Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 29, 1991, Image 13

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    The Oregon DAILY EMERALD'S preview of the
Track & Field
Sprinters race into spotlight
By Ashley Conklin
t mi'M :! Sixm Editor
II speed kills no trio of sprinters will be
mure lelhul .it Hayward Field this week
than Harlelte (hndrv F.slher |nnes anil
Mail el Malone
(iiiidrv Junes anil Malone all do then
best work m less than a minute and they II
all try to run even I aster at the \( A A I r.n k
and Field (lhampiniiships todnv through
Him tr.ii k ( areers read like a I tollvwoml
mov ir si ripl
Texas' (iuidrv fought her wav li.uk Imm
injuries lest season In finish second in I lie
Athletics (longress KM) meters and then
won the event at the 19110 (lood w ill (.allies
Junes is tlie defending M A A 100-meter
and 200-meter champ. heating duidry in
the 21)0 last season One of Louisiana
State's most successful athletes ever |ones
is a 1 > time all A meric an in both \( !AA in
door and ouldooi i ompelitions
With tier help, the Tigers have won the
\( AA outdoor team title eat h of the last
three seasons
Malone started her c ollege c areer in I'lHtt,
the same \ ear as (luidrv and Jones hut she
is only a junioi at Arizona State hating
redsliirted the 10H0 season I lei name has
bee time sviionvmous with the 400 metei
Last tear she became the lust female to
tv in the \CAA and I At tilt) meter titles in
the same tear Malone then added the
\( AA indoor title this past wintei selling
tv hat tt as at the time an American indoor
record She’ is also better than average in
the 200
I’lentt of other top sprinters will fie on
hand at llavctard Held this week Wbras
ka's him Walker has the lop time ill the 200
meters coming into the meet, and teammate
Ximena Kestrepo is a title threat in both the
200 and 400 Other top sprmleis include
Stanford's (Ihrvste (iaines. Texas South
ern’s Heatru e I tondu and Alabama's Diane
I hntrod I ratios
Hut tairdrv Jones and Malone are the
t ompetitors people are c oming to see in the
sprints l hes re the show stoppers
At Texas. they (.all Guidry Ms Turbo
Shf Is .1 quii k explosive .mil aggressive
Hut unlike a highly powered turbo m.i
i hine Guidry isn't rei kless .mil out of i on
Sure, she's h.id injuries in the past and
was severely hampered by hamstring prob
lems But Guidry thinks in the long term
She talks about tiemg for used, and one i an
definitely sense that she has a ( lear purpose
m her running
"She realizes she's one of probably (the)
top three collegiate sprinters right now."
Texas Coach Terry Crawford said "So I
think she's a person that really has a good
perspective on her running career, and she
knows that she's just getting started in a
running career, that her college career has
just prepared her to go on and continue to
A lot of that perspective came last year
Despite missing much of the outdoor sea
son with the hamstring problem. Guidry
made it to the NCAAs in lioth the 100 and
200 and also in the 4x100 relay. A false
start disqualified her from the 100. but she
finished second to Jones in the 200
That second place 200 finish was the first
step after the injury that literally got her
back on track
"Yes I was (pleased) because that was
like my first big rare after the hainstring."
Guidry said after a workout at Hayward
Field on Monday "And my hamstrings.
< ourte«> of I nh'triiif of Irui
( arlette (iuidry oven ame injuries to have a successful outdoor season last season anil is now Itwk
inf( toward the 19*92 OlvmpU s
thin weren't totally ready, but they were
able to real t to everything
After she was injured. Guidry and her
coach. Texas assistant lane Frederick, sat
down and planned the season a little differ
"I had to go hack and readjust some
things, my coach and I Guidry said "I
was able to real t to adjustments and I was
able to run well at Goodw ill and TAG
While Paul Ku hards coat hes the rest of
the Longhorn sprinters. Guidry is coached
by Frederick, who used to lie one of the
world's best heptathletes
"With her. 1 guess because I'm .1 different
type of sprinter. I'm more of .1 power run
tier, and she works a lot with me on tech
nit|ue ' Guidry said "And she's helped me
to use the strength I have
In a lot of regards Guidry is not a stan
dard sprinter She's got something extra
that doesn't come from being faster than
most people she lines up with in the blocks
Her goals, for this year and 1*192 an
Turn to SPRINTERS Page 5B
take aim
at the top
By Jake Berg
( inni.iM Sports Htiporte'
l Iri'Knn |.ts ••lin tlirosv
t*rs Paula Bom and kmi
I I s ,i 11 .iri' hop t uy t In'
holm* tu'lil .nls,nit.a-!• ss ill
Boost lllrill to lop [ililt i*
11III s til's .it t hi'
t It <i ill p l o n s h i p s this
SS I'l'k
I m InokinK lorsv.iril
to it ss 11 h our li u ini'
i russil 11s .ill Siiirl I d
liki* to i*i't tin-in ht'hiuil us
.nut itt.is hr pul! out si11111*
Paula Berry
Hem 'inil ll\.ill who
ha\t ■ tin' fir si .ini I 111111111
hfst i ullegiale throws. re
spri livi'K 111 tin- ( uunti\
llus season. .in- aiming
Ini lirsl iind si'c mill pl.ii i'
,11 till' II ,l I IIIII .1 I meet,
w It it li begins today .il
I let\ wiini l irlil
Oregon (hjik.Ii Ihiii
I (mmmi'll said "i ml.iiiiK
llii' possibility |s tlu-i*•
that Kerry anil 11 va 11
i mild place 1 al tIn
N( AAs Kerry was sim
mul al Iasi year's nalimi.il
inert, and Hyatt finished
(Ircgon throws i oai h
Sally Harmmi wants her
prize pupils to take the
lop plat es this week and
she thinks they i .in
I want them to lake
1-2 at nationals. " liar
mmi said "They want to.
as well The t i m i n g
would he right for hoth of
them to do that
The timing is perfei I
Hoth Kerry and Hyatt
have rei enlly had the lies!
throws of their careers
Kerry's personal record
O 2 I a I the I, e s
Steers Kist Chance Open
last Thursday at Hayward
was two mi lies shy of
I.ynda Hughes' school re
i ord and is the fifth long
est collegiate throw ever
Turn to JAVELIN Page 3B