^ O. D \\ O K S JE Wl I RY DF SIGN S1UDIO 1502 Willamette St 343 2298 Regular Business Hours Tues F fi 9am 1pm Ppm 6pm Sat 10am 4pm NOTICE Pre-Commencement Location Change The (,Y>Ilc< )i- of Education will conduct the pre-commencement ceremony and brunch at (’on don School 1787 Agate on June 9, 1991 instead of the Education Courtyard. UNIVERSITY Bookstore tries to offer bargains By Troy Anderson fZme'aid ( ontntxito' As spring liTin winds lu an end. the < ollege ritual of stu dents selling their < nurse books hai k to the I ’diversity Hook store will take plate May to through June H Although the Ixiokstore is of fering to pay t>0 peri ent of the discounted new pric.e on books needed for summer or fall terms students often feel i lie.it ed by the amount of money tlies get paid for their books Their sell line k polit ies are not fair to students " said pi mor Keith Marth "They sell you a new taiok for about $3IS buy it b.n k in the same < ondi lion (or alrout $7 and Ihen sell it ,ig,nn used (or around $2b "If th«'\ think it s only worth $7 to huv bar k then whv not soil it for $10 instead of Slifi:’ I hf national used hook huv it also will In1 Inlying national 1\ usfd hooks in thi* I Ml hasc rnf'Ht |unf I )tm Williams the hookstorf inanagi'r explained that the bookstore lowers the cost of used tests try buying them bat k (or till purrent of the purchase pm e .it the end of spring term and then reselling them at 7'> pen ent l( the book is not going to be used the next term or if they are overstoc ked the bookstore pays 20 peri ent of the discounted new price or will not t.ik<• the book For example the mass media historv textbook. Voiirs of a X.ition. i nsls $4H Tf new and in 17 used At the end of win ter term the bookstore bought back aB of these' books Stu dents who brought in their liooks after the quota was met only received Slf or nothing for the book The reasons given tor not buying books are: 1 the quota has been met, 2 the professor has chosen a new text for the (lass i the class is not going to he offered again or 4 the hook is not used nationally Williams said during the List Turn to BOOKSTORE, Page 7 Dance set to thank woman’s care givers A daw e in lining held tonight to thunk voluii ti*i■ rs w ho havi1 auii'i! m tin- rei overv ol Charlotte Kit hardson. a former 1 'niversitv stuilent who was i i it n ally mpired in UfK'l Kii hariison sustained severe head injuries in .in ai i ulent ami has sun e rei|inreil intensive therapy anil constant i are Part of her treatment includes a hands on physical therapy program known as patterning. which requires ten volunteers a day Currently several University students are in volved in Richardson's therapy said (diaries Wehh her friend and i are giver However he cause mam will Ire gone for the summer new volunteers are needed Webb s.mi she is making slow but steady pro gross The dame. .it the Kugene Hilton Hotel from <1 p m to 1 a m is a wa\ to thank the volunteers who i urrentlv assist Rh hardson. .is well as an el tort to generate interest tor others to volunteer. U ebb said I be (irub street Hand will be performing and several Kugene area restaurants have donated food Admission is tree Ku hardson will attend from o it) to 111 p m Volunteers work in teams of five during two separate daily shifts from 4 to a p in and from a to ti p m I or more information on how to bet ome a volunteer, i all 484 Olfta Faces of the Bookstore LOUISE NELSON^ POSITION: Administration Receptionist YEARS WITH STORE: Over 11 years HOBBIES: A" crocnet, gardening sewing MOTIVATION Enjoy interacting v.itn ;,e< . LATEST ACHIEVEMENT Design, posters and fliers lor cPurcn GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT M,i"i. o 35 .. QUOTE: i'**> s ‘ragi'e i’ , -ay • FAVORITE JUNK FOOD 1 • r,» LAST BOOK RFAD -l ,r\.' S''• ss •**’ •* * • * h v* FAMILY s. • * ■ * UNIQUE EXPERIENCE In C s',, n i V. ' " •*> ,(» ■ , i ; V cdcjc o’ ' -1 ,.n,’ i" ’ SlCl n ' ! f 1 . . * • V'1 -1 FUTURE PLANS in!c C*>'-s‘ sf . 'r.-. .1'1C Im.c PERSONAL SKETCH Devoteo ic'd"'. . anc! OH.'C'' Valley River Storage Handy location No deposit FREE boxes 484-0100 1210 Willagillespie Rd. Across from Valley River Center THE BEVERAGES A ARE ON US!" Starting at 8:30 pm (while supplies last) SflM 41 *S * 1st ANNUAL BIKINI CONTEST Grand Prize is $200 cash and a one week cruise for two in the BAHAMAS 1 2222 Centennial Blvd • 343-4734 (Next to Autzen Stadium) Don’t forget about Thursday and Friday COMEDY Nights!!!