1991 NCAA PREVIEW Champion Tigers tough to beat By Ashley Conklin [ i-h'm •! Spoils t ! !o< I hr bin f ] inf si ion m tin worn nil's tram rare at this ivit'k s \< AA I mi I uni I n Id < ham pitmships .il ilawvarti lielil is Can aiiyiinr stop I.oiiisiana State' rlir Tigris have 1.ikrii the \( \A title the last Inti] sea soils mi hiding the last time thr championship* were held at ll.i\u,m! Field hi I'lHH 1(1.A whi< h w.is the team lavortte that ve.ir should i h.il lenge I.S* .1 gain til 1 s 11 me around, as will Texas I lurid.1 Nebraska lid | ii>habl\ ()r• • v'.• m Hut inn > again tin- llgeis appear too good In I1e.1l I have tn go \\ it h 1 Si ( )r egon ( oai h Tom I lei nonen said W ith Fsther (ones tile ■G.itiji \ " Hi.'C 'V4 Kr >' '! ■ r l /(j.r ; y/(* W.i/i; ■ . 6 10% OFF NON PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES with coupon Not good with other otters Hi >, V; VlV ft* J •, . ■ Hi t ■ •?j> tti/i St?t “_ « 1 9 t if ^766 K. 13th A\i\ (Smith Kamil) Building) 343-3333 j defending loo and 200 i hampi on. Duhanev .mil .ill ol fhi-1r hurdlers ih«*v have .1 lol ill 111) HI Is How ever ! SI ( Hiii h I'lit llonh dnesn i liuv (In* notion lli.il there’-. im pressure on his In,1111 In repeat I rum ,1 1 oat h 1 tig si.1 ml (mini i-vi-n \rar is .i new sear said Hi-iha \s hi• has been tin- lli .iil 1 11.11 h Im thn-i- ul IhiiM- national ( llunipionships *l im |ii>l .tp)iti i.n h it Ihal w a\ At least in- do and what happens is what happens hr said 'Out giial is In lr\ and have i-mtvImhU have a good das mi till- sanii- das Like llii- I i iilirssi'i nirn s (ram. tin- I igri w iiiin-n don'I appear to have arty wrakrirssrs II they all have a good day IlMlk mil lours a senior' won the Kill and JIKI Iasi .season and an 1 hurl'd (hr 1 igrrs fv 100'-meter relay tram lii another Idle I II 1 s season Jones has the fastest lime in tin* 10(1 and the fourth best mark in the 200 LSI s sprint rela\ tram is also awesome they are the nnlv tram In dip la-low 4-4 sri mills |4 t 77) LSI also has four ul the If i■ \ cuts m tin' \< A A si hedule Texas (nai l) Terry Crawford sanl And tin'll 1 think there's a nuniliei ot other teams lh.it i soo Jazz 2000.$58.50 . g «, Additional models available also including styles from New Balance and Avia. We feature a complete line of apparel and camping materials. MKENZIE O U T F I T T E R S 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER M