Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1991, Image 1

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M.«\ 2H IWI
I uiicne. Oregon
\ oiumc 92 Issue IM
Asian Americans looking for state recognition
Minority scholarships
exclude Asian students
By Daralyn Trappe
Slalislii:s will tell vou that Tai 1'ruong
is a imnoriH
His parents moved In the l ulled
Males from Vietnam 11 \ears ago The\
1111 m ' t speak Knglish well, a lac I that I ini
its thi n earning potential Willi HI < ini
drew Ihes are lurthei limited in the
amount of finanr lal help they i an pro
\ ide Iruong, a junior an Infer lure major
al the I 'niversity
lie is getting through college with ti
mini lal aid grants and loans he
< ause like every other Asian American
in Oregon, lie is i lassified as a minorit\
hut is not eligible for a slate minority
m holarsliip
I hree years ago tin- Oregon Slate
System of Higher lalucation formed .1
program known as IMAM' the In
derreprcsented MinoriK Academii
S( holarship I’rogrum ll is 111«• only state
mmoril\ scholarship lli.il OSNIIK sup
ports said Tom (adey state system .is
sist.int vice chum ('Hot [he scholui
ships provide lull tuition for up lo five
\ ears
I he decision to exi lude Asian Amen
(.ills was based on historual data that
showed that (ducks Hispanic* and
American Indians were grossly under
represented tin higher edm ation). ( ai
le\ said I he program was set up to
meet those needs
Hut main Asian American students at
the Cniversitv are t oni erned about the
I ritella used to form this (lei isioil I he
tel in Asian Auierii an is applied lo those
whose heritage trai es hai k to all of Fast
Pholo b> \nilrr Kjnirn
1.11 I ruuttii (left), frttm the l letnamese Student \sstntation. and (iar\ Huh and Theresa
( bin Is/.in Tat ifn \meruan Student l niun members, Iwhexe minunti st holarship pm
grains should include \si.m \meruans
rrn Asm from (’lliit«< to Malaysia and
ttio I\h die Islands
All the Asians arc lumped in Ingeth
cr, and people like Cambodians. Lao
Halts and Vietnamese students are not
represented compared to lapanese ko
rean and ( hinese American students
sail) Hobli\ Lee a Korean American stu
dent and ASI ( ) affirmative ai lion i 001
I here are about Hat) Asian American
students on campus representing more
than half of all the Amerii an minoritv
students here Hut T ruling. vice prose
dent of the Vietnamese Student Assih la
lion, estimates th.it only ahoul at are
V ietnamese Amerii ans
"It's a different situation tor different
Asian groups.' Truong said "People
who have lived here tor |uvt one genera
Turn to PROGRAM Page h
Asian course
absent from
By Miko Sian Yim
I Vspiti' III' I 111 \ rrsilv - \m\ l'i
i ri'.ilt' \ t'111v rrsil\ tin I vr'rv
mu' " si’Vri.il Am.m Ariii'rii an slu
limits Im'Iii'Vi' llir si hunt li.l- not
i ninmitli'il itsi'll to i me nil mini\
uriiup Asian Aninrii ans
i n k 11 k lift tfit* si limit VI'.II till'
1 'ntvi'isiU lii'lit a suli'inn i ouvm a
lion iiTt'imiiiy in Si«plemlH*r vow
ia rnmmitmmit In i ollt'i tivr
.ivvari'rii'ss ami A t'nivrrsilv Inr
\ in s uni
\s |>.)it oi iti.it t omrniiment Mu
I imrrsltv iiii|)(isr(l ,i three i mill
' ran' Kinder non luiro[>eun rr
(|iiirement' fur .ill ini tuning stu
( )ut of tin’ 1 VI i oursrs tli.it mrrl
llir rrguiromenl only one drills
with Am,in Amrrit alls. ,m rtliilii
sludirs (iiursr i .illrd Iiitriiilm
t it in In thr Am.iii Ament an l.spr
I'li'iic r "
This i hiss hits firm listed m thr
i nurse i,it.ilnn for It years .inti
v\.Is listed in this u'.ir s spring
st lirdule of ( hisses hut it li.is not
lierll taught consistently 111 hut.
1’rofrssor ImIwiii Isileinun diret
tor of the ethllil studies program.
Turn to CLASS Page h
Eugene rough for skinheads
By Gerrit Koeppmg
( liarlie doesn't look like a skinhead
Ills blond i urlv hair sinks mil from
undt*r his tap Ins eas\going manner
and qua k smile obscure a tlark past
I'lii! only hint of his skinhead affiliation
is his flight jacket and leather work
lb- learned eari\ that looking like a
skinhead < an be yen unhealthy
\bout two years ago. ( harlie who .it
the time hati Ins head lulls shaved was
arrested lor trespassing while distrihul
mg anti iiii isl pamphlets at a high
si hool in Boise Idaho
lie was in Boise while a nuinbei ot
while supit'inai isis were on trial pro
i endings that atlrai let! both rai ■ st ami
■mil rat isi skinheads In the .hi m
(.'harlio iu> jailed for nine days anti
ri'lfiiscti one il.i\ Miter the trial ended
They Ills! yy Milted skills oil the
streets It didn't mutter d you were Nazi
or not ' he said
Hut tie said, d soil have a shaved
head everyone pn-tt\ ninth .issurues
you re m \,izi am u a\
The i’ortiand murder ot Ethiopian
Mulugeta Seraw and last tail s trial nl
I om Metzger have i ontnhuted to an mi
■ige ol skinheads that elit its suspicion,
distrust and hatred from most ol (tie
In spite nt the stereotype, most tin
gene skinheads sav the\ lat k any real
I It 1st heliels and tune no link to white
Tin” ti SKINS Page 4
thorn Irttl Smash. l)an and othrr hmrnr skmhr.nls sa\
tanuh and not to rsfmusr rat ist dot Innrs
//id /titII Initrlhfi tin .1 sc/isr til
s A! KM (API A lull lo
make n <i ( min* In interfere
with oi vandalize re seai(ii
pro (is ts involving animals
whs unanimously approved
Mondav by the Oregon
I louse
The animal research
measure’, 1 111 Utt.14 was
passed alter its chief sponsor
said researi h centers have
become a target of terror
ist" ill t.S ll\ people who Op
pose use of animals in labo
raton experiments
Kep V\.ill Si hroeder. K
(add Bear-|i. said .iboul tot)
such ini idents have been re
( uided amnnd the c ountn
in the jiast decade includ
ing one al the I 'niversitv
In that ()( tuber HtHG iru i
dent, a m leiu.e laboratory
was vandalized and 150 lab
oratory annuals were taken
Damage to equipment was
estimated .il mure than
S( hmedei said those
kinds ut ,n tines ciJtcu dolav
or destrov valuable medical
The lull sets out a range
ill lienalties toi the entile ill
researc h and animal interfer
l in e A uiaxiimim 2(>vear
term could he imposed it
vandalism to a research i en
ter ext ended S100 000
Art Skipper
Moth OiHgnn ir.H k teams
added five lot tins
iurk s \( A.\ meet .il Has
waul Field oil tin- prm imiiii
al \'( A \ lists Saturdav
Past N't A A part it ipanls
Rosin Williams Folio Dal
ton and Ait Skipper .ill
made it into tin- mini
See stor\ . I’aye t>