1991 NCAA PREVIEW Duck teams racing for trophies " ' By Ashley Conklin t " I.i'c Both (iregon I r.u k tea ms could snag team trophies at tin1 \< A A Tr.u k ami 1 teld ( ham pionships tills week .it lla\ ward field Coach Hill Dellinger's'men's sipiad has .m outside shot at the team title and Coach Inin Heinonen s women s squad i mild surprise a few people lau h team would need to finish in the lop four to w in a trophy In the men's rai e the Dm ks will be in a dog light behind I e n lies see and U aslungton Stale to grab a tropin Dellmgei said .10 points or more i mild get the Dm ks a tro pin bill be admitted that just about am team ill this year's field could also finish in the lop four. ' 1 think u e i an be right up there." Del 1 itiger said It should lie a good battle and will prnbabh take tip into tile 111 point range to w in a tropin We re as good as everyone i-N. In' said I mi ink \ikun s.t'- I S!' \ 11 hiirn Texas .uni .1 iHimbt't ut ullii'r (i*.iills will also be tlicrc Leading Ibi' Dm ks w ill be de. athletes IVitru daSilva .mil Mubamm.nl Oliver ami Kh k Mestler ami Tve Van Si hoiai k in th«- i nun mi-lt-r stoeple 1 liase I laSilva anil ()liv er am fmirib anil sev filth respei tivelv. in tbu 11at111n.1l rankings DaSilva was tin \i \ \ runner up two seasons ago but hail to with draw from last soar s 1 ompeti thin w ith a hip fb'Mir iniiirv Mrstli-r w as an all Amerit an in llm steeplet hase Ibi’ past two seasons anil both, be and \ an Si lioiili k .< oil'll! si pie tins sea soil ■ ( ) 1 ego 11 ha ill me 1 I III o w e 1 Stoll Mit.ee is the defending 1 hump lull Will Have a tough time beating i tem h import ( hristophe 1 lie .1 Southem Methodist All of Oregon s other entries are good bets to si ore I hev in WELCOME TO TERRY5! ^ HOME OF THE ALL AMERICAN MEAL AND SERVICE WITH A SMILED 2/ A SO’* styi** diiwr serving award winning burgers and oim*U»lt*** OW (ashi<»n«*(i iodaft. ami malls Beer and wins' 683-8196 OPEN: MON-FR1, 7 am-10 pm SAT, 8 am-10 pm IN 9 am-10 pm V\ SUN. Fifth Street Public Market • Eugene, Oregon EUGENE'S FAVORITE NIGHTCLUB! Dancing every night, plus TUESDAYS LADIES NIGHT! WEDNESDAYS SCANDAL PARTY—all the beverages on us THURS.&FRI. COMEDY NIGHTS! SATURDAYS LADIES NIGHT! Bahamas Trip Giveaway Kowloon FOR THE BEST CHINESE FOOD IN EUGENE AND PRIME RIB SPECIALS 2222 Centennial Blvd. • Eugene • 343-4734 < lutle I1,it I hillrr in tin- i DUO ( n I m I ).i linn til I he I tli.il Sli,union Intuit.i in llir Hill) Boil (lr.iv in tin* liurilli1 rvrnts Bri.m Wright in litf UK) hurillrs .mil \tl Nkippn m lin1 l.urliti On tiir vvoini'i) s side ilruumrii will r«"h mi |.i v 1111 llirowrrs II,ml.i Hrrrv .mil kirn ili.ili .uni ilisi.mii- riinniTs I in \ \nsr.il.i .mil 1stii|ih,miii Urssrll Hrrrv .mil I lv.itt r.mk 1 I rr spri tjvi'K .mil Nnsr.il.i | , until ■ milWi ssiil | HI titiill .iri1 lhinl in tlii-ir i‘vf iits U r 11‘ got .1 i hum iv.lt ,l top SI on1 hut uo rr rrlvmg ulinusl r\i lusn idv oil 1 host■ torn pro pit* ' I Irinmiri) S.mi Ihirr ol thrill h.nr si orril lirturr .mil l.uiv li.is run soInlH .ill sr.i sup " ( illirr ( irrgun riltrirs mi iuilr Kus ir \V ii I i.ims m I hr ttltl ( .mi.ir.i Join's m tin* ItIO \n ulr WiHiilvviirii in thr I (Mill l.iurrl Kobrrts m thr high |unip .uni hrlh HI.lit III thr hrpl.ithliill JAVELIN Continued from Page 1B I ler »■ jtt'ii»• jm*i tiirrxian» »• .it the i ..ist ( ham e meet s\ .is impressise all five of her le gal throws t ras e led more than 1 HU trot l iidouhtedlv sin* s Ihm*ii i ons isti'iit ovrr .1 MO Hemonen said Haula is really miles ahead of every one rlsi* I'hi- Oregon se n idr is t hri»v\ mg sn well. f hat the si hool i ec orcl. I he \t A \ i hampmnship meet ret oril ( *!(M» O) ami the \ mei n an ml lev; late i ei o rii .’ll •) i nnhl all fall to Hei i \ t his week Hannon said I m going Inr the sw eep I lar moil said Id put m \ in ones on t h «* sw eep Herrs is st dl ruling a t rest of happiness from her pel formant e at the l ast t ham e meet I m a prettv liapps ramp ei right now. Herrs said Iasi I hursdas \nd it I i an gut through ms finals anil all ms papists that I hasr In (mil m I'm going In lit- ()k I I s a t t a I s 11 has s In i ss n marki'tl inipros ■•nlcnt rr< i*nt Is attaining a I’K ul I "H I at I hr I’at 11 u III ( mi liTi'ilt i' ( ll.unpiniislups Mas III W r i nnhi grl I J hill tlliTr S Inis nt ntht'r tine I li r n ss a r s n n I I li r i c 1 Itnnnni'n said ( hit' i mtipclilnr ss hn ss ill not In' llti'rt' IS \n/nna s I must' IVriI'Utill ss hn had lilt' nation s sii.nml hfsl col It'giah' throw ht'fnrt' ss ith tlrasvmg from thr N't A \s lift oust' nt t'lhnss XUrgrrs HN I s flint lii'ii I and di'h'iid111vt n.illnii.il i llanipi nn Nshlt'S Si'hnan nt l St an- rankl'd third anti tilth among i ollt'giah' thrnssi'is and in' ox pri till to that It'llgl' Ini points T hi' |a s id in qua 111 S I ug tlirnvss hi'gni at a lit p m Thwrsdas and I hi* lin.ils ss. i i I gi-t utuinrw as at 1 p in Saturdas An HIM PS/2 can help you with a double major. Work and college. ( ollrrr rail !*• «ii t}h ii11 <*ftolls’ll h\ It mII. lull wlirtl mhj ( oiiumhiihI it w it 11 .i joh. t hr load liotlMr* IlirlliM IVrMUl.il >\**trill 2 < .Hi 11« -11» \t m i throu*»h tli*M- workload** I hr l>s J iirtlir*> prrloadrd with soft wan* that will Irt sou rn atr mi|»n*"i\«* |»a|>rr* rrjMirt**. rraplm ** anil -prraddirrt*' for vour c la^M**. i»r for \our joh \n I li\1 iikhim*, rolor dis|»la\ ami tool** 11kt* a notepad, » alrmlar. • ardhlr ami r\rn ifdinr* an* also iik luded. \ihI it** expand ahlr m» it ran «;n>w v% it h vou to keep parr VMth \tmIr III »•«!' .it VMirk. .UmI III rolli ^r \' .1 stiKirnt. Mill an* rllf'lMt’ for .1 »|M*« l.iI f»rn ♦ oil .III IBM l*> Ulonl.ihli lo.m |ki\ iihiiI *• .Iff .il-n availahlt With fill IBM B's 2 I Oil 11 for I i-.irnini' \imI on .i ililfi rrnt n«»t*\ \oii < an p*l ifir ItolilMii I b'-ktof) MiJ'K >\Htrm at .1 "|m < i.tl pn<» I lir I S/2 is vm II vm >r111 looking min NX h**lh**r it 2 fur work nr for «ollrp\ you II 11rhi it ran a major Iwlp. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 346-4402 • % •«« ■*;»• toQu«‘'*-r! m#r)«nf« »«• ». 4--J *rvt .>.■ 1IM '/ i »' ; 4* • ' •* • «M ' 6C ... ’.*• • /«*; »*( ; t»an»»* r-I .1 • MM •.«•• •*>•• A< ■«■ •••»'•-. • r • a. a • •- «• • »• • ’ 4- »: • HV • a, A •' t*. « #.•»*• • - r I'M *•*. , vt. • . a »" . «'» '«>•, **> ’ v* • i Ikv M* ’ *« o". *■*•». Ho«'»l » a M*'«. • .*>***•• vIH.annl ■ BM 'Wl