Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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UFO abductee
You students tannot know
the incredible sense of power
and control I felt upon seeing
rm name in print Hut alas i!
seems mv work is not vet done.
I have not \et Itcgun to gripe
Trees with souls? Three hull
died shuttle (lights to the death
of the planet? The president
taking heart trouble just to
since us Yeah and I'm a
I d o abduc tee with secret in
formation ahull! the alternative
find possibilities ol i orn flakes
The knee |erk re.ii tionaries in
tins town need to lav off the
green bud and I. S i) (live the
I lead .Kennedy ret ords a rest
long enough to figure out that
the secret police don't really
exist At least keep vuur para
noid delusions out of tile c am
pus paper
I can i in'! mi! hi iiii'> potion*
llat kvvoillls pi)t it II at < eSS|HK)l
ill a town fas! enough 1 he
slavers ilia! awaits me in an
Alaskan salmon cannery will
lie a welcome relief from lllls
(ihris I’haris
line Arts
Rape anil violent o against
woineu is ,i \er\ i omples sm lal
problem that Inis been in e\is
lent e long before the fits! pub
lii ationol l'l.i\lm\ In sai that
rape is caused bs "pnrnnxra
phs is a verv limited analysis
of a soi nil problem
Yes there are men vs ho have
raped and read P/uv/xn Hut
then- .ir»* f.ir more m«ht men
who have read Playboy and not
raped Wluit .in mints tor this
Saying that reading Playlnn
causes ra|ie smat ks ill s< ape
goating a very large and tom
(ilex sim i.d phenomena
Also there needs to he a laig
er perspei live on the si ope and
definition ol pornography
Suite the onset of MI'S tin
video and magazine pornogr.i
pin markets have boomed a
thousand iuld
People are staying home and
doing their business alone lie
lurid i dosed doors l! is t.onlrib
lltlllg to keeping people alive
and Safe awa\ from the
threat of AIDS Could it he that
the issue ul "pornography' is
larger than the women's issue7
(amid it Im' that pornography
is play tug a i onstrui live rule in
this age of MIPS7
Jeffrey Woolner
Regarding Sarah | Satre s
letter |( II II■ M,i\ 20}
I Ixdieve she misunderstood
led I erguson's letter l()l)l
Miiv I t) by interpreting it to
sa\ that "ipieers have an at
(eptahle sexual drive " lie in
fac t sav s I laving a sexual
drive Ini members of the same
gender is very foreign to me I
guess it is at i eptahle foi
He does not sav he ai ( epts it
or that It Is a( ( eptahle I le
Nor id ccrwiw
merely re spot Is (' (Iocs not
h.itc 'I von ns liulividunis of a
different lifestyle
I here is a differeiue between
the polite al movements ol pen
pie of tailor ami people of <i 1 f
ferent sexual preferem e I’eo
pie of i olor are oppressed he
(arise of skin color People of
different sexual preference un
treated differently hei arise of a
c Iron e they made People of
r olor have no < hoit e
Tin- l.eshian. Ga\ and Hisev
u.il Alliance is .1 lifestyle. not ,1
ra< c Thiil is \\ hv they aren't .1
legitimate minority group I
kmm that you would havi* us
believe that vou as gays, lesbi
ans and bisexuals have no
choice to be the way you are I
suppose then we should also
set up a political minority
group tor psvi licit it killers who
have no choice to he who they
are either
If vou are lesbian, gay or hi
sexual, fine. Be who you
( boose to be and be proud for
the choices vou make m vour
Oh yeah good luck with
vour "political movement '
but don't expect anyone to take
it as legitimate
Allen lames
University family housing faces major changes
By Brian Hoop
Major i h aligns are i hiiiiiik lor family
housing .il tin* t niversitv with ( onstriu
lion of now apartments anil implemen
tation ot rewritten governanio policies
l ow students ,iro \ol aware ot the sigml
it aII( o these i ll.illges in.iv hav e on the
afforiiahility ami quality ot taiuilv lions
mg as well as the extent ot diminished
student participation m taiuilv housing
governnni e
Over tlie past several years the t in
versitv lias lieen moving toward the ex
pansion ot taiuilv housing under pres
sure from liolli students and i ommunitv
demands to ease the housing i risis in
Kugene At the same time new gover
nance rules have heon implemented hv
University Housing which consolidate
administration control over rent in
i leases gaining tire power to automate
i ally iiu rease rents hv up to . peri ent a
year and the scheduling ot mainten
an< e and tile improvements to the apart
moots or houses, effectively neutrali/
iug the need tor students on the family
I lousing Hoard
New housing i onstrui tiun
In l*i'tu the Oregon legislature allo
( aleil $1 ! inilliiin in bond issues to tunil
construction of up to 1 Hi) new apart
moots Liter that \ear. a user group of
students, staff and faculty met to define
a list of i riteria. inc hiding affordability
and design quality. which would guide
the development proi ess to best serve
With approval from the University ad
ministration, construction could begin
soon Util several obstacles exist which
present formidable r hallenges to the lea
xdnlity ol building at this time and will
11kel\ result in a sr aled down expan
A major concern to students is the at
fordabiliH of rent toi the new apart
ments I ninth housing rental rates ate
t.ir below tin’ r ntren! market rates ot
VI >0 to $1*0(1 tor tun bedroom apart
ments ( urruntlv two bedrooms at Araa
/on go tor $ I IH, s lr»7 at Westmoreland,
and $180 to 'silo lor last ( ninpus
I hese low rents are a result ot tie
(erred maintenance and renovation over
the wars as well as tin' tar I that Amazon
wax built (luring World Wat II as tempo
ran housing and was never intended to
last this long
Kents w ill sk\ rot ket in any new apart
ments to around 1(1 percent below mar
ket rate Rough estimates suggest rent
toi two bedrooms will be around S-JJO
Kents may mine down it the burden of
i ost ini reuses is spread ai ross the board
by raising rents 10 perteut to JU percent
at Westmoreland, l ast campus and Am
a/on therein lowering rents in new
apartments to between VAO to $ l-tt)
\o subsidies other than the tree prop
ertv tav status of the l hit versits property
have been built into the legislative
bonds In effect family housing vs ill no
longer be significantly low cost, thus
defeating its original purpose
Other issues clouding housing deci
Mims ini lude the etfei Is of «i rei cssion
and Measure f> tuition cuts and program
ruts which have made concrete demo
graphic economic estimates unpredrc t
able for the coming years Will housing
still lie needed if the local economy
turns sour and vac anc ies around cam
pus soar :’ Will there be enough student
parents to fill family housing with im
pending program • uts in Fducatmn and
Human Development and 1‘erformaiue
programs both of which have high
percentages of oltlei non-traditional
'l i s 1 here is a need for nnv famjlv
housing Regardless of a retession or
budget ( uts the far I remains student
populations are sure to i flange grow
older and become more diversified
How yve define family is rapidh ( hang
ing so as to include non married coll
ides and guv and lesbian couples who
ma\ be as finam ndlv .it risk and desen
ing of low income housing as tradition
al families
1 .mi income families with children
still deserve special consideration such
as expanding availability of three and
four bedroom apartments and guaran
teeing priority eligibility and low rents
for those finam ially at risk Two in
come families and students ysitli higher
incomes can afford higher rents Higher
rents ysould net essitate a financial
means test a finam ial means test to de
termine eligibility and priority family
bousing I hope the administration yy ill
pay attention to the work of a Finam ial
Means l est (ommittee yvhii h is seeking
yvavs to fat ilitate this proi ess
Housing construction will be far
( heaper now than in it) years The rents
proposed now .ire too high Kvery effort
should be made to step-ladder the rent
nu reuses over the average 30-year mort
gage lifetime With recession it may ap
pear vacancies are on the inc rease but
that may be a false sign that more peo
ple are victims of an economic down
turn and are either homeless or dou
bling up with other families and are not
meeting adequate housing standards
Make no mistake. there will always bo a
need for low mi omo housing
SludonK lose power in policy board
Kegarding the rewritten governance
dot uments for family housing students
have lost considerable c ontrol over rent
.tl uu leases and funding of replacement
(urnituieandappliaiu.es Now Universe
t\ Housing will tie able to implement
uitomatii i percent rent int reuses per
year and authorize the purchase ol new
ippliames or turniture over a cost ol
Sli.OlH) without student input and ap
proval University Housing would also
be able to st hedule mainteuant e and re
|iair |ubs witli as little as _’4 hours notit e
to families regardless ol the income
mental such jobs may inflict on the stu
dent’s family
The University s argument in that
maintenance and renovation i osts have
been deferred far too long due to stu
dent protests over rent increases to the
point that the quality of the housing is
iie« aying beyond a point of no return
Mary l egal, of Hast Campus, and I have
both testified against these i hanges. ai
going they may benefit the University
administration but over the long run
will only deteriorate student respei t for
University Housing and will raise rents
to sui h a high level altogether pricing
low-income students out of the educa
tional market the very students who
were intended to benefit
Students living in family housing
should lie very concerned and voice
their outrage to the University adniinis
(ration staring with University President
Mvles Brand. Vice President for Admin
istration Dan Williams and Director of
Housing Marge Karnes
Hrian Hoop is the ASUO University
affairs coordinator