ENTERTAINMENT I nurtnt photo ( l.m Dvkrn. ti xnnip ( onifxtsrd of mrmhns <»/ thr l)\kcn Linuh itrrtnrtns tonight itl U (Ml H.ill m Clan Dyken ‘family’ offers socially conscious music S*H*0* W"T«I"M«E CONCF HT . • ' gh! at Vu- WO W Hal! U >•' tUM 8th \ l ,.■••• iiri Sf' Af-mi- »s I 30 p Tu Kefs -ire!*! $6 at th* doot . [■ [ I I hr family that sinus tugrtlirr sl.iv1> t o k t ■ 111«• r U illi (’.Ian l)vkt‘ti. the ri'vcrsi' Imlils trim Its. ihi'ii tivtlit knit ri'l.ilinii shiii th.it s liftm thf ill iv mu Inn r hi hind thru musn lor the past .six \ IMIS Si in i- uric liiiiiiK il S in 'I .1 m«i11it id filing our separate w av ■■ M.irk I >\ ken said Hr nit; related it s hard tu live nut side nt r.ii ll other espoi 1.111\ win'll hi1 ri' also ,i ImihI VVr have to lii v all ou r cards down and work nut mu ddtii ultli’s ll s this ( lusr. almost trlr patlin runner tion iirtwrrn us that krrps till' hand together and whu h is part of our appral in .1 snt irtv which I hail Is sari I v lai k mg in lanni\ \ allies 11\ kru said \s the rldrst nl right ( illl ilreti \l n k Its ki• 11 has nn ini'm • irH"- iit .1 tunc vvlien In- linin'! plus musu Xml like tile e\temleii l.iuii l\ ( Liu l)\ken toil.iv mi hnles one brother I .con who plavs pertusston. .mother brother He.it .mil Ins u ite I larmous on I III .rls, 1 .1111.1 M.li k . SS lie on rln thin guil.it mil .m ,nlo|it eil member |efl Imies on bass \ s tin Mil I k lie p In \ s the ilrutils while. He.n is the i re.i live tori e hell mil t lie h.mil writing most ol then songs I lie musu nl ( I,m I Is ken fuses the soimils ol the Lite lids ss till ,i ssiii lil lie.it influent e lh.it mi hnles rot k reggae blue grass I atm ami Mm an grouses \ml their Isms too i all on et|tially universal themes of ssorlil pea< e sin tal lusln e the environment anti a return to I,mills values More ami more people are showing that ihes i are enough about the ssorlil to want to get out there anil make a illller ent e obsets eil I )s ken ( tin musu tries to projet I that posi live vibe .mil now we if notm m>; th.it out .milifiii f is giving utl tli.it good feeling It s when ur realize mu part m making lift- .1 littli- lifltfi for everyone flsf lli.it we start (hanging tIn* world fm ihf liftifr t in tlifir part ( Man IK ken is i oiiimittfil to i elebrating llli* I )eministrations him kades and lifiiflit shows mala' up as nun li of tlifir si lifdulf as i hihs and i mu crts Iras e ling with solar panels hattfries and a mobile stage thf\ half provided soil powered inusii .it plat es and events sm h as the Nevada \u (leal lest Site and Kfdwood Slllllliier ai lions I'hes are also part of an ait is|s' alIi.ini e group that keeps musicians from all ovei the ii.i I ion on tali w ith w hat s hap penmg m the indiislts and it also helps market and promote I heir niusii Opening for ( Ian Ihken is Primordial Soup By Ming Rodrigues t rnei, till I ' ' i . ' Net .< "tel South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronii Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 v Student rates Near Campus qi \i i i \ \ 11 Service PerMmnci Hjve \i 1 .ea\( S N s its Shop I xpcnciKc CONN INI I M I • < )jvn I ari > \S t i kd.iv s • Kfp.lll • ( ■ Ul’.ph lul ( ) Ml . ’ll * I’KK I • I urn Ip Jut S*' l * | , • • • • \ • er\cJ.|\ Pr O N ()fl Suggested Retail BICYCLE SERVICE CENrrER 345-6952 30 East 13th HOI RS 7 30-6 00 M I 9-5 SalurJj\ Closed Sundjs ‘ AMAAZZING! Lose vseiuht fast and keep the pounds oil' Wilft I he \" . Mu fit [hc\ vw •• 'ur» Hk slim ami hcailhv UxJv yiHhliu'iu Vnii»>M »« ,-fif ta-! \ ! 1 jHMiiu! -i r .-iiiti i' Ivpual- \v! -uf M ■ i > . • . p»*<•. •!> M I lfie nuiru niN >»>ur twoh 1“ kaifl mh>h ah* ml Ifhi-n 'OKiiniul ui'i jhi h*NS sv'.u in lhai -> *. ;!H- |,*r ,i riiii . ji f kl \ f*«»ik*l \ <0 ihi\ un. ati\fted PHONE THE Amazing Micro Diet Independent Advisor 1 -800-877-7299 MICRO ti»» I I o CL o o "Where Your Table Is Our Kitchen" STUDENT SPECIAL Two ( omplete Dinners For Only... ( h( M( r (i! Shrimp \ ( hu ken or \N steak iS ( hi< ken REG. S2r) • No Substitutions • (xpires') 50 01 "Early Bird" Menu Now Available I I o o 1M) » ® s L 343-8483 2(>4'j Willamette f\trkiti}i A\.iiLihlr In Rt'.ir IHIIIIIIMII : H O O P S i m ii§ PcwnTcwn ATHLETCUJB jiimmimiiiHiitmi TOURNEY itiiiiiiiiiiiimiitiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiimiimiiiiiiiiMiiniiiii 11111111II1111 • * 111111II1111111II111111 It 1111111111111111 • 1111111 M1111111111111111111 • 111111«111111 • 111111 • 111111 M M111111111.11 • III • (III 1111II1111111111111111II • 11 M11111 Downtown Athletic: Club/Ad Art Design 3 on 3 SHOOTOUT |unc1,1991 TOIIKNAMKNT FORMAT Three di\ isions of |)lav double elimination • 1H and under Men's • Open Men's • Open Women MOW TO REGISTER (dintar t ( had Kessler or Matt korshoj .it the Downtown \thleti( ( dull >84-401 1 REGISTER TODAY! * ENTRY DEADLINE i DOpm I uesdav Mfi\ H111 (No rotnmis .ifIn **ntr\ fic.iciline.) ‘ ENTRY FEE • $4U pm loam maximum of four plavors. por loam FEE INCLUDES • I shirt • 1.11 in boon • ( luh I sago Amonilios • ffooi (,ai ilon IWIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllMMtlllllllllllllllir