V V RESPONDING ToTtitRASH OF ViotENf CRiMK (tfHimD RV tX'CHltD TV CELEBS; CflfWRESSJN AN uWAEn!S^^ landmark BRADV BUN BILL , V>V C- - f * » - 1 '***• % LETTERS Weak speak In response tu Sloven | Weidem.in's letter {ODE May 17| regarding the groek system .is .1 steadfast " vanguard of tradition and patriotii Amen can values a target of the hlame Amerii a lust lobby I would strongly offer that he speaks for himself only and not the entire greek system Ihe greek system has truly diverse people within it ton trarv to what some people he lieve Not everyone i (insiders anti war protesters "avowed enemies Surprise, surprise Some of us even pailit ip.ited in anti wai protests One is led to wonder how such idiot it assumptions i an he made based on sin h a large i (immunity The greek system does not speak with one voice, lust as the whole student body doesn't vote with one hollot Next time Weideman should replai e Ins "we" with "I," and not speak tor .ill of us unless he knows eai.h and every single one our politiial beliefs I ndy it is this kind of outright, unin formed, outrageously over gen eralized stupidity whii h gives a whole community a bad name I urge t fi.it the next time Ueidman speaks pufilii ly on ac( ount of a group, he must re ali/.e tfi.it Ins voire is only one weak v\ itfl misunderstand mg at th.it lie should speak foi himself Angela Dean f ine Arts Liberal labeled Bless me fellow liberals, for I have sinned from what 1 gather after reading several letters dt*s( rib mg liberals 1 realize that I have none of the necessary trap pings Steven | Weideman 101)1-.', May 17) posits that liber als are nose-ring wearing, tie dyed barbarians (Ihris Ribeiro {()1)E. May H) notes the characteristii "un washedfaces" of those with left-wing affiliations I've seart hod my room and found no Grateful Dead albums, no Birkenstocks. no drug para phernalia. and horror of horrors — soap. forgive me for I have errone ously fostered the notion that I can align myself with liberal causes and wore my wing-tip shut's \h w .trtiitil>t■ hullavs tin ohv iuus conserv at ism ['llink ut the frightening pus slIlllllH's it UC liberals Were .11 lowed tu dress find wash like normal tulks Uhv. une e a supporter ot through his i lose mmdedness Uorrer t me if I'm mistaken, hut wasn't the United States brought into existence hec ause of unrest? Seeking to better the government system is perhaps the most patriot!! form of ex pression know 11 I take insult at the insinua turn that liei arise I participated in tlie anti Unit war protest that I am anti American Is seeking to protect the lives of all our soldiers unpatriotii ' I don't think so In theory, the greek system is not that had of an idea, but in prat tu e is deserving of nothing save contempt I'he stereotyp mg attitude present in Weide man's letter is one oi the rea sons To suggest that bee ause I am pierced I automatically hold certain views is absurd Does Weideman think that cart urnci sion defines one as Jewish’’ Of course not Ot a clue |oel Smith Student Pestfest Folkfust. what a splendid idea A p 1 lit i* :s hfif flit' t niver sil\ i ommunitv i .iii i umi‘ .uiil Piste exotic fond Irum I.missus pi.it rs and listen In u i miln lul alter Hilt nr must! Yeah right Hon alum! Pestfrst > What a horrible iijt’ii A tlin-i' Has period m which all “I the dorms sm rounding what used in hr thr beautiful I All lass n (now the I Ml’ mud pit I grt In dral with a .’4 hour lot k lip and smiling Is i oust,ml musir prnrlial mg thr dorm room walls \ftri listrnmg to that r.u ket lor a das and a half I ssas reads to kill rsrrs inudiosrrrd person urg mg thr hands on and on and on I’rrsonalls I had a prrtts bliss ssrrk prior to I'rstlrst I ssas looking forward to a less moments 111 quirt Not the whole weekend hut |ust for a little while loo mm h to ask? 1 guess so W ould sve pul a ro< k i uni rrt ut thr middle ol an apartment complex? No, I don't think so rspn tails not a ihrred.ts line So sshs pul I’rstlrst III the mill die of the dorrns, why not somrss here more suitable. like Hell7 After .ill, that's what ms room felt like for those three das s Krii. (larlson Student Dance delight It s Im’i’II awhile sun r I en |oyed watching modern dam r as mill h as I did al thr I nisei sits Student I lance (.oncer! last weekend I went on Saturday night to watch what I expected to lie some mediocre entertain ment-on-n budget Instead I found myself totally dazzled with the talent, creativity, and originality that ssas displayed The i oncert featured seven dances created entirely hv the students Isai h one ssas a gem; ssell com eiveil, ssell implr merited entertaining, provoca tive and thoroughly enjoyable While I had a i ouple of stand out favorites, any ot these dances i mild he performed pro fessionallv and would delight audiem es every ss here In short, this ssas a real treat Thanks to all you dam nrs and choreographers (and instruc tors?) who put on such a won derful slum 1 hen kndor (■raduate student Oregon DAILY EMERALD P ( 1 B“* 'I '*• J u(tw I Wrfim * Ifl' Tri»‘ v "*• joo 0.»•'/.! '*'»*• i- 1 i•> ; i:r ■ ’ i M. f < i.i, • t»pl >1.0 >ny «»« v' »f.j .itu •, t > fh«.Oft»g» f I hr University *ith offices on the thud ' « ' ’• !h«» Eft) MfVI I ’ r ! *; .1 fV»«fT»tV** Of t hr AsIih iUftH.1 Press The l '••'■.a >.! *. lif . • -iHfft y The i »** s i' •fill. ».i! •. > till* of 'i prosefut Managing Editor t ditorial F d»tor PoIHk: • f ditor Graphic* Editor Supptamant* F di In Touch l ditor tor I dltCW A .■ W*'n> r r ( ?•• ->!! t f'r' H'.i'' Hot) Ji >f‘ »V u1d M*»fh YI tv' l4‘, '«* l jMfllfi A("U Hrm{xv t* N#w* tditof t ditcxlal l dMoi SpOfU f ditoi &nt«ftamm«nt t ditoi Suppl*rTH>nt% A*»t Id Ntyht f dltof C h n n HounoM Pa! Mdi Raporltrt * .in ' » IMIp, «*■ *• fin fir i1' B" f' Rr'tif On* ( .» • t ,*»*i«* (>r"',**tt K l>» .?•>;« .1 M •• j « M ; *• Ming • U uj. •. . e ilir. .« J.i'.i , T r app* Wotx'r Photographers t t . .1 . A !>•* M.r Advertising K , Aunt*- * M i > Ho,n.!.!■,»• f i ■ (V«»r Kuth* t. 5 •• M 1 i. i 11 1 - *. * (fti i |■ M • . M l Mm rmi.i Mar, S I .!«•• • hath* Smith F • n|. St' !h«o Classified ;■;> M W.i .• ’ r • . M M • ’ »• » *M '. ’ Business Kathy - t>r . * . , 1> ( > Produc lion • « ' • i ’ i ‘ < • *• A •n«- m. | M a - ,i All-. «• < ,ir'v It-los Ch-M '•-r-ifi (•'•la** CV>i p * ’ h (,onnr.* I nor Susan Mr , J ... M • Mi !.|. , M • • •'■i ['.-I M... l f A .1 H«mN> hi, Jennif•»r Hi>i,imiJ f)i /> H, -.s Jennifer »t»»1 f» Anno Sl0pht»n*u >n Stove Sa-., ! ,:<*i feir T * . • Mr - AjUi- T .! 1 VV> 11. am *. General Manager Pr(x1uclK)« M4n«g«( NnvviKim Office f rod uc f ion J46 SM 1 346 I 301 Adv«rtt*irvg Di*erto< Display Advertising Classified Advertising 146 37 W 146 4 14,1 ATTENTION STUDENTS: We are pleased to announce that we have recently signed a contract with the Uni versity of Oregon —to give ^ou Moving Services at a Discount Rate! GO ANYWHERE SERVICE: Local, long distance and International Lite , • Ask About Our Moving and Storage 683-5453 2380 W. BROADWAY mOCRAM THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON kvwi.'* MX. rvi lou'. WlUO.WKVIt U IV>, ha-, h*t platf* V up xrvJ gone to h«-l! f iL". Dung beetle neighborhoods