Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 iosPERSONALS NEED CASH FOR SUMME R > N. ' uvng you* graduat- ••• ' • *,ii f,u> them fmrr .1 J4» J6 W ATO KAO Congratulations on your pinning Don and Jen! Good luck in the future ■ Your Brothers ATO KAO r*B We all be jammin’ Saturday night! Thanks for the great time A TO Attention' Look her# lomofow fo find select readings from Michael S journal' Zz AX A Congratulations Shauna D & Brian L on your pinning! We wish you the best!!! Love, Your Sisters Kappa Delta wishes its seniors the best of luck. Joelle H Barbara L. Dawn W Kim D We will miss you all so much. Love, Your sisters K A L't'K Teresa & Chuck The pinning was a blast' Congratula lions we hope it was worth the wait Love sisters Planned Parenthood ' < * . ■ . • ■ ■ unbiased counseling ■ 44 *4 1' Private help • • • pregnaf' , tenting Can B'Mhr.gh! 6117 86S1 To K \aturday night was lots Of tun O n he cleiM.Kiu» drinks to the Grubb Al l ’0 LOST & FOUND Found watch ’ " all ko<. It W». a >4 n.e LOST " .1 -ng hao ■ -»•«* ,;>ay * white hesi . back nght pa* ns TYPING SERVICES 344 0759 ROBIN GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED y'he > d • t■ • ground Won! pro* easing Ful< resume • . * i ■ ■ ON CAMPUS' DIAL A TYPIST M3 7777 f*a » Typing M3 3565 Typing St 2S/pege Laser Printer FASTYPE WORD PROCESSING *> pages in an hour Professional editing proofreading 683 3 758 Fast •« per tented typing-word processing 13 yrs eip Reasonable rates Cynthia 643 34 S9 FLYING FINGERS typing sen,. * Fast a< urate professional |1 OU- page u: 464 90 36 THE WRITE TYPE f ast A Professional Word Pick essing i - rn-i-a nfo c a< Keren 667 2t57 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land Laser Printer 485 3343 Formerly located Bi|ou Theatre Bldg WORDPROCESSING LASER PRINTING FAST! FA* IT HERE 346 2853 send A rereive low ost Footnotes EMU Rm B 2t Th» WOWO SPECIALISTS! * I naduatr St hool .\pf>io*cd * * Dl.wriUltorw'I hc * IBM Compatible 1 )iA ( onon-Mi * 1 a»ct Printing, (»iaphk.» * 1 tilling Kesumci CAROLYN CJNDY Punted text to computer hies BBEJEHBnB 7j74Si)Q illOIntfi n8i«J «J ns TYPING SERVICES Vr-3 " 344-4510 quality word processing .. .1. . r..i »,<« n»» ) uXlMU iUf2*A.'»2uIT*A*« ■'•UM Mfl* ll im V4 at I ntmmt' [ TCJ* ~5»>v *'>1 *>ei? !!»yi 1 MIS \ nth WORD PROCESSING later printing S’ . 6ft3 2'I’S *ft#r 2 pfT* 120 TUTORING MATH TUTORIALS April 12 Dead Week UH 7 30 9 00 Wr Gilbert Provided by Academic Learning Service* courtesy ol the Panhellemc and Intertraternity Council* 130 FOR SALE ( AMI RA • 'iuppIn’H I.Si) Compound bow t m ' a ,i V i*u* $*?4S Cruiser bike tor sale Almost brand new $150 Call Mark 343 6942 SALE! GRADUATING St NlOR SELLING t VE RYTMING BED TABLES DRESSE RS AND MORE - HORACE 4A*> t010 ho PETS Malamute Beautiful' Great 2 y Male iNi gotta move to L A ) $50 345 4B57 14b CARS GOVt HNM1 NT SEIZED v $100 I • Mr- mjr-N ( Nevys Surplus Buyeri Gu> Plane ticket Honda Civic >f rebuilt e uj .u- U»V i .. 342 6927 no FOR SALE MISC Mb CARS 88 VW GTI 16V rad *unfOO« aocaMant condition %7 900 obo 143 3041 PLEASE DONAT f VOUM UNWANTED CAR TO TNI FOUNDATION FOR PEACE STUDIES CALL KIN 600 HTO er** rA-’ 77 M«rt:ury Cougn Automat-< V it Of •'«**» ttfa* S'* * M " ■ n| l i 34 i *>9t ■ 79 Scuocco *»• Str'u!» , t>Atl»r> l* «*»ent -"»**<■ ' -» ■ ! . M % ' ■ • A*> Plymouth *■ .•'**>• , AM f M I'.-. ! Mi.--.' ■ t i S Hi'* '- 1 •• 464 4 lbO MOTORCYCLES/SCOOTERS FOR SAl I Honda Passport Scoolar 70CC «»(..**' \ lSii a f.plin«t< ( ah T tffany 144 M07 Honda EDI# ISO l)alu*a fllnrtf condition 1600 -.t • C4H Bill J4S 9240 Honda F T SOO Ascot 15b BICYCLES KHS TRIATHIETE • • »«. t cord'll, -n Only >' .Me' ■ •»« S •• M ' l» ‘ MUST SELL1 Blua Raiatgh K> »p«*d S« b » 3466167 19 GIANT Iguana Mountain H . ! PHASE (.Ail i AHi UMiW' SPECIAL SAl l VGA JB6S* A 106OX l ompulaM A Multi lingual software ‘>pani»h F ranch with sound International Computar Canlar S30 Oliva 14^ 64 79 WORD PROCESSOR OPUS VO ASPNtAOSHUT AN » hi! s 199 A, 1 I.rtfj VMS 130 FOB SALE MISC ,_emu-— - Recreation Center CAMPUS LOST & FOUND SALE Umbrellas 'Gloves/I Fits * Coats/Sweaters ‘Books * Mi sc. Goodies Nothing Over Three Dollars! C«ish Only (No CIhs ks) )65 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS HP 2iS programmable scientific c»ku late* «• ell literature and bee tutoring 11 SO Ufi AOO 1 170 SOUND SYSTEMS SONY CAR DISC MAN i* t- i m o** isff1 .* , i|* ». ,1 »'!»’ *4- 4,“-4 USED C D PLAYER S75 SONY•GREAT 485 3461 • PHIL 175 INSTRUMENTS E piphone acoustic ' t . .5 \ • '.h«l .4 4(1 t.’SO ' • • Slav* ’4b fifth 1 Guilin . ' i*-, ■1:;M Tana"■ 1* iff |4<"‘lr. ! i r, at 1’ **> «*4- h T yle' 341 1 1.’ John Shark ay a ■' « •’ 1 .Ill ll* Vl J »r,|. I' I ■ I ?00 TRAVEL Airfare Tickets f ugene to San E urn >t I. . - 4H4 S j;1'• KM’.n.n;.? .sag. BANGOR MAiNf * J. .-* ;OtH i!«0r>lx> *>? «ps >» s h. One xjy plan® ticket leaves Portland arrives tn San Diego June tOlh 1100 obo Can M9 .’0<>« 1 «say 1It h e t ■ i •• S’ ' ?05 WEEKEND GETAWAYS BEND COUN I MV < ABlN N • I i yM h . /-I '. ' l'*- >' ?\lj OPPORTUNITIES 1%\ PLANNING Ttf . Don t forget to Me your INTENT TO ME GIST E M . AMD The lesbian Gay Bise*uai Alliam * is now taking applications for sum mar and n«i| year s coduei to'» A A E Of Deadline May 2 3rd r:> DUCK CALL 'O HI QISTE H HY PHONt DID YOU KNOW9 you need to tile an INTI NT TO ME ivlS TI M ( AMD ’ - aMr-nd the SijMMt M >1 ;N International Student Association -»■ d A stunt ant D*?* • ■ for !*!»)! 1 n: . t -• M i. , v t ■■ A v. • I IV * f M Un t irt /) (>♦•.». t e Ml, .’lid AA ! rf|\ • V IT’S NOT TOO LATE Me you' INTI t HE (ilSTE H i AH{) » if nvon Slop by 113 C Hr: SCHOLARSHIPS/GRANTS If you art a Sophomore Junior or Senior with a 2 0 GPA or better you may apply tor a tan thousand dollar annual grant immediately t 800 327 4774 Mon F n OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES GRADUATE STUDENTS, SENIORS, PSYCHOLOGY, BUSINESS, / AND JOURNALISM MAJORS: Aj PLAN AHEAD FOR FALL TERM 'T DUCK CALL PHONE ^ REGISTRATION! Sec your adviser to plan your tall schedule he to re the end ot spring term so you're ready to register. If you need additional advising help, drop in to the Office of Academic Advising and Student Services, 164 Oregon Hall. 9:(X)-4:30, or call 346-321 1 for an appointment. ?ib OPPORTUNITIES V • \. tv FORGET ANYTHING9 IIM Ml INI'. YOUR IN T t NT TO HI UlSTf H CARO FOR SUMMf H U HM 1 • i ip.tr.' U1 Hj 1 Mitu<® coupl* a JfCt 4* . ' •>< A;i{Ju.»t »' Hi ‘»t , sip. I f *.•» >.4 * .-IX PEER ADVISORS WANTED FOR FALL 1991 '*mg J'*1 i - i»y!mg *pp*• ' Tr< - ... >.j t'i -«Ur- !, U •» 6 \ **u* itud* 'In ■' 111*.— .i* Australid and New Zealand T h« Ultimate Adventura* The ‘•tud*nl A. ii.ii.pi Hwiouit « Office mvile» Student Appln 4tron% to* VISUAL ARTSCOORDINATOR Th.-. poi.tion plan*. & tuppiviiai the .id ditpley- ti»* the t MU Gallery and Aperture Geltery thiowghout the 1**' Appi.- Alton Suit® «’ E MIJ 146 4000 Op4ili.ni> May .’8 'Ml •, AM1 i I v > A A I *t.pi. ,«-■ f iee Tuition I .»» Intocnalion ??o HELP WANTED AMAZING JOBS AVAtl AH It Immediate A Suflim*i Potiliont Available Do you have a summer job that oilers great experience and good money? If not, check if out . X. . 11.M » ... i.‘A i if f !(•" (T. mu w»,l 1 IXI Co Ta*«’ ' r , i •"'I* I N .1'1 H/. ->•< 144*83? t ARN GRT AT CASH1 M.». y * K|] ' ’ ■ J» ? l« «*»• ’J ip«*.h .wl’fU* *.V« VIXHHtle Represent t T.ffl artel f-lubtMK Company • »tr |.jh.>,t•' YVenttern l)S 18 ' V.*'1 i»r' h 1 Ioflil t ail 800 1?) 7*>*>4 T ARN MONl Y . ; i\, » l u »»>, .me jj-.ttenhai Dt>* i ' ■ - «« f «• * »\4J I ARN MONEY toad ; r- • IV' «Vlr’ •• .>me {mlentuM Detailn a >. « * • t , t * »-4.’ MANOV pe»»on about 1 houf'day T »ee loom in me* hom# vety nea< UO 4«4 MJ3 MODELS WANTED ‘ t>ft■ •».‘j• apb* Ihh.m> e*p'etiAe 1>44.’ Norlhweatem Mutual Id* ■ ... ,-.r u.f.jt w,rltIl4i Will • i ‘■ ,M ' • • ’ K f •- I MU . • 0 t " " ' n Mfiifrnat v>o an Student Technician ‘ <• ; }<• • ..,Menh J n»pamng a->;1 lld.rjt ’ j nt» available etarting June I6lh Apply now in Qt H 103 Mull have summu woifc ttudy WORK STUDY NT t 0(0 SUMMl R T * MM V ■ A Allied ?30 HOUSES FOR RENT Large House $995 10 hlh-> to i ampu* 4 ! 1 * t" i 1 . . i - } EMity a.,.!|M« June tfiih *M00 j«p-.v» (•real I hdim home . i i' YV j h • 1 n .n I*. I Small 2 bdrm $445 M) r t. •. 1 ampun laundry ptfcg * • /. . Ml 9 104 Sublet lor • •• • • ' ' ' . ... II,,,! ». *,•«*-. 14 f. . " VERY LARGE HOUSE! 3' .> block » liom cimput A) 119 4 HI 0( KS f ROM < AMPUS HELP WANTED UNIVERSITY HOUSING SUMMER CLEArSlMCi CREWS FOR RESIDENCE HALLS DUTif s A .v.hi» i a. :■•! a . .'k a ill Is h.jht ii. ippm.j v -i- Hirriin.j • mtos imij trash imaiI' j .vul trmijvin.) lumber .md fun .!u'r ■ ir.inm.) -( sIltHims shoMrf rooms and vlairwrli* making beds and I• • ir*.j mmoi maintrnam e Hf QUIRE ME NTS: * Must be A student this spiing and plan to t>e a student 1 I hr full * v , be able hi a . k arrkends and wrrkd.v, beginning lunr Hth f, hr a i Ill -i ■ j to be as ail it . a . all in basis t hfOUu t I fir ".ijminrr • Mir,! t>r able L> perform pi m • jr.l Itft.ng t/ending > a< t ng and slau < limbing in -i timely fashion * Appii* at ions to i t fv»sr ui4'i tfu L|»- I IH must b» n, , .mpar ,* 1 by a k j>rimit • ■-* md ■ if d l WAG! RAM *4.75 *5.15 HCKJR POSITIONS AVAIL AHl f Appo mrnately 200 waviinl patt hmr pnilmin beginning Junr Hth Ma< v j"iMtlnri', Mill f>r retained t i irg Jai A k f hr-». i' j L, - ,.jt th# Mill met hi.Mrvrf Ihrrr is n guai mt» rd length • >f r rnploy merit APPl Y AS FOll OWS Pi' k up appli< at lOf. pi' kff s at (If 1 . r i •• f , H> • using ()f f I* ** at fhr < • ■ t 1 5th and Aijatr St from H a r? 5pm < ompletrd appli< ati os a f>r a< < rpted at Douglas l uungr at 15th and Atjatf St a< < oulmi) t thr following v hrdulr Rfnidmif Hall Students: May 29th. 0 a.rn. J p m. All Other U of O Students: May 30th. 9 a.rn 3 p.m. All Other Students May 3 1 it. 9 a m. 3 p in. June I »t. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. A(ip ( atoms A il hr reviewed < h> nologn ally Priority may hr jivrn i tfv i .*• a ith pirv iii.ii experience • * * ■ Ili-'l t • . ' ) 1 .r . ' ,