Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 29, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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It will he ,i fine (lav lit our m
teller trial de\elopment .is .1
people xv hell the "love it or
leave it argument is universal
1\ rer'ognized as pop ilespo
tism. embodying all the histori
t al awareness of a dung beetle
The corollary that all distort
tented Americans c all defer
i oust ittm c or iomplu ilx by ex
p.itrialmg refine ts our base no
lion ol esi apism as p.uiai ea
I.si apism is .1 fine leisure at
livily but to suppose that it
i (institutes a brave expression
ol political self assertion is to
mistake denial tor resolution
I'ven a limited demociac x like
ours (all pretend demoi lain
prim iples ori/v bx allovs ing the
discourse ol dissent and differ
era e
lo thrive as a deiiior rai X
vigorous self cr itu ism is retpu
site Revoking the right ol open
dissent dispels even the illu
sion ol plurality and liberty
I would m\ lit people to re
mind themselves who have lor
gotten |l had] that 0111 I)e< lata
lion ol Independence {although
dated in some res per ts) pursues
the notion of 1 hallengiug a gov
eminent w hit li hei nines de
slim live to the ends ol life
libertv and the pursuit ol hap
pmess In this case, it is our
dulv to alter or alroltsh it
\ .mall r ax 11x a< i ommodates
repair ol the tooth hut a tooth
that is too rotten throughout
cannot lie saved and the gum
must give’ Our nation premia
tlllelv blunt with misuse and
rotten through mismanage
merit reijuires a i ostriic dentist
or a people rommifleci to 1 mss
11 ig and brushing after everx
decadent and sugars sweet ad
ministration or polite al .11
It IS the dlltx and not the
downfall, ol a citizen to ques
turn and 1 hallenge its nation s
Demux an (iw inner
It the ’'politit ally t utin t
.lie individuals who always
protest ami lr\ to ( lianijt' the
system wlii’ii tlii’v si'c niiuslu e
thfii the politic alls me nrre’t t1
am pi’opli- who want everyone
to shut up ri'iu.tm passive
blindly follow autllotIt\ ami
wave a ling (or not out of the
c ountrv) when they see mpis
tic e Right '
Marlene Keeil
l's\c holm;i
I would like to public l\ e\
press im gratitude for the c tnlcl
c are sen u es here .it the I in
\ersit\ Knowing th.it my chil
dren were being well cared lor
on c allipus pisl a lew steps
away from m\ ow n c lasses, has
made IIIv life linn h easier
I espec uillv appic’c iate that
I he t hi Id (tare and I Vv elop
mirnl ( i nters uiKli’rst.mii him
her Ik ,i student's si hedule < ,m
lie. not mum other i hilil < tire
prugr.ims .ire this .111 iiininodat
mg All ol the twin hers ■mil
still! have been ve|\ helpful to
me .mil the iju.ihtv of i.ire mv
i hlhlren rei i'iveil is.is e\i e|
1 ssuulil .ilsii life !o th.mk the
ASI () for hVis rug the i hilil 1 .ire
subsidy progr.mi This program
h.is heim instruinentiil in iillou
mg me to 1 imtimie mv e.hu .1
t ion I .mi v et \ gr.iteful th.it '
h.iv* In eii .ilile to use both of
these serve es .mil sim erelv
hope th.it lliev will 1 ontmue to
lie HViiil.ihle to stuilent p.irents
like mv self
Su/s Mont.tl\ .111
Hum.ill Serv 11 es
I would hr VI*! V interested to
know the source ol 1 rin S< ha
ft-! s ‘statistic s \()l)l May .Ml)
<m the amount of '"ozone eat
mv* pollutants prodiii ed by a
ts pic a I spm e shuttle laum h
It'll billion mbit tons*' It is
ridiculous jwtiK h is as gently
as I dale put it) to assort that a
shuttle' l.mni ft could produce
an amount of pollution thou
sands if not millions, of turn's
its own wnight Si hater's fig
urns an* more* appropriate lor
an explosion the si/e ot the \t!
St Helens .disaster and e\en
then i siispi't t the\ would he
w iId 1 v Iii.a t urate
1 am as worried about poliu
lion as rnui h as anv and more
than most it is a lethal proh
lem whnh is worsening h\ the
hour but let s get bat k to tin*
realm o| physical j..;sdl-il.t;
here 1 he pollution prodm ed
bv all the spa. e shuttle launch
es past and tor the foreseeable
future does not equal a fra. turn
of the damage < aused h\ Amor
nail automofnle tralli. ill one
week (probably tor tfiat matter
in a single dav)
\sstitning that Si hater s
statements .ire neither mane
satire nor the result ot h'mrrahl
typos (assumptions that 1 am
not entirely i oinfortable with)
I must admit that 1 tear lor the
future of engineering in tins
i ountr\
And 1 am not impressed with
the kind of pre s. hool journal
ism that would let such tdm k
en Little assertions unless
thr\ are meant to be funny
go um ha!lenged
Mil h.it'l Stamm
(Composition and (.ruduatc
Sec rclar\
Tnglish Dept
Alev Peterson utotc (()/)/
Mas Jui "John came up with
tins li'ttci to contuse thn stu
dents cmu erning Mike (Col
son Thus lie implied that lie
I’eterson. was not going to i on
lose the students lie's wrong
The t.u t is that t Colson w as
found responsible tot altering
committee minutes So he
m ftnwwxtiwt <j
»JL». W***!
Wits found responsible hy
Iwn jum»pl»* who don't like him
personally .md who refuse to
release any ol tin* ey idem e |i) it
exists) I li.it led them to !>elle\ e
their i hums of imjiartialitx
i Ins system may work in Saha
iloran death squads, but not
here in Amenta you need
evident e
I he tilt I Is that 1 ulsuil has
been at t used of i arry mg a gun
on t ampus So who is ai t us
mg Ium'’ (amid 1 do the same
thing Ini instant e at oust
h'nniler Hills ol tatr\ mg a lOfi
mm ret oilless rifle at loss t am
pus 111 her hat kjiat k and get
all the trendy at tivist posers
shrieking bn her t rm ifixion
ton ' \\ e need to think t aretullv
before rye start |>erse< utlllg Jieo
pie baseti on unproyen .musa
t ions alone
(hi tile other band w iti li
hunting is an awful lot of fun if
you happen to not lie the xvitc.h
Maybe Peterson and company
are right to revive this fine old
Aiiit'in an tradition
I inn |nhii
1 iiisagree v\ 11h (iars Darby s
letter [ODh Mav L'2)
Hi* argues that the Woman's
t enter should not rn i*iv»* funds
from tin* students Ireoause lie
charges they engage in "bigot
ed. prejudicial and sexist type
<u tivities
I bis statement follows sever
<d paragraphs detailing his mis
understandings about the at tiv
ities of the Women's denier
when in lai t the Women's t en
ter is fighting bigoted prejudi
i i.d and sexist t\ pe attitudes
It l)arh\ feels threatened b\
the Women's denier. perhaps
self examination might be in
order If .1 person feels threat
ened, perhaps that |ierson
• Mm's hi a understand what
file true issues are
• i >'n's not understand the dif
tereni e between accepting ho
mosexualitv and lieiug hetero
sciolist)') bigoted [irejudii ial
and or sexist attitudes
II a person feels threatened
11\ tile V,;-Mu'< enter and
examines win then feel threat
ened, that person has been mill
rated liie reason tile l'inverse
t\ exists is to provide an educa
tion to Us students
If Ilarby . or am others, inne
lieen made more aware ol worn
pii s issues and their own atti
tudes by the Women’s ( enter
they have been edui ated I’hus
the funding tor the Women’s
t enter is justified and well
Self examination 101 may
not lie tor i redd but its one ol
the most challenging and re
warding courses of a lifetime
Kussell Harnett
Politir al Si iem e
According to Diam- Wong
Ma\ 2-1). .1 woman stu
deni is being prosei uted lor
in,iking written statements Ihal
might lead to an iin lease in
hate i runes against women
In other words she’s being
prosei uted fur ini iling men to
heat her up llus is analogous
to arresting a woman who is he
mg beaten h\ her husband he
i atlse "she asked lor it
There's a lot of potential in
this sort of prosecution We
could arrest Jews lor causing
the holocaust black people for
c ausing segregation and mem
bers of (be peac e movement for
causing the wars in Vietnam.
( .central A meric a and the Slid
die* l ast
Hitler would be proud
\nu I alters.ill
I ugene
It's great to know th.it in ms
vers own universits . hatred is
alive .mil well It's nit e to
ktinw 'hat hatred knows no
limits adheres to no logit 1 l.i
ticil is still haired and still pop
t )n I i id.is Mas 2A, I had the
pli'.isnn- id hearing a speakei in
thf (AH’ Ballroom His mes
sage was most interesting lews
i ontrol the media in America
lews own A merit a it self
lews use blank people to gain
mone\ and power lews use ho
mosexuals. lesbians, hlai ks and
all oppressed people m the
world to make more mones aiiu
power lews aren't rea//v Jews,
hut the\ i ailed themselves )esvs
to get "lessish privilege while
living in Europe 1 found all
this vets interesting
The man sasiug this svas not
some neo Nazi white nation
supportei No. he ssas a hl.u k
Amerit an and he blamed the
plight ot all oppressed people
in the svorld upon Jess s here,
at the t nis el sits with student
funds, no less And he spoke to
a gathering ol students who
smiled and applauded his esil
It's mi e to knoss that because
ol ms ethnic identlts people
will alssuss hate me because I
am a less Eve never under
stood so tieepls the meaning ot
Israel until this moment
I’hil Zui kerman
less ish Student t moil
vyogl) <x
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