Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 23, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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Hearing focuses on proposed fee hikes
By Tammy Batey
f met aid Reporter
Round two of the hearings on proposed fee in
creases took plat e Tuesduv afternoon and it lea
lured a more understanding audient e than the
first round on May 7
Moth hearings were on amendments to the I hit
versity s permanent administrative rule on spe
t i.ll fees, toil's penalties anti seiv it e i liarges
These amendments int lode fee itu reuses in a va
riftv of departments and sen, ii es
(ihervl I.anilauer. propertv spet lalisl for the
( tdlege ot Human Development and Perfor
■nance, said she supported ini reuses in equip
men! fees
I let a use Landauer's depaitmen! can no longei at
fortl to take on .the''financial burden ot tost in
creases themselv es she said
I hese iff imtimm's .ire very rxpl.im.inif
I.undatier s.ml "Ue must i urne mil of the red
lor the i:\ll Child l .ire ( filter, increasing
lusts was a in.liter of preserving ipialilv. said
Dennis Rev nolds (Ihild (lure ( oordinntor
We dei idfd to increase fees instead of dilute
the (pialitv of services Reynolds said
Students have had the chain e to provide their
ininit on the fee ini reases the i fold i are f.u ditv is
proposing he said
()t tfie P) voting members of tfie I Aft Child
( .ue and Development (enters I’arenl Counsel.
It are I! n i vers it \ students Reynolds said
Parents ol i hildren who ret five ( are at the i eh
ter also believe tile increases are ai I epl.ihle he
I ’arent users have had the opportunitv to i om
incut about the increases and they think tliev re
.more than worlh it for the serv n es Ihev rebelve
Rev Holds said
Emerald to kill ASUO in softball clash
Ml I I l\CS
OSI’lKli rei vt ling meeting is
.it a to |> m in tin1 I All ' Hoard
Alpha kappa Delta meeting
i1' .it ti p in in I All (filar
Room (
Et als
Circle k International meet
inn Is at 7 p in in KM11 ( filar
Room A
Racial Advocacy (iroup lor
Kquality meets at -1 to p m in
KMI! ( f nturv Room K
I.atin American and ( aribhe
an student organization meets
at r> 4a |i in
The ASUO Kxecutive will
lose to the Oregon Daily I’mtT
<</</ news stalf ill softball loda\
at a tl) p III
The film "Romero, the slo
rv of Salvadoran Ari hbisliop
(Isiar Romero's struggle for
justice for Ins people, vs ill he
shown at 7 .1(1 p ill in IM( Stu
dm H I hi* show mu is s|n>n
sored liy ( imi erned l.u ultv Im
I’imi r and justu <■
The film I ,is Mat! res The
Mothei ill tlir I’l.i/.i M.ivn tin
stmv id Argentinian mothers
who joined together to protest
the xi)vei iiini'nt , is being
shown In Women for I’imi r at
H til p in in tin- I All ' Hell I in
dot Room
Robert Smith et unoinii s
professor, will speak on "The
Stories llehintl Wine lailmls ,it
7 |) m in Room t 12 (filbert
The film "Who Killed Vm
tent ( Inn''' will be shown In
the Asian Pat ifii Ameruan
Student Onion at 7 III p in in
the IMI’ Oak Room Hie (dm
dm uinents the Killing ot Vin
i en! ( Inn ill the hands id a
t ihrvsler foreman
The Christian S< ietu e Col
lege Organization is sponsor
ing a lei tore titled "What It Is
and What It Isn’t about Chris
tian Si iem e, at 7 p 111 111 the
1 All ’ Hen lander Room
The Outdoor Clinu is spun
soring an off road riding skills
i link at ti to p m in the ()ut
dour Program room
Marlin ll<i\ ies c. (siting sc i
enlist from the linguistii s and
plnlosnpln department ,cl Ml I
will speak on (uigmtive \cm
ropsu hologs and (lie I’lnloso
pin of Mind at 7 p in in
Room .’ I-I (,lllii'll rhe spire li
is sponsored In the I'hilosophv
I he f Ml ( HiId ( are and De
velopment ('enters is sponsor
11a c hildren s spring c eiehra
lion i (insisting of music and
storv felling fin presi hooters
from I to fi p ill III flu- I All ' I ir
The film Memories of I’n
ilerileveloprnenl based on
Kdmilllllo Desnnes novel de
pil ling < uhaii sor ictv before
and aflet flic revolution, will be
shown In, the Uifin Amerii an
Support ( aunriiillee at 7 p m in
Room 1 ifl l dlbert
"How to Survive a Softball
Mauling Our Story" e. tbe ti
lb1 of an open forum to be c on
(lulled b\ the ASl'O Kxe« utive
tonight aftei Its ill fated softball
game with the Oregon D.nll
/ niera/d new s stall
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