Oregon DAILY EMERALD Wcilncs*]a\ . Mas 24. Wl l-uycnc. ()rcgon Volume Issue I Old controversy haunts revised Muslim group By Daralyn Trappe ! me raid Reporter I here's a nr« Muslim student group mi r ampiis Hut it's actually tlie old group Or it s the old one re struc tured Maybe It depends on who von ask It's ,dso uiu lear what the »iffit ial name ot this group is. Hut all that aside, ime fact is f lear Several Muslim students have stepped to the forefront this year and i rented an organization that they hope w ill prov ule an entirely different exponent e for the 1 'niversiH s Mils Inn students They plan to he ac tive on campus, to provide iufor illation sponsor events and speakers and. in the pro cess, try to dispel a few ol the Western myths sin rounding the Islamic religion and the Muslims who follow it Controversy has surrounded the Muslim Student As soc iation all year long standing tensions among members resulted in one group of students leaving to establish an oft cam pus organization during winter term while another group remains at the I'niversiH and is developing a new type of Muslim student asset iation After MSA elec tions were held in ()i toher several members informed the ASI't) that the elections had been unfair An ASI't) investigation determined *f;.it c ertain MS A members had been (weiudi d from voting Turn to MUSLIMS Page 4 Stretching to win Louisiana State \ A/.irv ('< >l>h I left) a ml /m rnnir \ /< Duttir stir It b out brtorr ,i I'urstl.H .it trim mu workout nni;r is.itih nrrvously .it /Vi;.isu\ Smokrhousr l*i//d .is thr Md/rrs fmll .ihr.nl id thr I .ikrrs lursday ni^ht three television sets in< re.ise liusines.s approximately id pen cut Slie said the Mazers (.liul the I’egiisus food she .iddsl .ire so popular that in previou? pl.notl games IVgaMIS was ( linked In Ihe ceil ing v\ ilh Portland fans ()thei popular hangouts Ini tin* Hla/er maniacs during games range frinn the (limns to hars lu department stores K11k Slew,ill a f'niversilv junioi and Mimlgiimim W ard elei tronii s salesper sun rememhers crowds of Valley Kivei ( enlei shoppers Hoiking III the ills plaved television -els slims 11114 tills sea sun's Hla/et playoll games I’euple line up m the aisles and vmi i ant even walk h\ . Slessarl said Id hale III see ll there's a tire people wouldn't leave I he IA -els II there is a tremendous surge ot Ilia/ er popularity in Oregon, a wave ol dis like tin the uppo.sillg hakers is eijualK as huge 1 hat hasn't kept t'niversllv freshman and I ns Angeles native Kevin White from rooting for the hakers White is hardly the most populat guv on his blink in I'arsons Mali, an area dominated liy ftla/er fans hut lie s.ivs lie stands to make good money otl hi t with neighbors and won't hold hack from bragging if I A wins the series While said lie expects lo give the Hla/et f.ins in I’arsons a hard time I lie ftla/er dream was (list that a dream, he said Inside Three professors distil) guished themselves from the rest of tin- University (.n ulls by earning the top teaching awards for ISHfl. The two recipients of the annual Krsted Awards lor Distinguished Teaching and tlie winner of the Burlington Northern Foundation Facul tv Award for Teaching Kx■ cellniK (* will In- ret ognixed lime<> during tin; graduation ceremony at Autzen Stadi it in See story. Page r> Sports PORTI-ANUlAP) Buck Williams pulled down lt> re bounds to lend a dominating Portland iMufonnaiu <■ as tin? Trail Hla/ers beat the Los Angulos l-ikcrs OY84 to sta\ aim* hi tin* Wiistrrn ( uufi-i i*iio' tin.ils Thi* UiktTs now luttd tin* bost-of-soven si*rit;s til Tin sixth garni; will hi* in I .os Angelas Thursday at i> p m pm Sit stor>. Pasi* \2 Regionally K)REST CRO\ I- ! M’| Kt*p i.fs An(!oin. I) i'nrt land announcnd I'unsd.tv he v\oulii give up tus 17-year I louse < .ireer and run next year lor the Senate se.it held bv Kepuhlii .in Bob Hat. k wood AuCoin had been hinting at sut h a run for weeks He made Ins .iniuiuiu ement at Harifu University where he graduated and began his po litica! i .hot Au(loin said he would adopt the slogan ot the last Iieinot rat to hold the seat. longtime (fregotl Sen Wayne Morse "I’rinc :iple above politic s Hearing it again re minds us how much we've lost on another man's watt h," AuC.oin said "In the hearts of Oregoni ails, this 1 eat still lielongs to Wayne Morse I'm t,iking it buck for the people of Ore gun.' he said Pack wood upset Morse, a four-term veteran, in 1‘itiH