EDITORIAL Higher ed lobbying should shift gears The future of tuition surcharges and f.i< ultv salary increases currently rests in the hands of the state l.egis lulu re's Ways and Means (Committee The committee is considering putting higher ed funding at the top of its list of programs slated to receive more money it the st.ite gets extra revenue List week, the committee made a vsish list of the higher ed programs it would fund with up to $ mil lion if that money became available Othei programs sin h .is the corrections sy stem were given similar lists Now. the committee must lie persuaded to put higher ed funding at the top of its overall priority list lor the add-hai k funds Therefore the AM '() has shift ed its lobbying campaign of lellei writing personal visits, and phone r ails to the membeis ol ibis p.ulir nlai committee To slims legislators that higher ed alter Is people (voters) bum all areas ol the stale, the AS! () is urging students to contact legislators tiom districts in their hometowns in Oregon rather than then representatives Irum Ivtlgene The toll-free phone to Salem is |-ltOO-.')27*73H?l. The address is. The Honorable (/egis/wfnr s name) Oregon State ( apitol Salem. OK fl7:tl(l I cgislative leaders: I,ally f '.miphell. I)lsl t I l-.ugene Salem |un Sen \\ .ty ne I aw i nisi i I )i si JH I h mi I Kiy n Sen I on I lannnu Ihsl M> Ashland Sen l.airy Hill. Disl ‘I Springfield Kep I 11ftmi lohnson llisl .1 Medluid Kep Ili'iim |otu*s Ihsl till (Inl.ino Sen (ii.ittan Keians Ihsl .'(I Ktigene Kep |ohn Mmnis Ihsl i I’oilland Sen I rank Koherls llisl o I'lirfl.mil Sen ( lift !'row Disl IH. I i n y all is Sen biibSliipi.uk Disl 'I biayeilun Kep Mae Mh llisl 1 ■ i \lh.uiv WHAT'5 ALL THE ru55^ /ANIMAL ex P£ R IaaEmt— AT/OAJ 5AV£ 5 HUMAnI hives A/HD W£'RE TA£ MOST ^i^portamt thing on earth, Right7 j ■ “ If r-77 ^ LETTERS All he can be Sun «• I i (iim* to tin* I 'ms nisi ts three years ago I have I men verbal Iv assaulted at Insist 1(1 limns, including .1 death imply mg tlirn.it .uni .in attempt to run inn iivui .it .1 i .impus ( rosssvulk Mv organization 's office tins boon vandalized three limns I’ve linen st.ilml .it . il Isi I lnnil.lt nil against III the Si lllk pi.Il n .uni made to leel unwell nine .it parties. Ii.its nt( Most ol this has hnen at the hands of ms Ini loss students Mans of these ai Is base linen bei aiisn of snap judgments based on the length of ms ban or the (lollies that I ssnai So much bn toleraiK n and disnrsi ts Though persei uled and dis (.unlimited against 1 graduate While ms university evperi ence sounds pretts nasty 1 (ant lease svithuut saving thank sim to a numher ol peo pie on 1 ampus ss ho am sun ere in thi'ii beliefs tolerant of olli ims h,ni' Intelli'i lu.ilh stimu I.iIimI mi1 exhibit .i low fin tliiMr work .mil .in enthusiasm tin If.ii lung and students Ms I I'humas, (11 I U riling. Profs ()rr and Humphrey. (leologv. Profs bishop and \aff 1 iig lish; I'rof Vurevioh. Russian; I'lnl ( aslle I listorv. and Prof ( baney Anthropology Iliese pi'uple have more Ilian made up lor the intolerant e and mindlessness here And lest I iorget, I must also th.nik thu program that lias i hal longed nit' the most intollei tu ally pinsu alls and mentalls It has made ms cdm ation possible, and has given me friends I ss ill i arrs svith me through my ness lift* that be gins June 'I when I am < ommis stoned a 11 S Anns l!nd I,ten ten,ml Levs is Dos le K()l( LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topic s of interest to the 1 :m\ersitv community Tetters to the editor must he limited to no more than 250 words legible, signed and the identification of the writer must he verified when the letter is submitted. I he Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style FORUM Greek reputation suffers from individual actions By Craig Namba lusl .is \miTh .1 li.is l.vndon l..i Kihii In' ll\f greek svstim li.is .1 sin,ill minoriU ulmsc v iew pi unis are mi e\ t rente lli.it th«-\ arc .ilimisi impossible in lake sennusK I’llclr tpirsl Ini i nmplclu ,lilIll-rum u In nlre sul nl liti ,il-. snullls like ii vvoulil sun cud in i tradiliunallv mn sen .ilivu em .Innmelll sill h .IS the greek s\ stem Commentary Huuevei as the snilvi titles I lie limes llie\ are a i hangm It is nu surprise that most people, both part of tile system ami nut lielleve all greeks are t onservative haul lilt urs with selfish disregard Ini sui i.il responsibility Alter all. nun h of this i nwntry s husiliess elite aiul government leaders are members of fraternities nr mi unities Hut the environment tod.n s greeks tvere raised m differs go-ally trum previous ones 1 nr the most part SM* sverr taught tolerant r (if *;l cl beliefs ■uuf lh.it (icing ,i x <>1 tradi linn i .111 hr dam*. 'tin is sx.ll .is stu |llll ! it done hlilldis I’hon* are many irwl,, is who. lor mu' reason ur another hold grudges against flecks tor liugels unsupported reasons Hies are enemies oi tin1 s\ stem in tin- harmless scum*, svho limit then .tH.it ks tn ciiitori.il letters ami dirts looks rill'll' .lie also those sx ho take out their aggression h\ vandalizing greek houses rites are mercls i rtmlnals sx ho don’t possess enough intelligent e to do aus thing else IVihups the greatest enemies the greek sS stein has ale xxitlllll (.ret'ks x\ ho knowingly oi tinknoxx irtgls do things that reflet I on the entire system .lie thous..n.l .il times more destrili live to the greek system than alls other ’en emies sxe max has e nose ringed oi not So. mans times the good the greeks have done tor the umununiiv and tin* 1 'nivnrsity has been forgotten fret ause lit some incident involving one greek do ing something stupid licit however is tin* ii.sk tin- system l.ikes When you allow anyone to join and Irecome involved allowances may be made tor the or ivisional aberrallolls I In ideas it tolerance and diversity must he upheld That is yyhv in today's greek system you can tinil vieyypoints from every point on the spe< truin hir er.il to ( onsei v ally e \s for the integrity ot the In terlraternity < mini il and our duty to the gieek system yy e acknowledge that there are some who (relieve we do not tairly represent their r lery s They would Ilka you to believe that the count ll sets the agenda and runs the meeting Wrong We are i ommitted to doing vyh.it the chapter presidents and representatives determine is best for the system Some times admittedly it is necessary to midge the system along the path that is the soi ial|y responsible one lint for the most part \\ i* an- uith lilt’ tools with whii h the chapter members ami prest dents take the system into the future Hie greek svstem has provided a "bulwark against unrest and suhvet sion We have done so several times the ( umpaign of lectures on Nat tal Sen sitivity, a gay lesbian bisexual Creek roundtable IMPACT programming tlie list goes on It all depends on what von believe to he unrest and subversion We the Interfraternitv Council, ofli • tally speaking on behalf ol the entire greek svstem. believe that out efforts to promote diversity and tolerance of all viewpoints values and beliefs are the mainstream Working for these aims is actively preventing the demise of our svstem Everyone is entitled to then opinions Mo matter how extreme. ( ratg \,unba is publii relations chair in.in /or the Inft'rti.ih'niit\ Ctnint il