Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
snprrmai ist organizations
\.i/i skins .1 r<• thr minority of Tfi<•
skins tint we {m*uIr.11 sk ins) don't xn nut
illltl hr.it |>«•(>|ll<‘ up. si) IM' don't K''t a lot
ot press s.iid onr skin who .iskrd to hr
idrnlifird .is Keginold
lllr m.i|orit\ ol skmhr.nls m hugone
■nr <)i' skinit*'.tils n,uni*d .dtri .1 pop
ill.n hum ol skinhr.nl miisn
I lirsr skills S,|\ tl|r‘, .Hr ( areflll to
slrrr c Ir.ir ol r.n ism Somr s.i\ thr\ even
Irr) ,i srnsr of solid. I r 11 \ With ollirr op
prrssrd proplrs
km not prejudiced against minorities
hri ,iiisr 1 know what it ■■ like to walk
(low 11 thr stirrt ,H 1(1 gel lir.lt Up hri .ilia'
of wh.it you look likr said a skinhead
n.nurd I l.in
| hr\ sav llirv devoir thru limited po
lllli al ( oin rill to thr nerds ol the work
iil|4 ( lass
Ur wear work hoots hri .nisi Wrtr
Working'people title skill said
Many ( Ids have joined an hi smiii/si
lion named the I ugenr Aira \ninh
Skulls A uiemhrr and hiothri ol our of
I hr group's hiundris said \iirtih Skulls
is a fa 111 11V ol all types ol people who
prolti l i'.h h uther .tml w.iti Ii imi h nth
its' li.lt k
About 'ill pnopli’ lii’long In tin- group
simic skiiilu’.nls some punk .mil sinni’
in In-tssri’ii
IviiK'-iic polit i’ nffictT Ki’nni’th Savin
III ili-st ntji-il skins .is mnstls .il risk
kills' who tillin’ Irniii .t unit’ rails:'1 ‘I
sin n> i'i tinnmu h.n k^muiuls
! In’S linin’ frtim ilssluiutiini.il fit ini
In”, .uni (mil .1 sort nt family in tlifir frl
lins sk Ills s.i vm s.ml
(In tin' ol Inn siilu nf tin’ spin I rum am
Nazi m ssliitf suprcniHi 1st skinliiMils
SiniH’ i initi'iul tli.it thi’ri' .m- im \.i/is in
I'.llgl’lll' svlllll' lltlliTS 1 I,lllll till’ll' tints III'
.is iii.uis .is fist
l.ii’K Rikhoff Imin.in rights .uutlssl fur
tin1 ills (if I 11v;i■ 111• I’stinuilus fh.ll .is
111.HIS .Is ,i ilo/i’ll \,|/i skills III,IS III' III
I.nvii'iii* hut In’ s.ini tln-s luisi- a funis
ninii.nln fxistiTir n
\iizi skin- in KiivJi'iii- .in1 fun i’ll to
kiip ,i loss profili’ Ih’i .ins. if they slniu
lilt’s rn Nazi's., tin s ii nomy: to v>i-1
fi.islii’iI s.ml ,i skin nfi'iitifyins: Inn . I
,is VVi’niiull
Mans am in.out.on it , mipD.sih'.
tm \a/i skins to attr.ii t ans nsi! support
in a ptoKtfssis a toss n lik, I u^i’iii'
Wi’lull'll s.inl attiluili'. not appi-aiani ,
i ons ns s r.u ism
'i iiii i an In- a r.u isl anil In’ svi.imtH a
cowboy ha! Wendell said In fat.t it's
more liki'K
It Kugetio doesn't have am real Nazi
skinheads it's Hot for la. k of Irving
Davo Mazzolla a rei ruiter tor Tom Mot/
Hor s white supromai ist organization, ro
ported I v came to Iuigone last summer to
i ro.ito ,11 haptor ol Nazi skins
Mazzolla is t redited with founding the
rai ist Southorri Orogon skins a group ot
abo.ul 1 "i Nazi skins based in tho Med
ford Ashland area
Kogmold who said ho spool some
tmio \s 11h Mazzolla vvfnlo ho-was in I 11
hoiio said tho extent of Mazzolla s ro
i nil ting sui i oss was mooting with .1 Ion
! t to 14 \oar olds
Lugi-ne is a \or\ liberal limn so it
was roal hard for (Mazzolla) to roi mil
Kogmold said
Kogmold said ho partied' with
Mazzolla hoi auso thoy had similar musi
■ a 1 t.istos but ho did not agroo with his
lai is! bollofs
llo said ho was also rolui Ian! to |oin
bet auso hi ( opium o into Mazzolla s 01
gaiiization ontails a "tuinp id." hi wliii li
a now pledge is surroundod and thou
beaten In a i iri lo ot members The jump
in lasts from to soi onds to five minutes
I hough most skinheads disagree with
tin- Nazis some s.is thi s understand the
toolings of tho Nazi skins
Charlie said lie understands those feel
ings of frustration
Most of them are from tin- suburbs
and have suburban values Charlie
said I hev graduate from high school
and i an t net a job anv better than work
inn at McDonald's, so lliev blame it on
tile bla< ks
HioukIi neutral skins disagree with
tile \n/.is blatant rat ism tbev have a
live and let live' philosophy Ns ( bar
In- put It \.i/is are people too
However bei arise most media r over
age tor uses on Nazi skins other skin
heads suffer from their negative image
These slereotv pes hav e r rented situations
where minorities fear all skins, not just
However people of color don't take
the time to ask skins it tlie\ be rat 1st 01
anti racists Kikhotf said The lesult is
that members of the uiinontv community
end'up tearing the more benign form of
skinhead he said
Marvin Ke-voal. president of the Tin
gene Springfield chapter til the National
Assor lalion lor the Advancement of Col
ored People, said he doesn't see. much
diiferenr e between skinheads
Nazi skins espouse rat ml supremar v
and neutral skins espouse the same kind
of li.iti' and (lestrut lion." Ke-voal said
Give Your Graduate The Last Word.
S20 00^‘
I Inn is out' ! h h >k ton will ulua\s lutd.in college. on I hr job, or
at liomt : \ mtod dktion.ir\. I In Random IIoust' Webster's Col
lege Dit tionai v is an euelknl ehoiee. and meets —
I NI II VST1T( KI IKKI \ Of \ (,(>()!) I)l( I IONAKY:
l( h. How I )i i I kn<>\\ Ihis /\ I he (hu I \itd
w armtm:
i 3
dK, ’ H»*
M I \ s, i
Ik t uitvnt Pi
thj! terms In
* .11k 1 ( herrk *1
ikl (he most
uka ( \N
Hit a in words in v
*i school' Word
stressed inn win win
voi|so(,ile raider
current vik abulaix .»(k! woids that sou are likclv It* use at
ch as genet h fingerprinting glass ceding. mummy track
lemon law I dofav attention delicti disorder
[ $&&&
Docs it s
htMik- office
paper trail,
carts !«»e\ mct.dhe.td. phone phteak virtual rvalitv l>o thev make sens*,’’ Ik* uhj like the
style in which they are presented ’
^ •
in will have them all .iikl main others aiki let the reader know hv its usage lalvls how
tlkv are viewed hv ilk matontv
clear ami rc.tder Jnerkllv 1
/* P
( lav nut b >i . ‘niputc! s mis. s v Ivtpunk , tamiv p... k NIMBI <pm,oi»lioi telephone
lac vogumg \ie then meanings clear and understandable 1
Du the language used in the dictionary refleet cultural chutes? 1 r\ looking
up professional titles such as tiretighter flight attendant. amhor. and what tlk' die
lionary savs alkmt ciklings such as ess ettc and trix
9m Du reflect the wav word uses changes and exp
lks*s it show tlk* new iik'artings lor words such as cow (as m to have a >. flag
|s*le (as in to run it up i. flow <as in to go with i history as in \ou are I.
read ias in lips ) veg (as in .nit > blackiHil (as m travel dates) portability (as
in | v ns ion rights) ’
10* I X* \.Hi kn w the [Hihlislk ■ s naiiK ‘
13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6
Religion lectures
to be held today
Student Health Insurant e
( ommittee meets lndav at !
pm in I \tl ' (ieiiturv Room A
Et als
I \t t Ho a rd ot l)i ret turs
met is tonight il 1 in the RMl
Hoard Room
1 iitmmi \merit a Around
at Home anti \hroad" the 11
tie ot a let tore to lie given In
Hi John Sioessingei protessui
ot mtt iii.ititm.il atlaiis hn Inn
il\ I'niversits Ihe presenta
tion will be held in Room too
U illamette tonight at 7: III
\ ( hristian Perspet live on
|ev\s .md ( hristians in t.arl\
< hristian St riptures" tin ti
tie of a In tore to bt* given bv
John Koenig Irtim the (amoral
rheological Semin.ir\ tonight
at H in the I All (iutnwooil
"Jewish \ttitudes I'uHtnl
l .ir h (hristian Si ript tires"
the title ot a lei tine to lie given
l>\ Michael i t ook ot Hebrew
t mon I ollege today at 1 ill the
I Alt' (’.umwooit Room
\l I) PKS National Honor So
c.iel> initiation i eremonv will
lie liehl tonight at ' in the 1 Nil
lit Room
/ini' \ftair, or thr Tragedi
ol thr Swili hhoard Ofirrator is
the title ol a Yugoslavian film
alum! se\ ami politics m con
temporal Yugoslavi.i It will
he shown tonight at ti .10 in
Room 11a Pacific (the Yamaiia
I.angiiage ( enterl and is part ot
the Soviet and l ast Kuropean
I llm Sei ies
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