UNIVERSITY Khitlfi l>v \n«lrr Kjiui-h frames (Hi: an is one at three l nnersitx professors fa In- honored \*ith outstanding teai hum awards Top teachers honored By Lisa Millegan Emerald Reporter Tired id dealing with herring, uninspiring professors7 feel like your lem hers would rather he lining rescan.h than ruining to class7 Then think about sign mg up fur a ( lass taught In Frances (logan. Alexander Mur phy or Steve ()werr All three professors are re i ipients of the I niversity s top tear lung awards for ltd) I Murph\ assistant geography professor and Owen, assistant music prolessor, have won an rural lasted Awards lor Distin guished Teaching 1 ogarr. an associate prolessor 01 the I loll Ills ( ollege is the w inner id the Burlington Northern Fotinda lion Faculty At hievement Award tor l em lung Kx< el lence The three lai u11\ members will he recognized during spring commencement i ereino nil's .it Aut/en Stadium |imr 'i Ihe Hurl i ngto n \orlhern foundation lacultv Achieve ment Awards program .it thr I niversitv is OIU' nt 711 support rd nation.dl\ H\ tin' timnd.i tion 1‘his visit tin' award in i hull's a S-’ i0() hunorariiini A t Iniversity t.u ult\ menitier sini r 1MM 1 ( sigan is a ly recognized expert on 1 *>th i entim Amrrii an liti'rature who specializes in women's writing and studies While working for her dm total degree in 197>i ( aigan re eeived a Ihliversitv (ir.lduate leaching I ellow Award She also won an lasted award in I‘Itt i In addition to teat (ling fresh man honors i lasses in liter.! lure she has developed and taught courses in 1 'ith century tu turn the historic al novel ami utopian in tion Turn toTEACHERS Page 7 EARLY Class FITNESS Aerobics Bench Aerobics Aerobics Bench Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Abdominals Wkt Weight Workout Water Aerobics Water Aerobics Low Impact Aerobics DANCE Swing (7 weeks) Ballroom Tap II Tap I Jaiz II Ja// I REGISTRATION $2.00 OFF May 29, 30, Day Time MW /"am UH 7am UH 12 30pm MW 6 30pm UH 6 3Cpm MW 4 30pm UH 12 30pm MW 6 30pm UH 6 30pm UH 5 15pm M 5 30pm W 5 30pm MW 3 30pm UH 3 30pm MW 5 00pm UH 5 00pm 31 Location Cost Ger 220 SIS Gef 220 SIS Ger 220 S18 Gef220 SIS Ger 220 SIS Get 220 SIS EsI 36 SIB Gef poo! S23 Ge' poo! S? 1 Es! 43 S21 GerX B50 $16 Gef B50 SIS Get 219 S18 Get 219 SIS Get 219 SIS Gef219 SIS JUNE 10 August 8 • (9 weeks) For more information and enrollment call Ext 4113 or come by 103 Gerlinger Hall lllILLUSIONSllf,l,l,fi iir ■ S»*\< .HI III IK )| l-l// \ 15th & Will 1 lHI,im Sun >(X! 11 (Klpm Delivery Available 342-81 1 1 DAN IS GAY. SO THEY DISABLED HIM FOR LIFE. 4# SEXUAL ORIENTATION DISCRIMINATION Six years ago in San Antonio,Texas, Dan Guiling was attacked by a pair of gay-hating young men. They stabbed him and left him for dead. He has a severed spinal cord and is paralyzed for life. Stand Up For Your Beliefs. Speak Out Against Homophobia, Racism, Sexism. I 14?sbian and (lay Publu. Aw-urmcss Project, KO Box lax \njjclo. ( \ (21 V)-!UI llM6 Sponsored by the University of Oregon and the Associated Students of the University of Oregon