f S® %* ) ' r Shutterbug i j The i N** * ’ • ’ - I, • -.4.' 1 M CINEMABK THEATRES I MOVIES 12 |:>eS0 GATEWAY ST 741 1?3y Bmipr Mafirw* EMor* tXpmUX AHw I CIO pm A<*u» IS 00 CM*r«n )-M »n4 $*n*cw« HOC SORRY NO PASSES OR SUPER SAVERS ACCEPTED ON 5TARRE0 ATTRACTIONS WHAT ABOUT BOB? I * '? 36 ?55 5 15 7 35 9 55 B TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 1? 30? 40 B THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS 4 40 / JO 9 *0 i THELMA A LOUISE !♦ ' ?C>4 10 • 30 V 50 K III* TRUTH OK DARE * 11 30 ? 05 4 15 M0 9 45 ft! SUVi I ONE GOOD COP 1?05? 30 5 00 7 30 1005 [«] r IX)! till KKATTKK a uma before DYING 1 OS 5 3f> *0 00 IHJ TOT •OLDIKKft 3 10-7.40 !«] IXN 'Ml.h: FKAH KK f OUT FOR JUSTICE 1 3*. * 4!» tf f>i> - NFW JACK CITY 3 40 7 V) 0 ONLY THE LONELY * '.’00 ?2hA bO MS94C [Mi OSCAR fci 11 .■*> 7 OS-4 35 ? 05 9 35 I STONE COLD [*] l?»»S5 !»/»»» InX A RAGE IN HARLEM « ,o,°a. HOME ALONE M i,’»?M>J» r *•> r^i«y I V. J A RECYCLE THIS PAPFR. * 2 big PRs in Last Chance Berry breaks 200-foot barrier with 202-1 toss By Jake Berq II there u rn- 1 ..is Vegas odds mi I’.ml.i Hen \ 's ( Ii.iiii cs of winning the N( AA javelin ( Inimpionship .11 II.(yw ,11 d I 1 *• 111 next w eek t lies giit 1 li>t better Thursday night The Oregon senior’s pel son.il retort! 707 1 throw .it ihursd.IV s lies Steels Last ( Inline Open was two tin lies oil I.v nd.i I luglies si liool rt 1 ord and improves Derry s pre v ions ( ollegiaIe best id 107 7 Bern s throw matktul the tirsl time that a i ollcgian has thrown more than 700 feet •dine Hughes and i ollegiate ret old holder harm Smith did so m 1967 Bern was surprised at her throw bei ause she tell tired all week hut In a fatigue did not show as she had live id six throws more than I HO feel 11 wasn't exper tmg anv thing spei tat ulai said Bel r\ w ho w on the Pat 1 fit III ( onfereni e jay elm 1 (lampion ship last W IS'kl'Iltl I tell like I wasn't tlomg a lot of the things right toda\ We ll work on that maybe then the si hool ret md w ill 1 time I—. (Jr-rywi /.nr/m thmwn I’.ml.i Hrrr\ (tvntrrj is t nni;r.itiiLitrii h\ h .imm.ilrs Stall) Dinw.m (Irltl .mil fulir Htu k .ittrr .1 JUJ I I’K I )m k I lit nv\ s i n,u li S.illv I l.irmnn thinks inurt' til,in tin si Imol rci uni cmihl c Him1 for lit'rrv Harmon believes the si Inin I i ei lit' \ t W I'l'k I li.it s ,i woniii’itu! si Ill's ! K II esll man to step into the strongest eonterem e toi ills i us is a phenomenal thing In other events ( ami I lol men lan i I . I I'K in the t .(Mi meter run and senior Rosie Williams. the si houl re i oral holder m the 100 and 700 11keI\ made (let last ap pi'.itam e at I lav w ,ird as she I a 11 e 11 to 11 ii a 111 \ lor the \< .A As 111 the 700 Van Schoiack bags NCAA qualifier on final try l By Ashley Conklin !' nie'dKJ Snorts l d !.>r I've V .m St hoiai k dors not likr to run in List < fiance mrrts Although his personal iminls tin* List two seasons including Ihursilas iiiylil have i otnr .it List chain r \( A A t|ualif\ my mrrts Van Si .hoiai k 01 .inyonr foi that lll.ittri hates to In Ion rd into pres suir situations I swore I wouldn't worry aliout run limy hi one of those tins yr.u Van Si hoi.it k s.nd Hut that’s e\ai tl\ what he did last niylit automatically qualifying hit tin* M AA inert in the I (Hill meter steeple i hasr w ith an B ) A mi f’K at the I ,rs Steers Open Ills time lust n lipsed the automat u standard of B l i on I knew l oniinn 111 all I had to do w as lust do it \ an Si hoi,ii k said Dial's a valid kind ot philosophy lor am runner even hr tore Nike . oinril it out Van Silmi.uk. s I’K lust season ssas tin* H I I I! i Ini k 111 j.’ lie sc I ill the Ralph I till Opel! I.ist se.isun s |,ist ( hum e meet Ili.it ill.il k gut \ ,111 Siliui.uk into the \( AA meet .is the lHth anil last qualifier Ms goal last sear ssas |Ust tu get ill Van Si hui.u k said of the \( \,\ meet in Durham. \ I a sear ago I was pretts si ,ireil het ause I ssas tin lHth anil last ipialitiei I his sear I II he mure i umturtahle go trig into it bet ause it ’s pis! another rar e that I'll he t )K in and not base to worry about getting m\ doors blown of! Van Sihui.uk likels would have made the \( AA meet this sear with his provi sional time ut H 44 t.J set last month hut there ssas no reason to take a (haute on provisional tunes. Oregon l out h Hill Del linger said It got one gns m the \< AA meet) so it ssas ssell worth the effort. ' Dellinget said ot I hursdas s meet lie pruhuhls would hast- got in ansssas hut knoss ss e iioss loi sure (letting \ .in Si Inn,ii k into the \( \.\ meet this season in,irk-, llii‘ lluril straight year ()r*• m>11 this .it least tuu steeplei h asers in tin- \( \ \ meet kwo simsuiis ago, I),iiiii\ l.opez .mil Kh k Mestler in,nil- tin- field w ith Mestler finishing eighth .is i Irishman Last sea sun Lopez Mestlci .mil \ , 111 Sihiii.uk made tin- meet. with Lopez sci mid .ind Mustier sixth kins season it's Mustier ami Van Si Inn.ii k and \ an Si inn.n k plans nil iin ittK more than iiist showing up tin the semifinals next Wednesday "I don't just want to get in. Van Sitioi.uk said I want to get in the Ii mils I w ant to get sonic points With midnight khursdav the deadline tor .iiitoiii.itn and provisional qualifiers, the Din ks have six auloiiialii \( ,\A en tries and should get more via the provi ston.il list TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That's Right1 All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pu/.a This Sicfe Of Anywhere M-F 11 a.m.-1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 RESUME specialists Kinko's resumes make you look sharp! • Lase* sftarp onginafc for raprodudon ! • Compute* disk !o* quck rev boos | • tVide ‘Keeton ot resume papefs i • Mdictung cove* letters A envelopes kinko's tFie copy center KoG K.. 13th 1265 Wiibimrtlr \44 7HV4 344-3555 Qp»n Cttly. Opti IM. Open T Oif THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Faat Convamant Raining Affordabl# SunShower on campus ' »♦* at • »