl \ tn- s.ml I ltd
journed tin1 meetings until he
lesigned bei ailse lli.il s tin' bust
Although Morales has math1
hradl.il.ies as pait o! the li t I
thrrr is a side to hint that most
students an pmliahU unlamtli
ai with lit' has otlered i lot to
the I 'mvrrsitv and the i oiiiuiu
nitv and i ontmurs to do so
Morales never planned to
i nine to the i lilted States
Hr grew up in Mexu <> w01 k
trig in lai tones and fields
thinking that might he lus lot
in life
His grandfather and unties
moved to the I inlet! States tot
a time hut they returned home
eventually, unhappy with then
expel lem es in A merit a
Next month however, hr
vs ill rei else hi-, master's < l»-vt>
Imm I In I nis ersit v (letl inn
Inn- hum llu- holds lit Mf\ii ii
vs,is ,1 lung .uni sometimes ililli
i nil (inn rss hul il hits Ihth
vsiiilh il Morales said
His lift? i.h.nidi'll in I'(7<>
vslii'ii lif mft Mars () ( tumor
whii vs,is attending college m
Mcsit ii .is an fM h.inui' sluiliinl
Morales was studying philoso
pin al thf saliif i allege hul
dropped mil allfi Otaiimur if
liiniftl lu thf I mlfii Stales Ilf
I In-11 ss fill III vs 111 Iv ill a I,li Ii il V
' is iiimiths lalfi hi- I f 11 Mfs
uii In get I mi k together vvilh
( ) f' 1111 n u r m Oregon S h f
mifil a master's ilfgrff hum
thf I ills !■ rsils anil is miss a
high si huuI Spanish tf.ii lift
Miansshilf Morales was ail
'll:.’, lit : (If.
When I gut In Kugfiie and
started lu work here I vs as a
dead person, meaning that I
ilou l see «i11\ lullin’ loi mi'
he sairl \ migrant Mexican
with not good I nglixh what
do vou expei t hum this person
who winked ax a halide, man.
worked in tile In-Ids '
\\ lide he worked .is a haniK
man. In- attended i lasses at the
l imersilr . High Si lino! hipii
valeniA Program I le rec eived
Ins t d-d) in I'i 'n
IH I'lll l Morales had Ini lin'd
a baud Sandiinga and was m
charge oi the Kidd Latin
American music broadcast
\hnr.i Si Winking at cultural
events throughout the c.omnui
It 11 \ lie got to knmx Jew el Hell
who at the time was duel tin ol
the t nix t-ixiK x < mint il. lor Mi
nor it v hi I in alum
She persuaded him to c until)
in- his ecltic at ion at the I dm in
! urn t MORALES Pacjo 1
ASUO ordered to release notes
By Catherine Hawley
i me raid Associate t ditoi
The ASl'O Ivxeciitive will make publn all
records concerning its investigation into note
tampering in the Iru ideutal l ee i ommitlei to
comply with an order from the state attorney
general's office
The order requires former President Kirk
Bailev to disi lose material that was deleted
from investigation notes prev iously made puh
lii and to release other dm uments ini hiding
transcripts of interviews
However, some comments in investigation
notes that the attorney general's office deter
mined were "highly inflammatory" can legal
l\ be withheld because disclosing them would
hinder student government (unctions
Disclosure could unnecessarily strain lit!
members working relationships with each
other .ni<l thus potenti;>i 1 v hinder the < ommit
tee in i arrsing out its responsibilities." said
Pamela Abernethy spei i.il counsel to the .it
tomes general in .1 letter to Italics and two
Oregon ( ummt’nljh./ stall members
"Moreover, disclosure could compromise
the l'At>< ulivc ()ttit c s ahilitv to obtain 1 andid
and sensitive inlnmiafion in .iin fuluie Hives
ligations il may conduct
<11 her letter Abernetln delined student gov
ernment as .1 publli bodv subiect to public rei
ords laws
She also s.nd exemptions tor privai \ did not
apply to an\ of the deleted material and that
exemptions lot confidentiality applied to only
a tew remarks contained in handwritten notes
taken by Hailey and Hobbs l.ee. aifninatise ai
lion i iHirdinatni during interviews vsith li t
Turn to NOTES Page 5