Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    i)im Sum /
I vcr\ / This Week’s
Stirwl.n/ | uric hmn Snt‘< i.tl
II am/
/ f hiit s?\ h: n< n nlft-s wfh
f < hi' kt‘n t ■ f)‘\inufk
tind v f•gt'tjhlrs
h ~'i i mh
/ fist.Ilfs \r\t In l i >i ( ) Hi * fk sf< Ht
Iiv (mi (hnn<v u><>'
Engine Service
1000 S Hertelscn Hd «l ( uqrnr OR 9740?
Onr Bloi.k North III w tllh Nolan Ino Pi.i/.i
Specializma m VolkswJGen Set\ :■ t
Student and Faculty Discounts
is pleased to sponsor a s\m|k>siiiin nil
> M.iv
JS Ma\
X Mas
■I m I' M
still* M
4 (II |> M
' Vi |> \1
"Jewish VttiUKtrs Inward lurlv
( hrtstian Sri|iuiis'‘
Michael J (■*>!. IMhcw I Mi<
CntlciS.' Jewish lllMltUlc nl Krllfhti!
" \ ( Itrtslian IVrspectivi chi Jests anti
( h list cuts in lurlv < hnsii.ui SiijHiuvs"
Mltl kncill; < ieiki.il llks m. «-i. ,ii Vi1 na- •
" Vllies anil Vduisanes:
Malm.il I vkIcikc Ini Jews and
( hristcuts in Ilk Kihii.ui I nsiiihiiimiii
1 Mil li.n l 'in. (>'•. ' • <
Pune) .iihI njieu (Itstussmii
l*mles.stHS ( .»>k Is.s-me aikt \M
All events in the I Ml C m li.rad;
We've lost our lease
I ALL Oregon merchandise 50% OFF
ALL blank sportswear 50% OFF
ALL greek novelties 50% OFF
All sales final.
Limited to stock on hand.
Sale May 28 thru June 7.
720 E, 13th
(W\t to l)air\ Queen)
■M---- - — - 4*-~ W-■ -- -I
OrrKtni tr.nnm.ttrs ( .im.ir.t font s f left I .mil Kosit- Wtllnims tnaiir the \( \ \ meet trow
I'holn t>v \l»dt«- KumeU
thr i>r<>\ isiim.il qu.ilitirrs
Ducks add NCAA meet qualifiers
By Ashley Conklin
( Jl't^oil s Kush* \\ till.mis rot
u ii |ii n*\» to run 4ig,iin at I ki\
v\ .mi I iriri
I hr I)u< k M'liim sprinter
who holds school n*( unis \i\
thr HMJ .ttid .'IM) mrh*i dashes
was mu ut several Oregon
!fen ksteis who made the \f A A
meet v i,i th«’ provisional quali
fy ini’ list
Williams li.ui competed in
tlio \( A A mort the past two
seasons 111 tho ..'00 ami made
liio semifinals in tii.it event last
\i ai lluwevei tills season U il
liams had only a best of J t Ho
in the .too oil the automata
ami provisional tones n! ^.t iH
ami .’ I HO. respet .lively
O r e k (I n (loach 1 o in
lieinonen, who thought a time
nt t t) t mild have gotten U il
hams into tin' JtIO field, said
am provisional time would
have made it
I hey w flit dow n the entire
list and i otildn’t get enough
qualifiers tor prelim heats,"
lieinonen said so there will
only he semifinals and finals "
And despite being ranked
only lath on the \( A Vs list of
automatii and provisional ipial
ifiers with a wind aided best o!
11 r t i n the too \Y i 11 jams
made llir tif M u hen it was >in
nmmi ed Saturday night
lleinoiien s.ml tli.it beeause
ill a large number of m r.iti lies
in thf lot). Williams v\.is able
to gel into tli.it r.n e
I was really surprised be
i .ruse dies took more after the
lr)tll spot," lie said, "bet ause
there were three after her (Wil
liams) that made it "
Willi.nns wasn't the only sur
prising l)ui k who got in off the
provisional list Freshman
< ‘amar.i |ones made the meet in
the 400 meters as did lauirel
Roberts in the high jump
As expelled Kells Blair
ill a d e t h e ill eel in t h e
heptathlon and Mii.ole Wood
ward also made the field, hut ill
the 5.000 meters, not the
Then- really weren't any sur
prises among the t )regon men
Bob Dray made the field m
both the 110-meter hurdles and
400 hurdles and will be joined
by teammate Brian Wright m
tin* latter Distance runners
Shannon l.emora and (adin
Dalton were added in the 80U
and l aOtt, respectively and
Alt Skipper uas added in the
|av elm
I think everyone we wen
hoping to get in got in." (ire
gon men's t oai h Hill Dellmgei
Among the Dm ks that did
II o t in a k e it w e I e Nil k
Anastassiades in the hanimei
Alan foster in the I "»()(!, Man
Vanden llle in tin' pole vault
and the I \ 100-meter relay
team hot based on national
rankings Dellinger said he
hud lit really e\pe< ted them to
make it
It was a different story on the
women's side, hoyvever
f reshman )ulie Hei k seemed
to he in good sliape alter setting
a lt>4 10 personal record at last
week's l.es Steers Last Chance
()pen. hut didn't get m
lll'IIHlItl'Il said that 11 k i' 1 S IS
bet ause the N't 'AA takes more
provisional qualifiers in run
mug events than held events
It thev’re taking more pen
pie thev're more likely to take
them in the running events
than tin1 field events because it
lakes more time to run an event
v\ it It more people in the field
events." he said
Dellinger is expecting all of
his provisional qualifiers to
have as good a shot at scoring
in the N( 'AAs as the Dm ks au
tomatii qualifiers
"I feel good about our people
who got in because they re
coming on .it the end of the sea
son " Dellinger said "All 1 I
guys can score and the only
real question mark is Brian
"If all the rest are healthy all
have a good shot at scoring and
even Brian U right can si ore if
he's ready to run "