SPORTS Ducks, others get last chance for NCAA marks By Ashley Conklin ( rru-fdld SpcaC I rHor It used to simply lie uilled the I.ast Chanr.e Open Kviin will) .1 name i hange. it's still the last ( hanc e to ijual ifv for the N't !A A ( championships known as the la-s Steers Open this year. Thursday's r> |i ill true k meet at I lay wart) f ield is set for the sole pur pose of getting people qualified for next week's NCAA meet at the same venue With midnight tonight the offii ial deadline for NCAA qualifiers, it's now or never for some of Oregon and the Northwest's top ( olleglate talent I iltingh Mime of the best lompeli linn tonight should fie in the dist.inre events kentur k\ s Hiil) Whelan and Jim kai ser w ill line up in the 1 .Still meters w ith Oregon's Shannon Femora And\ Mans and Alan Foster I hose five runners w ill all ho going for the N't AA automalu standard of t ■) 1 ri0 with sorin' help from loral runners sin li as Mike HI,ii kmore and |mi Hill Foster and Femora have both pros i sionallv qualified for the 1 > (Hit) tonight he can sc Dalton would rather run the 5,000 at the N( 'AAs Another distance race to kee p an eve1 on IS the t out) meter steeplechase lea luring Oregon's Tve V'an (8 44 021 and (denisons David Witt man. who has run ft 47 5H this season Both are provisional c|ualifiers hut are shooting for an automatic standard ol ft 4 t 00 I.emora is also looking to lower his personal ree ord ol 1 1 . in the HIM) in .in attempt to go iielou the automatic standard of 1 17 50 (Ither Ducks looking lot automatic cpia I dying marks are the 4 \ 100- meter re lav tram of Devon Hosev. Mil haei Mi Clendon. Hob (Irav and Ronnie llam*. (,r,n m the 110-meter hurdles Art Skip per in t h e j a v e I i n a ml Nick Anastassiades in the hammer (,rav w ill no against teammate Mu hammad Oliver .uni Washington's Dana Hall hi the 110 11tirilies and could possi Ills (nine back later in the 4011-meter hurdles I'he \( AA automatic times in both are 1,1 71! and all 70. resprctivclv Anastassiades will be aiming tor the automatic (|ualitier ol _*05 1 m the ham liter against a field that includes Ore gun s Si ott Mi (lee and local throwers Mike Fritchman and |im Driscoll \nastassiades has a season best and I’K ol JOJ I SPRINT N O ANDERSON’S Anderson’s carries the sporting goods for your spring athletic needs! Running shoes W dr m ups Tennis equipment Backpacking equipment Running tights Swimwear > a Sunglasses .drui much more! ANDERSON'S SPOTTING SAl I M • At MANY • CORVALLIS oooos 199 W. 8th, Eugene IUGL'Nf 484-7344 t ALL IK4VS TRAVEL A FULLSERVICE AGENCV 1 FARE WAR! Take advantage of our low air fares today. cast Coast l.o5i Angeles 5*3 58.00 $238.00 Midwest San Francisco $3 18.00 $2 58.00 Travel mull be completed by September SO. t 99 I tickets must be purchased before June 1. 1991. Seven day advance purchase required. Conveniently located inside the END 'ALL WAYS TRAVEL 346-1491 Woody Allen By Eric Lax WOODY ALLEN o A BIOGRAPHY ver the past 20 years on the set. in the editing room, anti at home Woody Allen has been talking about his work and his life with Eric Lax 1 he result is 1 ax's superb biography of the incomparable filmmaker and actor the most candid and close up portrait ol Allen we have yet had. as well as an extraordinary look into the mind and feelings ol an aitist at work Here is the transformation ol the shy Brooklyn boy who hated school but worshipped the mm les into the artist renowned and admired worldwide. Here is the immutable voice ol Woody Allen in hitherto unpub 11shed letters, in early "stand up" material, in scripts in progress Here is Allen on his childhood, on his Borscht Belt apprenticeship, on his career in ‘50s television writing for Sid Caesar and others, on his reluctant, arduous rise as a comic, his discovery of his essen tial talents, his musics from B'hat's New Pussycat.’ to Crimes iirnl Misdemeanors to films now being created Here is Allen talking about Louise Lasser, Diane Keaton, and Mia f ar row. about his children, about his recent work. the work he wants to do in the future, and about the artistic vision that has com pelled him throughout his career. GENERAL BOOK DEPT. ShCOXD HOOK 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7 30-6 Sat 10 00-6 nnmintBiU! I AI. IIM ] $t1€1 §! SUCH A DEAL! ONLY $5 FOR 1” AD $10 FOR 2” AD Be . reetive Write dra* or stamp your message Design it on your computer' Your friends *>11 love it1 To A^y Birds' BuJ m »ui 8u ‘ *idcu*i 3 HURRY! DEADLINE: 1PM WED, MAY 29 APPEARING: FRIDAY, MAY 31 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your tan when you want it1 SunShower on campus wnn • •>« i ink IWun ►» >Ma >