Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Bills take shots at gun purchases
Stat«; Ki'p Vera Katz 1)-Portland, inlrodutetl a
hill in the (fregnn Hi him1 I.isI uirk that vv mi i 11 es
tablish mahdatnrv instant bat kground dietksbe
fore huving rifles and shotguns
Hut Danila Sdr,letter. i h.iiru - man d l Irt-gnm
a ns Against (!un Violent :r said her nrgnni/.ation
would not support the proposal instead tailing
lot the passage of a different hill in the 1 egisla
hat/ s hill III! tr)7ti would establish a svstein
ol instantaneous criminal and mental health
background checks before rifle and shotguns
t mild he sold b\ lit uilsed firearms dealers
Capitol Briefs
We tan no longer continue in our mistaken
htdiel that violent criminals and the mentally ill
don't bu\ guns Irom lit enseil gull dealers hat/
said The instant background check system w ill
save lives that are being lost today bet ,nisi1 wr
lai k even the most bus'it hat kground t het ks on
rifle and shotgun port (lasers
lint Schaeffer.' the mother ol slain at tress Ke
het t a St haellet said. IIM t a 7 0 tloesn t go tar
1 certainly share the sense of urgent,v to do
something about unregulated gun sales slit
said hut an instant t bet k tiffers only an made
t|u.ite hat kgroumi diet k fot a very high < usl
"I believe we t an do heller than this. St hart
fer said, railing lor support of SK ti.'t.t which
would extend to rifle purchases the current ! >
dav waiting period for handguns 1 trlike hal/. s
bill, the Senate bill would also regulate private ii
He sales
A weeklv farm labor information bulletin ' -tiled
II ('.imprsino will make its wav around the state
beginning this month a spokesman tor the state
I inplov ment Ilivision said
The bulletin, which will lie printed m Spanish
and Knglish will address issues ranging from
wink opportunities and wage estimates to lions
jog availability and general t mp information
Sponsored by a grant Irom the l' S Labor De
partment /•/ (will hr distributed by
rinplovrrs from the ! mplovmenl Division ami
the Oregon Human Development (airporatinn lu
farmworkers throughout the siimuirt
Inr more information about tile publication
. all 1 HIM) i to or I 800 JHJ out, l
Leaders of two anti field burning group's have
begun to i ampaiyn lt»r all initiative ballot mr.lv
ore tli,it would set stru ter standards for held
hurtling than prov ided fiv a bill i urrenlU 111 the
Hill Johnson ot laid Noxious l llhealthv I limes
and Sandra Thiele ot Oregonians \gamst field
Burning presented an initiative to the Se< retarv ot
Slate that would phase Out open glass seed held
burning by IM'ir
\ drill in the I louse but ked bv members of the
grass seed uidllstlv would establish a more le
uieiit tune frame
lilt t il lwould maintain the . urrent level ot
ttVa.ttUU at res ail annual field burning until loon
when that amount would then b» • ret I in t 11 bv
la 111 III at res
,Petitioners must: gathei 8‘t tit in signatures bv
|vitv. iuu.: to get an initiative on the Nov 1’iu.t
rile Secretarv ot Stale s Other has ret eivetl a
proposed ballot initiative that would set term Inn
its on state legislators and 1 iregon members ill the
1S( aillgress
While several similar bills are in the state I eg
Islature the initiative Is the lust to begin looking
lor signatures to go on the ballot in the Nov tool
tdet hons
The petition would amend the t iregon Oonsti
tution to limit state legislators to a total ot sis
gears m the House eight gears in the Senate or a
total ol 1J veals in either both
Although state representatives serve two veal
terms and senators are m offit e for four gears
there is t urrentlv no limit on the number ot terms
they t an serve
I he petition would also limit Oregon members
Hi the I S House to sis gears and those ill the
I s Senate to Iv ears
OPS investigates tlag burning at rally
I hc l niv erstt v ( )!ln e of Pub
In Safety is invi‘Nti>4«»tiii>i lilt1
flag .md banner burning ili.it
occurred outsit!** Johnson ll.ill
during .1 ra11 \ M.i\ 11>
Police Beat
I’lit* rails was to protest the
present e ot military recruiters
on t ampus and the military s
prat t it e ot discriminating
against gays and lesbians
I'lie banner ant! flag wen*
filing between tile giant pillars
that are outside the entrant e to
the administration building
Protesters were silting on tin*
entrant e steps holding signs
when t!u* (lag anti banner were
unexpet tedly ignited tn one or
more protesters
()I’S off it ers saiti I fie int iilent
is being investigated a s
recklessly endangering a
i rowd I’nlit e have no suspec ts
at this time
l ilt* following are i rimes anti
incident.es reported to the I 'm
versitv Office of Public Safety
and the Eugene police depart
• A second-degree shoplifting
was reported by the University
Bookstore on May H
The suspect, a white male
was seen wandering around the
art supplies section in the
bookstore When he left the
store yvith a female companion,
bookstore security say\ him
pull a fell pen valued at S-t 10
from his pocket When the sus
pet t was confronted, be
droppeti the pen and ran down
k.int aid Street
• A ret kless burning was re
ported on llic third floor of
Monro i l.i11 on M.iv ti A humi d
newspaper was finnttl m tHt*
hallway . and a throe ini li i iri le
was hurried in the carpet No
damaK' estimate was available
and polu e have no sun per ts
• \ iei kless burning was u
ported on the third floor of
I loBusk I lall on Mav M I he i ar
pet had been burned i ausmg
■> to in damage Polite have no
suspec ts
• \n attempted sw ond-degree
mblierv was reported M,i\ i_■ to
Around I to .1 in ,1 main
I nlversiH student was walking
home southbound along Km
1 aid Street and 1 till Avenue
When he reached about I >th
Avenue and Alder Street he
was confronted In three males
who grabbed the student and
told him to give them all his
■ nones
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AIm.«* :« )tw. 1 h.!;j Sarah Clark Carr.i Dopjf Jim hm h C *.nn« frier Susan
M» ! i . - M - , . ! I K i.r.fad -Mr. ■ '.* t , M ’ ’ - ! >»•»• M- ’ f>t A i
ttemt-xn*' Jennifer Roland Ck>n Ross Jennifer Smith Anne Stephen-,, ><; *,!#••*•
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Leona Helmsley ol the Paleozoic