i OUI t. . ■ M ' H.ishi nylon SLilr's Innx li t.mnnl in Ihr l lit mein hiyh hurtHrs mrs fn /i/m / ' JU't 4 Dairy Queen brazier 706 E. 13th • 343-7512 r-:-—OPE-;-- odE " ■ :— • • ODE - ODE , . ■ . ODE - ODE ' ,1 ODE i » Kin>i.O QPC 1991 NCAA PREVIEW Vols and Cougars favored to win But Oregon and Arkansas could challenge for team title By Ashley Conklin f •• e I Spods i - Ihe nu'ii s train title at this ttirl's N’t A A I’lai k Pi I U'hl < Ir.impioriships .it llavssard field shmild Imil dossil to a tun train affair lietssrrn Frn nrssrr anil W ashington State It anvhoiK i mild < hnllenge tlnisi two trains n would 11k■ Is hr Oregon. vs hull won its last \( VA .title in 1‘tH-i while hosting tin* i hatnpionships Hut thr Volunteers. I ougors and I tin ks art'll t thr onls tal ruled trams in this years meet Arizona. Arkansas Auburn. (irorgr Mason. (.eorgrtoss n. I outsiana Statr Texes and lev as (Christian ari* pist a Iris ol thr si hools that i mild sssas thr ti llr halam r tor inn* of thr favor ilrs \nd at alls \( \A inert who i an r\ rt tell what might hap prn ? I smi veers ago s\ r sverrii't even supposed to hr III thr trail meet and He won said Louisiana Statr (!nar!i Put Urn n of the two tune defending i hanipions 'The press knows a little lot but llirs don’t know it all so that s what makes trai k and held Inn U bile the team r.u r is goal auleed to hr fun. softie of thr subplots that mas develop should be ins! ns i*\( iting ( .in Kugene's favorite son Tennessee (.o.n 11 Doug Hrown .1 formci Athletes West run nor .mil Churchill High School i i),ii h lie.id Imi k to h no\ V ill* with tile Volunteers set 011(1 e\ er M A A title' < in Washington State's )ohn Chap I in. i ertainlv no I layw 1110' III C l I C O 11 T’OOb OKDtKS !() (.() 343-4480 *»4 lr jnklm HIv«1 Mon fhur I 1 00 .» m to 10 10 p m In 11 00 .» m I«i Midnight S.O Soon lo Midnight Son Noon lo 10 10 p m NORTH BANK K I S I A l K AN I A I Ol \(,I NKW! EXPANDED LOl'NGE MKNIJ DRAFT AND IMPORTED BEERS ESPRESSO COMPLE TE DINNERS EROM $7.95 22 CLUB ROAD t h: I hr ink: I'.illi ■ '< ki sim \ noss \t < i n i d >k mil f/ic PH( )\l Kugene in I'lHH And although Minn- teams like Arizona .ire stronv; in the sprints. Wildcat (loach Dave Murray is looking forward to the support the Hayward fans yy ill giy e the liislam e runners like his own Man Davis m the a.000 meters It's a great situation tor dis tain e runners Vlurra\ said I tunny tlie dist.iin e rai.es, t hose aren t the 11 mes these people yet up and go yet a hot ih iy and take a break 1 hey i e a I wavs (.lapping and they've always had a tre mendous amount of respei t for our people While the weather miyli! he i undue ive lor the distam e run ners. sprinters might lie run ning lor covei it rain breaks out and there's no question the told weather will not he vvliat t he sprint lie.n y tea ms like Brigham Young. Oklahoma T< :t ’ and Texas Kl Paso are h m ik i ny fi ir In Iai t Brown rites the weather as one of the big rea sons he lavors Washington State at this meet I he W ashington State team is coming south for tins meet he said "Kverybody else is i uni mg north so they |the (am gars) think they re r omtng south to warmer weather Went hci aside all ol I he coaches like the Hayward field tai ility and they will see some neu additions from I'lHH l'lie new weight room on the east side of the stadium is noy\ complete and a new sc on board sits near the clerk's i ir ( le i ourtesy ol Phil Knight and Nike Near the lath Avenue en trance, ( (instruction began this spring on the Bovverrnan Build mg. which should he complet ed by next spring All the cone lies down at the trai k were talking about him great things are, (Jregon (loach Bill Dellinger said Sun day night All the c oac lies are impressed I eimessee Is pli k**tf b\ / Ml k ,inil I laid Vows Id win till' men's title and liars Verigin's lraikwire stutistiial servin' also pli ks the Sols to will, tint both strongly caution to watch out tm U asllington State Simply pul Tennessee is loaded They sport two 8.000 point dei athletes in Drain llru p h s and A i 11 Long I’ole saulter Rich Kulford lias gone 18 4 1 .■ this season and is the mils Vnl who lias competed at Hayward Held no heightmg at the 198H \( AA meet Tennessee also has good e\ perience with |ohu Richardson in the javelin (24!i it) and dis tame runners Todd Williams (114 1 50 in the 5.000 and 28 18 12 in the 10.000) and (denn Morgan li t 40.35 in the 5.000) Morgan will run the 5 1100 Iml W illiams ssill double to trs and get the Vols some needed points "I have to (ink Tennessee." Dellinger said They're head and shoulders above the rest in the dei athlon. and they have a lot of other good people lint Drown still likes Wash ington State "John Chaplin is a veteran coach at the NCAA level," Drown said "He's been second place about a million times Turn to MEN Page 7B