SPORTS The sports world is filled with stupidity today I am \itv thunktul ()rngon doesn t have .1 nirxi tv baseball team that would lie in V \ \ regional and national tournament plaV this season I w tsh tin’ I )tn ks did have a baseball team hut that s another point I'he \( ,\.\ in its infinite Wisdom; handed rims n an other major ruling lilts week w hen it der ided that hasehall p la vers would hi1 prohibited from (die wing to bar i o during tournament games I in not making this up l he NCAA continues to go after little tiny tilings that have nothing to do with upholding the integrity ol college athlete s Instead the \( AA likes to waste its time money and resources to "outlaw lobar co and pro hibit some si bool w ith a bum h of In pens from min petirig m tile Nl AA soccer pi.noils tor the next live years Hul it 1 ill at t'NIA 1 i an c heat lie and do whatever I want that's illegal and continue to go to the \( \A basketball tournament lies I hate Hobtn Hurley as much .is anybody, but I had to root lor Duke against Vegas in this veai s tournament ( all it sweet redemp tion Anarchy reigns m college athletu s these days and the NCAA is obviously the ringleader Hut there are stupider tilings in the athletu world From the Sidelines In VS1M 1 Y ( ONKI IN the MAX .uul its (lii i s n >11 to outlaw l >.i •.«•! >.i 11 players from i mg lobarao Xitel .{ i ouple of iliauspit Kills seasons vv ilh the Seal lie Seahawhs (Ilian Mosworth is mm a movie stai Mosworth lias Ins own him otil now Sionr I old Ke ports trom the movie s prndtii ers imluale that the name ol the movie H.isill t Ik ill K It t up h\ wall li I nyt Ho | o kson run river Mosworth in the hiugdome for a lour hdow n in 1*1HH Mayhe they were referring lo Mosworth s brain when they named the movie Well I guess he isii I that stupid sim.e lie Is < oiler ting all ol the insurant e mourn from his foothall injury hut lie was oliv lotisly never the looth.ill talent people thought he was Hv making this movie win* h required several months to ftnafi/e Mosworth has lasted almost as long ill the 11Im industry as he did ill the \I I The latest i r.i/.r m ihc NBA involves Portland Hla/er ri'M'tvi' ( lift Kobinson and 111•- headbands It's nut < lift that s stupid, its Ins Ians Have vun s<*• *n those ii i year old M inor i iti/ens at Hla/et plavolt Kami's that arc part of the ( litl fan i lub ’ They re the mild mannered sort w ho en|oy then i turn h Inngo and motor homes until ( Iiff enters a game I lien the\ take out their red white 01 hlai k headbands to slims then sti|>11.>11 toi the huddiiiK Bla/.er stai Ilieie s nothing wrong ss 11Ii tan support hut how n dn ulous is it to see tlraudma Moses putting mi that headband for the delight ot Hla/ei I aide ' II that was ms grandmother. 1 think I d have hei in the Shads I’ines retirement home in a sei ond (IK the /■ niera/i/'s not immune to mistakes and Ves I ss as the one svho reported that ( lieRon ' Muham mad Olivet sson the I'ai ilu 111 ( onterenie high lump title i lea n ok ' > when in lai t. he on I v ' lea red 7 O' < Her a use ot the enormous respei t student nesvspa pers ns else as professional piihlit ations ss e svere tori ed to use \ssoi lated Press ss ire results to put to nether our stories results that had Oliver i lennng feet a on lies the same height the \1‘ also had ( all forma's Kevin Keane i leartng So noss sou hums where I got the 7 ri figure Am I Intler' Not at all Ducks seeking additional NCAA qualifiers tonight By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Reporter For manv Oregon athletes it is their Iasi i lianr.e l or all of the Oregon ath letes, it is the I.ast ('.haiu e nought's Steers Last ( ham e ()pen .it a p m at 1 lav w ard I lelii represents the Dinks' last opportunity to gel either provisional or automatic qualifiers hu the Nt A \ ( ham pionshtps at Hayward next w eek "We’ve got people in k every event who il they Ini il reailv really right could sneak inlo the meet,' Oregon (loach Tom lleinonen said Tonight .it midnight is the deadline foi all collegians to rpialik either provisionalh m automatic all v lor the NCAAs (loaches will rec en e phone calls Saturday night d then provisional qualifiers make it into the national champion ships. I ietnonen said We re |usl going to go and do the best we c ail and then wait tor the phone call Sallir da\ night ' he said It it rings, that means somebody got in If it doesn't ring you're a bridesmaid Among those who have pro visionalk qualified and will c oinpete tonight are high jump ei Diuod Huberts heptathlcte kelly Ulair shot put and disc us thrower |ulie Bee k >.000 meter runner Nicole Woodward, 'too meter runner Camara Jones and 100-meter runner Rosie Wil I iti ms ' l-aurvl's un the bubble in the high |ump Heuioneii said of Huberts. whose best pimp this season is siv teet The best tiling she c an do is jump anything over siv leel It she'd jump ti O' > she'd get in Both |ones and Blair are high on the prov isional lists but Ifeinonen s.nd Woodward and Bei k would have to impruve on tlleir season bests at tile l.ast ( bam e to make tile \l \ As Metric milers 11 >00) t arid llolrnen and Knka Klein. |ave lin thrower Kelly Kempt and W illiams in the JIM) meter run have not provisionally i|uali tied but stand the greatest ( banc e ol doing so tonight I leinonen said 'll sbi' gets any kind ol aid mg wind at all and (eels right lleinontin said ot Williams she's certainly c apable ot run mug J I JO and that II get bei into tile meet ill the JIM) Iteinonen added that a throw ot tl>J feet tor Kempt and times under a JO in the 1 >00 toi both llolrnen and Klein would be re quired lor them to get a good enough spot on tin- provisional list tor an \( A A Irerth l it her i oriipet itors in to night's meet will be former ( it egon stars Annette Betels and la/ Wilson and Mozambique high si bool eve (range student Maria Mutola in the 1 >00 Ore gon ravelin throwers Paula Bei ry and Kim Hyatt and )ulic Bright the Oregon school re i ord bolder in the long jump Cavanaugh named all-American Oregon lust baseman Julie Cavanaugh was named to the first team all America softball team Wednesday by the Nation al Softball Coac hes Assoc la tion Cavanaugh was earlier lion ored this season w ith her third straight appearanc os on the first team all f’.tc ific -10 Confer enc.e team and the’ first team all West Regional team. Cavanaugh led the I’.u 10 111 four individual categories this |iasl season. including hatting average | 4HU|, runs stored (44|. hits (74| .mil stolen liases {J 4 ! Cavanaugh also set si hool records in runs hits and stolen bases One of five (list team all Americans from the Pai 1(1, Cavanaugh was a set mid team all American selection a year ago Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUND in the classified section Capable. Affordable. Adaptable. Affordable. Transportable. Affordable. 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