PROGRAM Continued from Page 1 lion haven't hati time (to work their wav up)." Troung worked in strawherr\ fields .is .1 hov where earning a few dollars was highly valued I he prosper I of having to repav thousands of dollars in loans is overwhelming enough to keep some from even trv mg to attend college, he said To help t reate more opportu nities. Asian stu dents are lobbying the I’niver sit\ administration and the state hoard to rev lew the si tml ar.ship program "U we’d like to ask is for them to conduct some kind of studs into individual Asian i omitries and ijiialifs some ot them lor si holarsKips because that 's serving more just ire than lumping everybody into one i ategors ' said Marshall Saucedo. acting di r e ( tor of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, which administers the t'MASP schol arships at the I 'niversitv. is ad vocating for Asian Amerii alls to he ini luded in the program Hut he said i hanging the was, \siun Amerii ans are catego ri/.ed would be a lompiiinted undertaking Tile state system monitors how main mmnritv students v;.i from high si hool to college on (I a t a from Oregon p u to 1 i ( schools Sam edo said f ins data is used to determine which groups are included in the si holarship program However this information is far from evai t he said In some si hools the teal hei just looks around the ( lass and snvs A on look him k vou look brow n. Sunt edo said 1 he information is gathered in somewhat ol a haphazard man ner You have .ill A-urtn students i nine u111i■ ■ i this umbrella term. Sam said II vnu look .1! 1 crtain subgroups under umbrella s011 see some .ire probabls underrepre senled Hut if s ou < an t i nine up w ith the numhers sou 1 an t substantiate the i laim I )eter m i li mg u h u h Asian Ameru an groups are not well represented would he diffil lilt he said and require a t.hange ill the was slate si hools and the l 'nisersits keep rei ords Uf re Hoi s,n ing this program is wrong, but v\e re saying how about unhiding ,m Vsian I'm 111< Aiiiern .in m mm pi. 'Hi .nil. s.iiil Inn Mi itohli i i .i lapahese \merkan student (•ranted the emph.isis should l>e on tbi' other student groups .lie unilerrepresent ed. but to eve hide one group it s hard to > course has not been taught in almost 111 years "Asian Americans are a big part ol tile I nner sitv and of the I' S s,iiil Gary Midi a student and representative on the (.ouricil toi Minority Tducation "It is unexi usable for a ma|or univer sitv not to teach a course about \sian Ameri i.ans "It's a yood i l.iss for Asian Americans but we ve also yot to net the while major) tv ill (Ire ton to know about it, too. said lustin lleuny \sian Pacific American Student I 'moil member There are a lot of whites who don't under stand us who don't understand our culture U'e'u’ i;ot to learn about ourselves but other peo pie have no! to learn about ns as well, otherwise the stereotypes w ill never disappear "There have own some arguments .lbimi whether this course is on essarv said Jon Motohiru. a member of the Asian f’ai iti< Amen (an Student Union "Thu bottom line about this is that anvone can learn that rnc lal prejiuiu e does not pay All it does is liurt other people It s mi portant to keep Ibis in mind when we light lor ibis class.' I'he registrar's data tor the last nine sears shows the University population ot Asian Amen i .in students is more than all the si bool's other ethnii minority populations combined Kdwillia Welch an advisor and admiltanre c ounselor lor the Office of Multicultural Minns said ethnic minority enrollment has been steadily inc reasing at the- University for the last dec nde .ind that Asian Americans have been at the fore trout of this grow th I'll*' t'lUVersltV has 1)111' lit fill* largest popula lions of students who lift*illif\ themselves .e. A Mil n Amerii ans in the ()regnn higher i-ti u* alion s\ stein silo said \11 iho growth however. has not lead to gnsil or rt'i ngintion \ I ’ A SI plans to raise'iii'v ttn- is sot' hs involving tin' administration, fatuity anil stu diMils I’niviTsiti President \t\U-s Brand will nii'i'l with several Asian \rn«ru an studi'nts this week to discuss the possibility of reestablishing the ( lass "lies aware ol the issue and is i onvilli eil that a need does exist said Marshall Nauceda ot tin Office ot Multicultural Affairs who arranged the meeting Hr IS llllrrrslrii ill making (Ills i mifM ,1 real I l\ . " hr said I'hr group begun its efforts lust term by raising I tie issue sv ith ( nleman .nut petitioning the < nun I it tor Mmonts I dm .ition .mil tin* l IMA to rein st.itr the Amerii .in rxpet lem e i nurse t’rofessor (' t l.iims that tlirs don I have the inones to bring in a professoi to l**.n h this i nurse I Soli said "We think there is mimes hr i arise other ethnii minority courses have always hern provided tor W lien the reijnest tor reinstatement the course had hern deferred hv the administration, the group took the next step and began to appro,!! h faculty students and community members More than 100 people signed petitions i m utated hs the organization go rvori-s Jt MIRY Dl SIGN STUDIO 150? Willamette St 343 2298 Regular Business Hours Tues In 9am 1pm ?pm 6pm Sat 10am 4pm J SPRING DRIVING CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call US TODAY! Great prices on the services you need! 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