Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS 346-4343 105 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS NICK HONOCHICK You have won the APPLE MACINTOSH CLASSIC COMPUTER" F rom lh# Slf *»<* t F Mire drawing LOST & FOUND 10b PERSONALS I lousing a Ini «i H»11 .* T See sections 230 260 LOST & FOUND —emu Recreation Center CAM I?US' LOST & FOUND SALE (Imbu'lkis Coat s/Sweatei s ' ;Tist Good it''. G loves Book , v)! Nothing Over Three Dollars! Dead Week Nlav 28. 28 \ 9 AM - 5 I’M (MO C die ish Only 10b PERSONALS Pregnant1 M \\\ Congratulation! Gina and Rob on your pinning1 We miih you both happmeti in the future11 I.OV* Your Slut*'* \\ \ A/. A/. Jenny P Congratulation* on being elected a member of Korn' *«'# *«> proud of l o»* Your Si%t*f* Planned Parenthood > ' unbiased counseling • 44 M ' H\ ongr atulations Sandn k Jeff 110 LOST A FOUND LOST timglatien * 115 TYPING SERVICES uirm-LM li I-XTHIU CAROL ** l^ZSUl Printed text to computer files IS C A N N E R SI lib TYPING SERVICES - I'iV v3 - 344-4510 quality word PROCCSSINQ - L ull i. > i 4 -v X fi -*4AM *S'V«* u ‘ r vi IM SI M»,n*aaf< M)> I 1 1th 144 " ■t MOM IN .MAO S> M )(H APPfU • VI 0 • • ON l AM PUS1 t A ,i l t Yt TYPlNv. i DOIN'. I ia % T ,pmg ! IW'i Typifig St /S.pAg* I AS PI WORD PR. * SMN * . • N <. i ■ S it HS T Ml WRIT I TV PI TYPING UNLIMITED Serb*** lend l«»«r Printer 4US 334J A >RD P Hi)( I SSiNv. t *«»> priming *« 120 TUTORING MATH TUTORIALS April i.’ Deed Week UH ! W 9 tX) K!Gilbert Pfi>»»ded tsv A. idemic Leii«mg *>*?*»• «•> cQi>rle*y ot the Panhellenn CLOSEOUT ON CAMCORDERS! WE NEED TO REDUCE STOCK NOW! I >ur now. Munich arc soon arm mg. and we need to get rid of the i uncut ones l ake advantage «. tilt great prives like these CAM )N .H MM I M sow os i ) Jr>yv CAM )N I S 1 ! .YOU OS l ) S’W C \N( )N 1 s : I you in / > jvw | i AM i\ I US I YOU O.Y7 > 5//W ,S( IN'! CCD 1-7 / YOU OM > . Ub h IV. f ull »i/e futon heme IKX) l edy » ten speed bite |4() u \ 44 n MUST SELL!! HONDA ELITE 150 I H'llU NI i ONOITION 194'v model »e (N) lyotta move lo l A i $‘»0 us CARS UOVf HNMi NT SI I/I {) . M .1< t .i • 11 i ’ t •; j TEASERS Read the ODE Classifieds carefully and you will find “teaser” ads containing valuable discounts on Classified Advertising. Ads appear randomly. JT TH>J** i Sigmund I n uJ * *«jn Mgfx rcfwt trnUil b\ tt>«H-K< ■ ► tviun .■ t |u .. . M Revive with VI VAR I N. ScnilhKInit K« i i lui’i i« ilirrt li