LETTERS Disgusted I am writing itv response In Steven Weideman s ignorant close minded letter \DIH Ma\ 17). I irsl ot all. I would like to sa\ m a I iberal toned voii e "speak tor yourself (lee I'he tone is very similar, it not the same, .is a conservative tone Maybe von and a leu mein hers ot voiir fraternity lee) the same way hut the whole greek system does not feel the same way I am appalled and intiin ated at how you have grouped the whole greek system into your beliefs I am an at live member, in a sorority I do not yvear tie dyes 1 actively supported the peace protests and 1 love my country II you would take the time to cdui .ile voursell and look at all sides of the spin trutn, then Mini lie vou s\ ould he a heller person, a person who ai c opts people tor who tlle\ are not a person who demeans others it thc\ tail to he lie ve in vour \ it*\\ s It you want to make a statement that separates human heings into "good groups and had groups. then I repeal speak for voursell I am proud ot the greek sis tom and everything it does tin the si hool and the i oinmuuiti as a whole The I 'niv ersiti is lull of mam kinds ot people views and individual dress It you teel you need to Ignore nth er's individualilv then mm be VOU need to get out of l ugene and go to a more i onformist school I am embarrassed and dis glisted with Weideiiiiiii's letter .mil also that he is a part ot the same greek system that I mi part ot Kelly Dunn l’s\i hnlogv Flourishing Regarding Sti'\i'ii I Weule man s letter |( )l)l M.i\ ■ t ") He pen eives an itliinineut threat to tile grnik sr stem W here is he getting His mfor irr.ttion '■ lit the past four rears despite the present e ot both Creels endorsed and. non greek endorsed \Sl'(! e\et utires the greek system has flourished We har e cplout/.ed three new houses and have gotten rid ot our old notoriety hit t tappv iinmature behavior We hare heroine more inoperative and integrated with other groups at the Iimersitr Iren if there were a.threat ste are funded tir the lit so I tail to see how even an anti greek ern litir e or 111 i on hi 'il. image us The srstem will survive long aftei r out nliotii i tusade lor greek solidarity ends In jitv (l to print .ill li'lhMs < mil.lining i mmin'iib im tnpii ■- ul miriest In tilt* I'iiivitmU (mnmuniU I'h** itnri.tld re-rives the ri111 Id edit .im Ictli'i Im lem;th nr sty le Graduating in June? Feeling threatened by the real wQrld? Does the thought of hostile takeovers and cutthroat politics make you nervous? Your sure-fire weapon for success? A personal computer. But graduation is fast approaching. Use your student discount before it's too late to purchase an Apple Macintosh, IBM PS/2, or s. ftware i: Aldus, Ashton-Tate, Claris, Lotus, Mi er f * s:. : : . Your Student Discount: Use it or lose it. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center 346 4402 Monday • Friday 9a. m to 5p m ()regon DAILY EMERALD »* 11 ii.,, n i i >,. w ... < » Managing l ddor E ddonal E ddor Politic* Eddor Graphic* f ddor Supplement* Editor In Touch E ddor E ddor A hnsfuphor New* f dttor • '— H« • " Editorial Editor 1 i’ M.i i ' Sport* E ddor A ’ «•, E nl#it4inm«nl E ditor i, • <* •’ Supplements A**t Ed A ,'■■■'■ » Night E ddor «•- h .1 Associate E ddor* Community Student Government Activities 1" •• ■ " 1.'. Higher Education Administration iv. (a - ■ Heporter* . . !'• , .»*«• \ ■ , H ■ ,v •< ’ ■ . ■ 1 1 . . r*M" e • 1 M »• ; 1 •« . N.m , ■ M ; M. 1 H , [1 « ..1, ■ I. . ft : * r Photographeis f f , » A • M.i .• Adver1191 ng f-< ■ A , *. 1 M . 1 • w H- .r;• • 1 1 • K .t!* , t ' ' ' • M ’ ««• . 1. ■••• *n> K '1 N • I* '• i‘ M >•. M 1 .1 N»- .«■ 1 M- '•••.! M.r, - 1 !#" . K ,»!•••, • •' > 1 •• • Ctestified fV M 1 * . • * < , M M 1 Business K.i!' , ■ • . , . . • . Production 1 ! I I • -t.'.r ' * r ' A- • • Mr ! t' ,S • 1 A; • . •>, ,r , ,,rt. i .ir [i.ipi ‘ ’ s1(s.r General Manager 1, '< ■ Produc lion Manager M ’• •' Advertising Director N«e»mom Hunmen Office 346 *> Sit Display Advertising 346 3712 Production 146 4 161 classified Advertising 346 4343 AMAAZZING! 1 ose wcitiht Iasi and keep the pounds oil! \\ \ \ • M > I' inn .iiui fn KhIs ^i*u !>>p, I ' \ 1 ’ I > \ I I ifk nutrients viHJi h»*lv ihr.K l *K ,nnutMi iKmi Ihi wti'.ilmmi.iI vm jyhl U»\s ^vnIi IIi lli.it •> < h.»n*vil ! Ik {5 » i . || mi till H|s 4 Ik I IlH 1 *1:! f H t I Nm >i i ! \ Ul Jus uru onJtlhinal ttifnrs but k tuarantre // not t ompl