WE LL ERASE YOUR COLLEGE LOAN. If you're stuck with a student loan that's not In default, the Army might pay it of! If vnu miallfv we ll reduce vour debt by 1 / 3 for each year you serve as a soldier, so after |ust 3 years you'll have a clean slate You'll also have training in a choice of skills and enough sell assurance lo last you the rest of your life. Get all the details from your Army Recruiter 1 800 USA ARMYj ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. Having a garage sale? Advertise in the ODE Classifieds ENTERTAINMENT Misfit pulls off ‘What About Bob?’ What About Bob is currently playing a! Movies 12 and Movieland • rt'«~ • • • •»' • ) .ills lit til)' lo\ .ilile mi-nt.ii misfit will) totlim s Ins |is\ i lii.itrist on \ .if ution yi’iin* slum Id not miss Wlutt Ahout Huh’ Bill Murr.n loss st.ii .is ilu- patient and doc tor respectively At least that's how it starts Murray plays Hob Wiley a multi phobic obsessive compul sue who has Usai treated b\ al most every |is\« lualrist m the phone IkioI hot sldl has enor moos cornual problems Huh s psvc hialrist passes him oil to 1 )r ieo Man. Ill a highly cespec ted doctor and l>esl selling author right lietoie l)i Marvin leaves tor a month long vacation in New Hampshire with Ins family What Hob realh nec*d.s is some love and he thinks he i an find it in I )i Marvin, so he follows him to the lake for some counseling When he trac ks him down and invades Ijsi s home the family loves him He Marvin, who is so wrapped up in himself and not all that ureal of a family man is indignant Ihe movie rvallv works well showing the transformation of lioli into a functional part of a family and the i hanger of I )i Marvin into a psychological has ( ket 1 ase t Dreyfuss and Mnrrav an* great J i'igerthei rheir * «• 111n a more danger mis person and had a hit sharp er edge to him But lor what it wants to do it almost always sui reeds It s simply a sweet light i omedv that is i onsistent lv funny Ihe volatility between Drey tiis>. and Murray makes the mov le Iasi s taillllv is fairly nonde sinpt |ulie llagerty fades into Ihi' Imi kground ,is the supportive wife, .is years HOBBIES: Love to read and quilt MOTIVATION: Teaching and Learning Education is the most important issue in the world Everything hinges on it LATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Taking a children's literature class MOST AOMIRED PERSON: My mother Betty I admire her philosophy on life l want to inherit it UNIQUE ACTIVITY: Door person at ne* Max s Read as I walk to work FAVORITE JUNK FOOD: Vanilla Hagen Daz and Pegasus Pizza LAST BOOK READ: Juniper, Monica Furlong FAMILY: Husband. Dennis Fitzgerald: siblings. Keeli and Mike PERSONAL SKETCH: Just an everyday kind ot person with an above average book lust APASU presents: Seattle-Koken Taiko (Japanese1 Drums) "Come Feel the Thunder of TAIKO" nr; u SaUird-'Y . SUN 25, «<«>• 4 7:00 pm ■ u CATf Auditorium (Condon S( hooli 18th & Agate FREE! * MMNOBtUMP * GREAT FOfI PARTI! S AMD BlHTMDATS I^VIOEO > GAMES ALL GAME S WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION ’165 ST* STRUT rmuc HARM T IRCIRi • MS-MR4