Oregon DAILY EMERALD I rid.n Mas M, |*W| |-U(!.fnc i )rci-.>n \ i>luma •).' I'Mk' INi Briefly The ASI K> is holding .1 reception staff Executive members carried a seven-run lead into the fifth inning, hut the Emerald staff explod ed lor six runs in top halt of the inning arid two more in the top of the seventh The ODE then held off a late ASUO rally in tin* bottom of the seventh as Vice President Sheila Stickel flied out to center field with the bases load ed to end the game ASUO ends year with mixed feelings Budget lobby topped agenda By Catherine Hawley | •• I'M ,J A- ,ih ul*** t '! !i • , It was the uiiisi ul limes, il w .is I he w i usl ul limes I mm budget i ills .mil hale l I lines III ,l h.lll 1)11 tile I h .lie! Il 1 I le.li I .mil ,111 l lli Iilelll.i I I IT ( iinniiittee stiileinale i uiillii I i h.ll.ii ten/ed live \sia ) .it| Him islr.ilion of kill Hailes .mil Shell,i Sin kel \s thes prepared In hand the reins ul student goveminent to a new administration Iml.u Hades .mil St u kel said thes were leaving offn e with mixed emutiiins pride in their at i .nil pi ishmenI s . d is.ippnml menl that thev wereII I aide to do mole relief that demands on time and energs will soon lie OX el Von invest a lot of yourself into the whole joli. so U make-, it vers d itlli ult to walk aw u\ from it said Hades who will attend law school at I niversits ol San 1 rani isi o next tall In mans wins. Affirmative \t I ion ( ami d i n.iloi Holihs Ire said il y\as ,m hIimI vi'.ii tui tlic AM ( ! i (instant i nntlu t gave student government j>I111v of opportunities to shim its lead crship (ttliei students i ritu i/ed tins year •. I vet olive fur not making inure of those opportunities Hailey and Stu kid het aim mire.l in ail no n 1st rat iye duties some said and were sometimes relui taut to take hold stain es However most agreed that one issue dominated the ASI't) agenda this year Hallo! Measure Bailey and Stu kel said they tons id er their lobby i ng e| h u ts m the yvake iit Measure i one of the greatest -11111 1 I then .ui ministration I lieu yy 01 k is noyy |iay 1 ng ott Stu kel said lie jegi ! at 111 e ha made state colleges and universities a priority lot add hat k 1111 ids a moye that 1 mild return as mtu h as svj million to high Urn. u rn- l j PKiilu In M.irli N Irn S hrii.i Sfu krl .uui kitk H.ufrs out^oins IS / it i nr firvsulrnt and /nrsnlrnt s,i i thr\ .nr ftnnid of thru jt i twiftlishmrnls »*%/»«*< thru hdd>\ini: rtlnrf in thr w.ikrid Wrusutr » it education it tin state rmis up v\it!i more rrvi-iiur ih.m p)ii n nrit In thr i1:11 j in'lt it looks Ilk* somr imuii'l 1 going to hr i (HU in..; h.ii k to bighn 'duration. Sin krl s.iid Ami tli.il is largely (ill*- to tin rth M f it f hr Students 111 till* sf.itr ,lll(| p.iltlf 11 l.ft I 1 \ ot tin* students her* | hr A SI ( ) .s i ilk. hr gall even hr loll* I hr Note ill tin **!#*< t lolls with .1 !.111 term « uitip«i114n warning students of tin* measure s mi pin at ions tor ht gin i nlin at inn I muling Win n thr t.ix limitation proposal passed. Hailey Stn krl and thr o st ot thr I \ri utivr staff * losrd down thnr nffit r for .» day m prut* st drawing * ritn ism from students m and out ot g«*\ • ‘ininriit I urn t EXECUTIVE P.r ;e H University political groups come out of hiding By Rene DeCair I "H'M [1 Oep When* have all Ihr young Hr !iitlilh .ms gone' Where are all the t'mversitv I Jemor rats from oh so long ago ' I hr answer is not blow ing in the w ind hut it someone want eil to know w h.it the I niversitv Demoirats ami College Kepub Ilians were up to this year thev'd have to he [laying (lose attention Ihe reason is that tile two groups known tor their politi i al ai to ism. have been uni liar a< terislii ally quiet this year Both groups sav they have heun ai live hut are now e\[ieri enc.ing an in hetween elet tions lull as they gear up for the luuj round of voting "Our profile has been low bet ause it s an olt elei t ion vear said College Kepuhli tails general Chairman Oartli I ernamle/ Meanw bile Kyan I)ei kert Cniversitv Demoi rats chair man said his group also is c * Kvari Deckert < US MU’ (111 lie\t VISIT'S fll‘( TII >1 IS lull h.is linen working this legis lative session to light tuition hikes Also, for a short period ot limr luivetsitv Democrats was dismantled anil iii.h live uin tributing to .1 I.ii k of campus partisanship. Detkert said The organization tell .ipart p.i rt i.i 11 \ hei ause the\ lost Imam nil sup p' rt frum the I,.ilie Connt\ I.ison \\ ilson llriiiiii r .111 < ()rga n i/a11nn v\ hii.h iiiti civi'd tin' i nmpus organization .is loo li lt wing .mil rail it al I )t*i krrt said Six months ami thr group pulli'd 111 v* «• I h • • r again with aiii• iiI III now tail's and a now all if inli' I'm snri' wr rr mini' iniidi'r all' Ilian itir group Iasi year IJi i ki-rl said Hul I linn I know that \vi slu.uld appeal In | m i > | > 11 • ulm in n m mill'- 11! tin' road rim group lifts regained sup port from I ..me (' o i j 111 v I femu i r.ils I)im kerf said Imt fluty will not base thru .m In ism on w lift I n ■ i thm i .in get funding funding will p r i > It.i It I \ be less ol ,i piohlom in thf liilure il the i ftmpiis group del ulm to organize under .i parent mg,mi /.at loll i ailed the ( ail lege Demo i rats ol A merit a. he said Neither the I uiversiH Demo i nils nor the (College Kepubh i ans gets binding from student mi idental fees ( ol lege Kepuhlii ans ie|\ on individual donations to the group wlnifi does not e\a< tl\ make the group t K h ( ha u man Jason U ikon s.ud V\ ilson s.ud the group lias about I Dll members who have Iieen working on raising aware ness about the Kepublit an Par tv \nd he said the group serves all important film turn as a i onsen at li t- von e on < am pus Tue •- POLITICS Page B