II,in.in N.im.ihi llrlli w.is \otetl to the I \ei nine < umnnttm ul the new n strut tunul Muslim .ivwm t.ihnn on t.im/nis ./ml I nl.i Mnhttmm&tl m*i* elm tml ihret lot MUSLIMS Continued from Page 1 In addition tin' group's bylaws were found' to lie unionstitu (tonal Ik-i ause nnh ;>•■ - AM IMTERE5T IM • Substance Abuse - • Sexuality • nutrition • Fitness • Behaviors • Eating Disorders • Weight Management • Stress Management Do you have any interest m developing counsfMing skills publn speak irig *,Kills enhancing your personal knowledge of and edu* atmg fliers T T r•• . LIFESTYIF PLANNING PROGRAM IS FOR ^ YOU! U! 1 • •• !>. '•■lil mli i i ! , • • ’ urn ..it •• ’ students interested in Peer Health Advising A p p i ■ ations tire available at th l udent Healtt Nalley 8 02. POTATO CHIPS 88* no limit FROM OUR DELI 8 Piece Broasted CHICKEN $099 BE SURE TO COME IN AND CHECKOUT THE BEST HEALTH FOOD & NATURAL FOOD DEPARTMENT IN TOWN! save COUPON 9 c+mtmm "li 1 1 1 COCA COLA FAMILY 2 liters first 2 add'l. at 98 17 COBURG RD HOURS 7a.m.-11p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK AD EFFECTIVE 68J-5670 5/29/91 thru 6/4/91 Hie focus of the new group in to m< hull' Muslims ot .ill set ts promote • -qua! p.irtir ipatmn l>\ women and ret oglin'e diversity w ith111 the Muslim < ommunitv -..lid Mohammad a graduate student from Pakistan '.We’re trying to make it even, we re Irving to make ey ery Muslim vim e heard on a ampus We n- Irving to give them an even, fair sav in the ai 11