Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 29, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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Tickets still available
for NCAA track meet
I it kets .III- still as adatile
for tins week s N'( \ A ! Me k
ami I ifId ( hampionships at
I la\ \vard I leid the l’nisei
sits Ik ket nffit e said I u».*s
das afternoon
I our das tii ki t pa< kages
to tlif t hampmnsinps I>♦
( umr available todas Re
srrvfd seating tin this fom
this pat kage < osts S J >. adult
general admission costs % 10
and genfi.il admission for
c hildreii and senior < itizens
t osts S.!r»
( )ne das rt*sers ed tit kefs
are also on salt* Reservetl
seating for \Yednestlas and
I hursdas < osts Sin lor eat h
das and lesefSed seat*, lor
I ml.is .mil Saturday .in- Si '>
HpilM ('
(iftuT.il admission seating
fin c.ii It id the fmir (las s re
mains on sale
lor \\ i' (I n e s (I a \ a ml
Thursday. adult vi«-tu-r.«1 ail
mission i osls Sit and tin'
< ost for I imersity students
i hildren and senior i iti/erix
is S7 a day I or I iiday ami
Saturday adult general ad
mission is S | 1 and I mver
sii\ students ' hildrun and
senior i ilizi-ns an- S'l apiei e
lii k i • t m a mi ge 1 '111 n t
I loKapple said t In- I it k«*•
sains vs ere going ' 'fairly
vs i'll. bill he didn't I'spi'i t
ans sellouts
Blazers stay alive in playoff series
POKTI AMI (Al‘I ' Hue k
U 111 la ms k nc w h i s siMsnn
wouldn't lii' ovi'i I ucsd.n
' ! had im bags pac ked al
MMili lie said I knew we
w ere going bar k to I he I «
Williams said be was as
readv to |>la\ .is he d e\er been
after his team's embarrassing
blowouts oyer the weekend
I was nisi so disappointed
in nnsell and disappointed in
our team he said We re a
muc h better team than we ve
e shlbited We had to get back
to play mg 1 rail Bla/er basket
ball -•
W illiams responded b\ pull
ing dow n Hi rebounds to lead a
dominating Portland perfor
malice on the boards and the
I tail Blazers beat the bos All
geles bakers Ni H-l to sta\ alive
III the W estei n < amtereni e li
\\ lien it u >mes to increasing
pn kIik ti\ it\ .it .m ei i>n< (inn. .il price,
no tool tli.it s more able
Meet the Macintosh'l lassu* lomputer
It s the nit ist altimiible Matintush. vet it tan
handle a vanet\ ot basu home, oilier anti
classroom applications, mu h as word
pnxvssinj* anil spreadsheet analysis
I he t lassu is a complete Macintush
Its monitor, keylxurd. mouse and system
software are all included, as are extras you
misfit not expect such as the ability to
network and the Apple' SuperDme cil'xk
dnve. w hit h lets the UassK read from ami
wnte to MS 1 x )s ()S 1. and i’rol x )s" files
Hie (lassie ran easily go where you
need to go w hen you need to go there Its
integrated design, light weight and built in
earn ing handle are ideal tor a person on
the im >ve
So a >me in and see a demonstration
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Microcomputer Support Lab
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Hut k w .is unbeliev able.
Portland ( ii.ii h Kii k Adelman
s.iid lit- was everywhere
Hui k is ,tn inspiration In
this Ir.im jt'rnnir kersey siliil
'inn know In-s always going
in be around the ball I just
hope hr sain! sumr energy Ini
Iluirsdav m I .os Angeles
The Blazers had .1 ">2 1 > re
hound advantage 20 o on the
offensive tmards and I ns An
geles committed IT turnovers
as Portland 1 lit the l-akrrs lead
111 the best of seven series to
Los Angeles still i an w rap up
its eighth Western Conference
title in It) years and advance to
an NBA final showdown
against Chicago with a victim
Thursday night at the Forum
Hut they niiii have to do it
without James Worthy, who
sprained Ins left ankle in the
first (prarter lie tried to return
to the game hut finally sat
down for good with *t t-4 to
Unrthv said his ankle is ten
der hut won't keep him out of
tlie sixth game However team
doctor Stephen Lombardo said
the severity of the injury won t
he i lear until \\rdnesdav
kersey led five Hla/.ers in
double figures with 2(1 points
and nine rehounds Clyde Drex
let added ltt |)omts and Terry
Porter 17. including 12 in the
second halt Williams and re
serve Cliff Robinson si o red It
apiei e
Magic |ohnson si ored 2 0
points and hit four .1 pointers
but he was only t for 1 •) from
the tic-ld after making Ills lust
five shots V lade Divar added
1 -t points
Worthy defended In U 11
Bums most of thr -time lit* was
on tin* court. finished with 1
points .is did Sam Perkins
It 's not one person K\ er\
body got a had grade, lohnson
said of his team's performain e
We i an t he looking at one an
other wondering whose man it
w as
Portland the defending (.on
ferem e i hampioli and owner of
the NBAs hest regular season
ret ord at hi to is attempting
to het ome the fifth team in
league history to t ome bar k
from a l-1 defir it
Adelniiin went with a switch
ing defense toi the first time ill
I lie series
UV |ust wanted to give
them a different look lie said
They had heen so comfortable
against us
W ith the Blazers using differ
out niatr hups and with Worthy
hobbling the Inkers struggled
on offense The Blazers made it
more (fifth oil By setting a club
plavoff ret orrl lor offensive re
"We have to do a Better job
on the hoards and figure out
more ways to manufacture
more points." Inkers Coach
Mike Dunleavy said
The Blazers, who trailed by
as mam as eight points in the
first half, took c ontrol for good
hv outscoring the Lakers 28-18
in an intense third quarter th.it
featured five ties and three lead
i flanges
Portland finished the quarter
w it f i a lit run for a 7r> nH
lead live Blazers stored dur
mg the det isive spurt The Lak
ers got no i loser thail five 111
the final quarter.
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