TEACHERS Continued from Page 5 ( ogan credits her students with helping her w in the award I teach the most urtii ulate stu dents in the I’tmersitv and the\ write the best (student evaluations).' she said Origan's teaching is extremely effective said Kir.hard Stevenson direr tor "I the Honors ( i>! lege "She's vcrv good at mobilizing the r las discussion,'' he s.ud Ilie Hrsted Award mines with a S.'OOtt a h prize from a trust hind i reated h\ the late \ I Hrsted. to encourage and reward e\r eptional tear hers earls in their careers Competition tor tile awards is intense said N'ancie Indeles . assistant to the provost \ tar ill Is t ommittee appointed h\ the president silts through nominations for .the awards from stu dents, far tills . students .uni staff beginning in I ebruary Hvrett Smith, geography department direr tor praised Murphy for Ins ability to i ombme good researi h with good tear lung "He's able to share Ins ideas both in print anti in r lass Smith said "I'm impressed with his overall ability, ris a pro fessor.'' Murptn idineii the f.*< u11v in tour ami is stink mii 'In- nailin' .uni sigmf it am e ot i urrent region a! i hniigns m Kurope based on its i ulturnl ami politic al g«mgraph\ ( urronth Mnrpln is in Brussels Belgium tor part ol tin1 summer where lit' will be working on a liook on thf ‘ its for lilt' Belhaven I’ress 'World t itit's series Owt'ii is ilirt't tor ol tlif I niversitv s jazz stud it's program and i ondm tor ol tin- i tregon In// I n si'inlili' In 1‘ifi'l ()wi'll (oiimlfd thf I'mversik Siiinnifi |a/v Improvisation (lamp and tilt1 I'm versits s (Iregtin Jazz t t'leliration a non t ompeli live festival for iniisii laus from junior high st hoot through i ollegf (iarv Martin musn si hool ai ting dean, i redits Owt'ii with building a vigorous and sunessful la//.a iin ii ilium (Iweii teat lies |a// arranging jazz thenrv and |az/ iniprm rsatum Students in his c lasses t ome out u ith a solid grounding m the iskiIJs) ja/./ mu sn Mils need.' Martin sail! Out'll suss Ills teat lllllg sill I ess i unit's from a strong .relationship .. w ilh his students 1 enjov tile students a lot, lie said I work with the as sumption that I'm winking w itli vers bright pen I'le " BOOKSTORE Continued from Page 6 20 years, the last five have brought tlie biggest price in creases Despite this. Williams said he tries to keep book pri< es .is low .is possible hv ear rying used books and offering a 0 peri ent student discount "With the discount and the fact that the State of Oregon does not have a sales tax. books at the University are among the lowest priced of am i ampus in the countryWilliams said "Last fisc al year we gave tiai k $h U IKK) through the book ills count We are riot here to make monev bn tin1 t 'niversilv A nother loi • 11 hooksr 1 Ir I Mis.i Smith, owner and m.inag er of Smith Kiimily Bookstore s.inl she i barges about t> > per i ent of tlic pun base prii e foi used hooks. Smith said the I ni versitv Bookstore has a nonprofit slat us tfnit excludes it from paving federal and state taxes, which she has to pus But she said the bookstore's profit margin is not that u life and as long as she gets a certain amount of over TUI IRA GASTON HI Oi l S I is pleased to sponsor a symposium on I ARI A ( HRISI IAM IA \\I) .11 DA1SM :s Mas 4 <1 l> M "Jewish Ulitink-s toward larli ( hristuui Vri|#urvs" MiUucI J Ci«>k Hebrew l iu<'ii ( i>1 lots' Jewish Institute "t Keliemn s M,i\. S Hi t’ M " V ( hnsiian IVrspivtivr on lews .mil ( hlistiairt in I arb ( hristian ViiiMuiis" John Kielite 1 xaeial Iheoi". k.i! Vii i.i 2l> Ma\ ,41111' M " Vibes anil Vilu-rsaries: Material IvkkiKe lor Jews anil ( lirts|i.uis in tlx Konian I ns n iniiix nl" I M telex'I VV hue ( XxtIiii l olle . Slav ill|'\| I‘;ukI anil o|*ii tltseitssron J’nilesviis ( «>k K1 erne aixl White Ml e\ctn.s in ilx' I Ml C iiiniwi»<1 Roihii Itee .xlinissum _emu Recreation Center CAMPUS LOST & FOUND SALE * Umbrellas * Coats/Sweaters G loves/I l<)ts • Books *Misc. Goodies Nothing Over Three Dollars! Dead Week, May 28-29 9-5pm Daily Cash Onl\ (no enec km flow business and 1.111 |>a\ her hills slit' s happ\ I hr I 'nivnrsitv Hmikstore is an tutli*|*#■ nl nonprofit i or poratioii mi m-i| b\ students who elet t a hoaril of duet tors to ovitmt its operations and set its polu it's One o! tin* bookstore ■ plans for tin- future is to allow sin dents to order then I Olirse hooks h\ telephone lie said Williams said as earlv as li mils week tills term the hook store plans to have .1 computer terminal available tor students In 1 her k hook buv hot k pin es before going through the lilies CDs and TAPES Buy Sell Trade tflusic Fievcluticn 1217 Alder BEST FISH & CHIPS IN TOWN Rose & Thistle 398 East 11th Ave Orders to go • 343-2244 Mon-Sat 11AM-9PM Sun 12noon-7PM “27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 202S Franklin Blvd Eugene Oregon 92403 AY ■ ART SUPPLIES '■ m GIFTS FOR GRADS 20% Sato does not inctuM: coursebooks, film processing, tobacco products, class rings, ecadsmtc rsgalla, computers, software, tennis bells, and Hems streedy priced as sale merchandise as well as some electronic equipment which is already priced extremely competHivety. No further discounts, cash register seise only, limited to stock on hand. Main store at 13th and Kincaid only. ■ SPORTSWEAR ■ OFFICE SUPPLIES ■ LUGGAGE ■ COSMETICS ■ BOOKS UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7:30 6 Sat. 10:00-6