UNIVERSITY 1991-92 Emerald news staff hired By Don Peters 1 mwu'O A-.stx .ale » .i •■■■ After .1 week long interview inn priii i-ss tfic Ort'fion Huh EnwraUi management team .in nounced its I'l'll <12 news slat! Tuesday It w .is tough pu kihk •'t.111 this s.iiil ( hristopher Blair next year’s editor K\ eryone who applied was quail lied at least in some way We got a good group of writers and editors and the ones we didn’t pit k for slat! yy ill he freelaru mg We’ll have a good year Assisting Blair in this year’s hiring process were Pal Malm h. next year’s managing editor, and (Ihris Bonnet! next year s new s ed ilor The biggest i hange in live Enwrahi next year will he on the 1 opv desk The addition of spei ialized copy editors, under the supervision of Bonnet! will add another dimension in ipial its i ontrot, Ml.iir said Daiitlvn Trappv was named student government activities assor late editor ami will lie joined In reporters Kirsten Lu i as ami Lisa Mdlegan 1 r.ippe sail! Iieat (overtime will include the ASI 'O and student groups as well as greater emphasis on in depth features and iiivestlga tors stories Rene I let air w ill he the i om niiinili associate editor ami will he mined hv reporters Hope \ ea I so n and (.errilt koeppiug-. with the prune fix us being the role ot the I imersitN in the Lugene area ( arrie I lemiett will he the higher edm ation admuiistra lion assoi late editor, and will he assisted In reporters Dennis I it/gerald and • olleen I’oldig Hlair said funding lot higher edm ation w ill he among the is sues u at( hi'il by llii- |.1 k<■ Hern will run tin- spurts desk ,iihI v\ ill In- .issislfd by rf purlers laysim |ai oby .mil I >.i virl ("liarlxmt'.iii Blair sard the sports beat will yo be\onil [list guide (overawe and will deal with such Issues as how the I diversity relates on the \l \ \ level (,raphi( s editor |eff I'aslay Will oversee the photo desk and will he joined by photoyrapbers Andre Kanieri and lane Halim lllnir said graphics will lontin ue to play an important ride as tbe I nU'ttihl strives lor a more ( (insistent look I .ay ne ! akel ish returns as en tertammeiit editor and lummy Matey will be the news reporter |oe Kidd and Don Meters will team up to ysrite editorials and oversee the letters and i out mentarv sei lions Students to dedicate tree in memory of Winn \iki:ti\<;s Student I’rnjei ts Ini Hoard ot Dim.tors meet ini> is from l to to o j> m in 1 Ml (lenlurx Komn Et als I hr I aim \ and I arihhean Student Organization meets at ipm in tb> Intermit Student Assoriation oftu e I VII Komn .inti Mrn \gaiiul Kape u i’ ■ n i M* ( lenluiA Kiiiirn H Students fm I him i* (hud fliRii of (! II.ill to organize a protest ot tin- 11'i on I Supii'iin- (aiurt dei isinn .itti'i ting afiort ion I .at i ii Ainerii an Support < omrnittee in meeting is at a ill p in in KMl < eilai Komn l International \ssoc iatinn id Students i I ntnnit s ami t mninen:e meeting is at |> in in Komn .! t.f ( .ilbert I tall SHI.AK1 IKS AM) 1A I \ I S A i lass ot piano students in rental ss i., pl.i\ the musli ot Itai ti Mozart amt ( liopm at 1 p ill in Heall t lail the film Im Milfihrid th-lttl i*| drama rrsrmhhng I hr Hun! tor Krtt (h.tohrr will hr shown .it n 10 p m m Room 1 t > l’a< 11u Hall Thr slum mg ,s sponsorrd h\ tin* Russian drpartmrnt I hr journalism si hool is from 7 to 10 p m in I hr (.rrlingrr Mail i oungr \ Irrr will hr ilrilii .itrd t. da - ’ sail Winn tin* I’mvrrsitv studrnl who dird m a van ai < itirnt in \pnl at p in nrar thr north rast cornrr of ( asi adr Aunrx Thr drdu ation is sponsoiril I>\ Student ( ampaign toi Misarma mrnt I Mu harl \\ hit** ot ( )bn sprak on Alin s and \tivrrsanrs Matrnai I vi drill r lot lews and ( ln istiaiis in thr Roman Invi iiinmi'iil at -♦ p m in thr I NK (mmwood Room A panri and oprn discussion ss 111 follow at 7 io p m I hr rv amt s arr sponsorrd hv thr l ollrm of Arts and Si ieiu rs through thr Ira t.aston Hr ipirst Deadline tot submit!ini’ i t a/s to thr I mriald trout tlrsk 1 \H 'sinfr litif is noon thr ita\ hrtorr ftiihln ation i t ills run liw day ot thr n mt unlrss thr m rnt takes plat r hrtorr noon Xot it rs tit u rnts u ith a donation or admission thaler wilt not hr at i opted l ,unpus rvrnt s amt those si hrdulrti nearest thr puhtn ation tiate m ill hr i*nen prioritv liir Kmrrald reserves the right to rtlil noth rs tot grammar amt st\ tr you ttAVE ;:a tt"i * t *** f ujffiu l)fni«i '• 40' ' ■ • '' , I . • ' » • ■ *•••-! M '.»> '• • •• * 1,1. « ’ ' , • * I «»■••• I-- * .1 V !-y O'f j. • 0 » V t'”*’ -»M PuW«^ '-si ' .*! IF** . f V-,- • • , «*• I't'i! •i' !»'♦• mt> a -t*' **•< •••> ' If»*rtS • •'*»'«♦ | • V. • i . .» , 5 •. i it f fH> A *. •, V !| *"! v. T hf* i, 14* »u! »• ,%*• -,\f ji.i, ‘ul -*( ■»' r» .1 a $ dllCH A >• vV■«••• • Muoaying l dilof f ditonai l dilO< Politic* Editor Graphic* f dilof Supplamant* Editoi In Touch Editor I ' > M ? W4'd JiH* k m M .»f fc t «■ A t «i N0WI cell (Of f (IMotial t dilo• Sport* f dttor Ent*rt«tnm#nt Editor Suppltmtnli Aul f d Night I ditoe ‘\»* V , .«• - A«ihfr> i i >n KI * r* i .»>;■<• I ,*keti Artiy f '«*■.!«*' i k Oofte t.'iMon Associ ate Editors Community Student Go»*mm*nl Activities *" • •• m.»a --, Higher Education Administration f ’.-u-- , H«pOrt«(l i ■ ■ , .!*«• B*?r,; Hr \ • H r> R«- -■ . • t « • . ■•»•»’ ► 1 ,«•' .■ .,i M - , i M. •!'«• N<*.» •. M , R ]>-«••- .■■•* Mi,•. .11, ■ • ,»{ ;■■*« Hi ; nd '«Vi*t *1 f Photographers I • I . i A !•.■ H.» . Advertising f nv A i IP !.» t ‘ i < . h.»fr‘» I ' " V *• , iv «• K .'.i S •• i* , * ••.!«*• n r-.’ M. • , Mi .» N.a - i .i Hi ' i Mi. i |f*r . Kit!?', ■ ” K -.t. Classified * M M.i i .MM ‘ t. i . • * fwr Business K.i' ’ i 1 • . , Production r V,» i- • A ; ‘ • i' ••• '• A hi Hr- ' I' .s ■ > A .• .1 >. l*tu*• Child |h C.Utffc Carol Oopp Jim f u fi l, E \ ,-ijn M . , ■ hi »\ i i-.Vi • • M r. Mu* , M ’ • . '.'«•** M ' f A ,» Remte. n Jennifer Ruland Do'' Ross Jennifer Smith Ann»i Stephen*,(>n Steve ' ■ i Tr ••-.»•. m. »\.*.M*r M W'Uirfrnn General Manager 1» H.r 1 Production Manager M * • Newsroom Business Office Produc lion )46 SS1 1 146 4 Ifll Advtrtiamg Director Display Adv®r»i»my Cl«ftftltl#d Ariver 146 J7 U 146 4141 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON What really happened to Tinkerbell We ship your stuff home! I'f' l to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos. TV's [>/ Insured, custom packing ,-Y Boxes for sale !-/" I PS. Emery. Motor Freight X Packaging Store 2705 Willamette Street • 344-3 106 (convenient parkinq)