SPORTS Club hockey team sets sights on next season By Lyle Crouse tmi>>aidCon|nhuto( Aftur <>111\ one season dI lull i ont.u I hoi key hits gained thi' attention of its West (oast opponents. Oregon's ( luh Sports loam might hi' i mating its mi n ii c .in*' W lii'ii hoi key si .ison whs ovi'f I thought l il hiivi' two months when I didn't have to think .ihont hoi key s.iul ( o.h h Miki' Solxil "Hut within two days of our hist game. I ".is >4«'t1111rl i .ills from ti'.ims who wanted to play us lu st VI'.II Hi'i .nisi- ol sui h inti'ri'st SoImiI anil othi-r i ollege i o.u In's .in' working hard to form a league for next season Were trying to put tIn* si heduling togi'thnr to maki' this work Sohol said of thi' league. whii h i urri'iitly im Indus Oregon Washington (ion/.aga ( olora do Stall' < aliforina Berkeley and Sail ) o si • Statu Sohol is already making plans for thu wuukund of Nov IS w hen Oregon hosts ( oloradii Statu for two gamus W e re prutty sure thu freedom Howl is still flush in thu minds of Dm k fans so were thinking alaiut a liuedom Howl II Im said, rufurring to thu footfiall teams to it loss to thu Hams in thu l't'M) I reeilom Howl Anyonu who brings I'reodom Howl mumorahilia to a Colorado Statu gamu will pay low or t u kut pru us As Oregon i .(impetus against ustah lished tuams sui h as t olorado Statu in turust m its program grows I uam lap tain Si oil llrown said tliruu < anadian studunts who playud at thu liimoi If lev id havu expressed inturusl in attundmg thu I 'mvursity and playing for ( iregon I Photo hi |r(! P««Ut Defenseman ( hris Hoffman (right} tuts past a defenceman during one of the Oregon ( lid) Hot ke\ team \ games this season Drown founded the team two seasons ago when l^tne < ountv In' was com pleted Wlii'ii the fa< iht\ opened Drown leinenihereil past ( Olivers, it tuns with other student', who missed playing hoc ke\ Their common interest led them to (duh Spurts ,md the team was horn I here was never a t onsi lentimis de i isiun to do this Brown said It just sort of mirar ulousK happened Hut thr tram soon Ins ame a full time project for Drown who spent the first season as team i oordmatoi < oar h and player I wanted this to he my rontrihution to the t niversity something that would lie here when I was gone he said You don't often get .1 chance to do that " Oregon s first season was spent in <1 c it\ league in which no ( flecking eras allowed This season the team moved up to full i ontac I intercollegiate hoc ke\ •ind finished with .1 4 t> 1 rec ord \ welcome addition in the second season was Sobol. whom Brown c ailed a godsend If we had wished for a c oac h. an ide ,d coai h it would he him." Brown said "His persona coinc ides directly with the team’s Sobol. whose c oac long philosophy in eludes giving quality placing time to eac li member of the team, set three goals for the program when he bec ame c oac h establish team 1 amaraderie. have fun and give every player a c hance to im prove Oregon will have many opportunities to build on those goals next season, when it expects to play < lose to 20 games We will be playing a nun h more dif tic ult and longer sc hedule next season." said Sobol lie has added two new goals tor his players in the upcoming season: rise to the higher level of competition and pro mote hockey to the community Bv involving the community. Sobol and Brow n hope to entertain large home c row els and erase a hockey stereotype "I think to a lot of people, especially in Kugene and in the Northwest where they're not exposed much to hoc key, it is pen eived as an exhibition of fighting whit h is a shame." Brow n said f ins pen option of hockey being played bv a bunt h of goons, that's w hat we want to put to rest." Sobol said We want the public to understand that fighting is not w hat we re about Photo Opportunities 3-PACK FUJI FILM 100. 200 SPEED NOW ONLY 9.99 - s10.99 ALL ANSCO CAM-ERAS 20% OFF FUJI DL-120 REG. 109.95 SALE 89.95 SAVE s20.00 FUJI 500-200rn REG. 289.95 SALE 259.95 SAVE s30.00 ■ iiifiiiiiiii iimiirmnf ■ mil | Offer I good I !>'2V91 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE PHOTO ENLARGEMENT S A L E 5x7 - ONLY 99c 8x10-ONLY s1.99 11x14-ONLY s3.99 J ENTER YOUR PHOTO NOW IN OUR ANNUAL PHOTO CONTEST! [Come In And Vote For Your I Favorite Photos On May 11-25 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 Qet the word out with an QDE classified Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD's FROM SS 95 TAPES FROM $2 95 \-fc In the Fifthpearl Building 20^ £ ‘jth Avenue : • 343-9000 ! We ship your stuff home! St 1 to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos. TVs St Insured, custom packing a" Boxes for sale St UPS, Emery. Motor Freight 2705 Willamette Street • 344-3106 (convenient parking)