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Birkenslock repair & resole service ffretwiee— Hirkrnstoc k Eugene • 5th Street Public Market • 342-6107 • Daily 10-6 EXECUTIVE Continued from Page 1 Shortls .iftri Hades Sin k• ■ I st.It. \ffau - I >> ordmatoi trai l Manning and other ASt'O slatt memliers began glaring up fur the stall- li-gisla live session liv i art ulating petitions organizing letter writing drivi-s and arranging i ar pools to Sali-rn fur om- on uni-1 ontai I w ilh law makers Hades and Sin ki-l said the peak of ihi-ir lobby mg efforts i ame Kid) ’> when 100 students turned out on the steps of Salem's Dapitol build mg lor ,i statew ide show ol support tor higher ed uiation I In turnout' was the the largest of am Salem rails so far this session I think one of the things th.it lobby das was intended to do was to i reate a sense of present e III the ( apit.nl. Hades said to gise tin- legisla Urn a sense ot Listen these people this partii u l.u population is ss.iti hmg us It.-, .wise id Measure the ANI '( ) foi used mill h of its attention in Salem assas from i unipus Hut at the t'nisersits lontroserss over issues ranging from ai aileuni freedom to allegations of tampering with student government doi uments eisii demanded a response from the I set utive I all term the \St () hxet utive r ailed for the resignation of lass si hool Dean Maurii e Holland and Isvo other administrators after gas law in strur loi Dreg )nlmson ssas asked to apologize foi i ommeiits he llliide m I lass ahoul Ills sexual on entat urn Ihe A SI t) i.o-sponsored teai h ms during the Persian Dull War to gise students information about sui h topic s as Middle l-.ast t ultlire and the military draft Ue se taken some stands this seat and not looked Ilk. a built h of flets students that |nst liloss up at es erything Stiekel said 1 loss es er some student leaders on < a ill pus said the ASIA) i.ould have used a little more lire tills sear from ms perspective for gass and lesbians, their positions will) the ext eption ol the (.leg Johnson t use have been mulls middle of the road. saui Sue Dot kstader t o 111ret tor t.t the 1 esbian. (ni\ .md Bisexual Assor iation Dot kstader >..11(1 Hailes and Sin kid spent Ion niui.h tune accommodating I'mversity adminis tfators and hot enough meeting students needs Brian I loop AM () 1 ms ersits Affairs coord ina tor said the limitations id student government whether external or sell imposed frustrated him throughout the year Student government needs to lie more voral on the i ontroversial issues that affec t this i aiiipus take a stand and not be mdei isive he said One of the more persistent \S1 ■() i ontroversies this sear rsa-. an investigation into a oinputer re< olds in the II < ! offu e Based on findings from a six week search Bai lee and ASl'O stall member Lee concluded that former II I chairman Alike t olson had sufficient opportunity and motive to alter a sec lion ol min utes pertaining to him ('.olson continues to dens responsibility for the changes and savs the ensuing III deadlock and ( (institution (aiurl battles have tarnished the AM '(Vs reputation Sim e April •) Kirk and Sheila have presided over a i ire.US ( ailsoil said I lies' s e lost a. lot of i redibilits svhether people agree ssitlr them or not In response to i ritii ism, Hailes .md Stir kel no knowledge that mans of their accomplishments this seal have come from d.is to das meetings and derisions rather than from fundamental i hutige "There's ii lot of behind-the-scenes kind of stuff that leaves a mark everyday police r lianges" sm h as helping i house a ness direr tor ot public satets oi getting the I’niversity to alter its family housing polic s Bailey said Stir kel svho will work in President Myles Brand’s offite next fall while she tilushes a de giee in sm trilogy said the long term influence ot their seal in office ssill crime from the personal r iinlur ts they made More than anything, we've left our mark on a lot lit people people I've met the stall and the student body Stir kel said We svere approai h able and ss e ss ere trusted POLITICS Continued from Page 1 "We limit |>rl hi'iini .iliove tin- i latter .iiiuuiK .ill tin- lilnT.il in |>,i m/.it ions mi i .impiiN Wilson s.iiii "Tht-s don’t want tu listen to uh.it hi- have to s.i\ Hi.it s ililtu lilt One problem tli.it Kroup nn-mlii rs f.n e is .1 mispert i-|i turn of them .is right wing f.i 11.tin s I erniinriez s.iiii ( ui lege Ki-piihlii .ins .up min h more moderate than people Plight think l.ast vear, minorities and women made up about up per l ent ot the group s exec litive iMi.ird. tins seal about -40 pel ( ent of board members are women or minorities Ibis is not tokenism he said "This ins! happens to be the t\ pe ill people w e attrai t Meanwhile t hliversitv Dem 01 rats are hoping to attrai t a well organized group ot people STUDENT DISCOUNTS * Open 7 l)u\s a Week * I U*< Ironic (.ate " I me ed and I ighled Resident Manager * Business Pel sc >n.il Man\ Si/i's Available K\ Slot,ire1 \ Be >at 4940 Main Springfield 747-022 { lo work hard after campus group's merger w ill) tire nation al College Democrats of Amen i a \s min h as I abhor organi /at ton.' I let kei t Sail! that group is organized " Despite the potential benefits of the merger I )<■< kerf said he teais the group may l>ei nine too so i ial and lose sight of issues Next \ ea I the I lemoi I at s plan to oppose a ballot measure sponsored by tile conservative Oregon Citizens Alliance to i lassify homosexuality as "per verse They vxill also work on getting a Democrat elected to Republican Sen Hob I’.u k wood's seat in the Novemlrer elet t ions bills year the Democrats de voted their energy to the pas s.ige of a universal health i .ire bill and to lighting Measure i tuition hikes College Republicans plan to foi us on getting candidates elei led a nd lepeat i rig this veai s i ampaign suer ess Valley River Storage CIO’s handiest storage location NO deposit Valley * v C' Dr VALLEY ,i i.iqiUrspie f'd 484-0100 1210 Willagillespie Rd. • Across from Valley River Center THE IK A C ASTON BEQl'EST is pleased to sponsor a s\m|H»sium on EARLY CHRISTIANITY AM) Jl DAISM Js Mas 4 (I) I* M "Jewish Attitudes toward karl\ t hrtslian Scriptures" Michael J Cook Hebrew l hion College Jewish Institute ol Religion 2.K Ma> MilP M “ \ ( hrtslian IVrspecthe on Jews aw) (luistiaits in l.irb Christian Scripture." John kivmc. (icncrol rheological Seminars 'o Mu\ 4 m l‘ M " \IIh-s awl Adversaries: Material I \ idenre for Jews ;uid ( hristians in da Roman Kimmnment" I Michael White. ( Hvrlin Collepe >» Mas ~ to I’ M Panel and open diseussioii I’rutessors C.xk. koeme and W hile Ml events in the 1 Ml Gumw.ml Rumi lav admission